[lac-discuss-en] today teleconferencing

Carlton Samuels carlton.samuels at uwimona.edu.jm
Fri Jun 12 09:15:02 CDT 2009

The record will show that I participated in drafting the original ALAC
Statement on Travel Support as a LACRALO officer.  This Statement by
the ALAC Chair reiterates the common position and has my support as
well.  I urge LACRALO members to declare their support so we can
report the common position.

Carlton Samuels
The University of the West Indies

On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 3:45 PM, Dev Anand Teelucksingh
<admin at ttcsweb.org> wrote:
> Cheryl Langdon-Orr posted a possible statement re: At-Large Travel Support in the Community Travel Support Guidelines which LACRALO could support :
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: [ALAC] Public Consultation on the Draft Community TravelGuidelines for FY2010: Volunteer Statement Drafter Needed
> Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2009 10:46:55 +1000
> From: Cheryl Langdon-Orr <langdonorr at gmail.com>
> To: alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org, At-Large Staff <staff at atlarge.icann.org>
> References: <4A2F1028.2070402 at atlarge.icann.org>
> Why don't we just put something like this in as a Statement with specific RALO and ALS support listed I hope...
> ...The ALAC wishes to make clear the following in connection with the
> proposed Travel Procedures for FY2010:
> In this draft, it is suggested that either RALO leaders may attend each of the three ICANN meetings, or the funding for those 10 persons may be used to support General Assemblies for the Regional At-Large Organisations ("RALOs") throughout the year.
> The ALAC *(and this is where we could literally list RALO and ALS
> support)* must reiterate our previous points that this is not an
> "either/or" situation. There has been a very clear benefit to the RALO leadership attending ICANN meetings on many levels. At the same time, a chance for each RALO to meet face-to-face each year is also of enormous benefit.
> We understand that there are many communities in ICANN that require travel assistance. While in an ideal world, it would be possible for each of the RALOs to attend an ICANN meeting each year, we understand that ideal is not always possible. We do therefore believe that the RALO GAs could be held in conjunction with existing regional meetings related to the Internet held each year, over a day or two, to keep costs down while ensuring that each region has the essential face-to-face meeting it needs, for all the reasons previously enumerated in our various statements on this subject over the course of time...*(could insert links to the previous statements here as well)*
> -------- End of Original Message --------
> sylvia at internautabrasil.org wrote:
>> [[--Translated text (es -> en)--]]
>> Subject: today teleconferencing
>> From: sylvia at internautabrasil.org
>> Dear LACRALO companions:  The 4/06 the Staff of Icann sent a message to us on the new policy of trips that will be including in the next fiscal period of ICANN, so that let us comment out on her.  And 10/06 sent a new message yesterday to us inviting to us to think on Rough draft of the Operative Plan and Budget FY10, that the newone includes policy of trips.    Today, there will be a teleconferencing, with service of translation in Spanