[lac-discuss-en] RESULTS VOTES: NomCom 2009/2010 Appointment Balloting

salgueiro.jo at gmail.com salgueiro.jo at gmail.com
Tue Sep 15 10:15:25 CDT 2009

[[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]

Subject: Re: RESULTS VOTES: NomCom 2009/2010 Appointment Balloting
From: salgueiro.jo at gmail.com

Very been thankful to all again by its support 
Jose Ovid 
The 15 of September of 2009 08:21, Antonio Medina Go'mez < 
amedinagomez at gmail.com &gt; wrote: 
> Congratulations to Jose Ovid nuevamente.A Andrés thank you very much by his > explanation. Very diligente! > Antonio Medina Go'mez > President > Colombian Association of Users of Internet > > 2009/9/15 Andres Piazza <andrespiazzagpj at hotmail.com> > > &gt; > &gt; > &gt; Congratulations Jose Ovid! > &gt; > &gt; By the way, I believe that an explanation in Spanish for this is pertinent > &gt; list on the operation of the selections. > &gt; > &gt; Votaron 12 of the 15 members of ALAC. > &gt; > &gt; When there are 2 candidates, as in the case of the representative > Latin American, > &gt; expresses preferences. > &gt; > &gt; Each member of ALAC puts a 2 number a 1 to that it prefersand number a > &gt; that puts in second order. > &gt; > &gt; That obtains less puntaje at the end of the selection, is the one who is > &gt; winning. > &gt; > &gt; In any case, I consider of extreme importance that has been respected > &gt; recommendation generated in LACRALO. > &gt; > &gt; Warm Greet!
 ings, > &gt; Andrés Piazza > &gt; President of LACRALO > &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; -----Message d'origine > &gt; &gt; &gt; Of: alac-announce-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org [ mailto:alac- > &gt; &gt; &gt; announce-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org ] Of part of AT-Large > Staff > &gt; &gt; &gt; Envoyé: mardi 15 septembre 2009 12:40 > &gt; &gt; &gt; À: alac-announce at atlarge-lists.icann.org > &gt; &gt; &gt; Objet: [ ALAC-Announce ] VOTES RESULTS: NomCom 2009/2010 Appointment > &gt; &gt; &gt; Balloting > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Dear all, > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; With 12 out of 15 ALAC Members having voted in the recent NomCom > &gt; &gt; &gt; 2009/2010 > &gt; &gt; &gt; Appointment Balloting we dog confirm that the results plows quorate. > The > &gt; &gt; &gt; balloting was anonymous. > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; ******************** > &gt; &gt; &gt; 1. AT-Large Delegate to the NomCom from Africa > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Would you like to nominate Yaovi !
 Atohoun ace the African AT-Large > &gt; &gt; &gt; Delegate to !
 > &gt; &
gt; &gt; the NomCom? > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Ace AT Poll close: Monday 14 September 2009 23:59 UTC > &gt; &gt; &gt; Number of voters: 12 &middot; Electorate size: 15  &middot; Percentage voted: 80.00 > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Yes: 12 (100%) > &gt; &gt; &gt; Not: 0 (0.00%) > &gt; &gt; &gt; Abstain: 0 (0.00%) > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; ******************* > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; 2. AT-Large Delegate to the NomCom from the Asia-Pacific > &gt; &gt; &gt; Would you like to nominate Hong Xue ace the Asian-Pacific AT-Large > &gt; &gt; &gt; Delegate > &gt; &gt; &gt; to the NomCom? > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Ace AT Poll close: Monday 14 September 2009 23:59 UTC > &gt; &gt; &gt; Number of voters: 12 &middot; Electorate size: 15  &middot; Percentage voted: 80.00 > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Yes: 12 (100%) > &gt; &gt; &gt; Not: 0 (0.00%) > &gt; &gt; &gt; Abstain: 0 (0.00%) > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; ****************** > &gt; &gt; &gt;!
  > &gt; &gt; &gt; 3. AT-Large Delegate to the NomCom from Europe > &gt; &gt; &gt; Would you like to nominate Olivier M.J. Crépin-Leblond ace the > European > &gt; &gt; &gt; AT-Large Delegate to the NomCom? > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Ace AT Poll close: Monday 14 September 2009 23:59 UTC > &gt; &gt; &gt; Number of voters: 12 &middot; Electorate size: 15  &middot; Percentage voted: 80.00 > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Yes: 12 (100%) > &gt; &gt; &gt; Not: 0 (0.00%) > &gt; &gt; &gt; Abstain: 0 (0.00%) > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; ****************** > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; 4. AT-Large Delegate to the NomCom from Latin-Americaand the > Caribbean > &gt; &gt; &gt; Who should be the AT-Large Delegate to the NomCom from Latin-America > &gt; &gt; &gt; and the > &gt; &gt; &gt; Caribbean? Please votes for candidates in order of preference with 1 > &gt; &gt; &gt; (the > &gt; &gt; &gt; first click made) being your first choice and 2 your second. > &gt; &gt; &gt; > !
 &gt; &gt; &gt; LACRALO recommended Jose regional ace NomCom De!
 legate >
 &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Ace AT Poll close: Monday 14 September 2009 23:59 UTC > &gt; &gt; &gt; Number of voters: 12 &middot; Electorate size: 15  &middot; Percentage voted: 80.00 > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Ranked by smallest sum of you vote > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Jose Ovid Salgueiro 15 (41.67%) > &gt; &gt; &gt; Sooknanan Arch: 21 (58.33%) > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; ******************* > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; 5. AT-Large Delegate to the NomCom from North America > &gt; &gt; &gt; Who should be the AT-Large delegate to the NomCom from North America? > &gt; &gt; &gt; Please > &gt; &gt; &gt; votes for candidates in order of preference with 1 (the first click > &gt; &gt; &gt; made) > &gt; &gt; &gt; being your first choice and 2 your second. > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; NARALO recommended Eduardo regional ace NomCom Delegate > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Ace AT Poll close: Monday 14 September 2009 23:59 UTC > &gt!
 ; &gt; &gt; Number of voters: 12 &middot; Electorate size: 15  &middot; Percentage voted: 80.00 > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Ranked by smallest sum of you vote > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Eduardo Diaz: 12 (33.33%) > &gt; &gt; &gt; Glenn McKnight: 24 (66.67%) > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; ******************** > &gt; &gt; &gt; You may verify the results independently to under: > &gt; &gt; &gt; https://www.bigpulse.com/pollresults?code=NF4ds3MPxWjeI9EedhpZ > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; When announcing the results of voting, we have been requested by the > &gt; &gt; &gt; Chair > &gt; &gt; &gt; to provide to listing of those who have not voted. Accordingly, we dog > &gt; &gt; &gt; confirm that the following ALAC members did not participate in the > &gt; &gt; &gt; balloting: > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Mohamed The Bashir > &gt; &gt; &gt; Thu Hue Nguyen > &gt; &gt; &gt; Beau Brendler > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; Regards, > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &!
 gt; Nick Ashton-Hart, Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger, Gis!
 ella > G
ruber- > &gt; &gt; &gt; White > &gt; &gt; &gt; ICANN AT-Large Staff > &gt; &gt; &gt; email: staff AT atlarge.icann.org > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; _______________________________________________ > &gt; &gt; &gt; ALAC-Announce mailing list > &gt; &gt; &gt; ALAC-Announce at atlarge-lists.icann.org > &gt; &gt; &gt; > http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/alac-announce_atlarge- > &gt; &gt; &gt; lists.icann.org > &gt; &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; &gt; AT-Large Official Site: http://atlarge.icann.org > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; _______________________________________________ > &gt; &gt; AT-Large mailing list > &gt; &gt; AT-Large at atlarge-lists.icann.org > &gt; &gt; > &gt; > http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/at-large_atlarge-lists.icann.org > &gt; &gt; > &gt; &gt; AT-Large Official Site: http://atlarge.icann.org > &gt; > &gt; _________________________________________________________________ > &gt; > &gt; _______________________________________________ > &!
 gt; lac-discuss-is mailing list > &gt; lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org > &gt; > &gt; > http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es_atlarge-lists.icann.org > &gt; > &gt; http://www.lacralo.org > &gt; > _______________________________________________ > lac-discuss-is mailing list > lac-discuss-es at atlarge-lists.icann.org > > http://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/lac-discuss-es_atlarge-lists.icann.org > > http://www.lacralo.org > 
Jose Ovid Salgueiro A. 
salgueiro.jo at gmail.com 

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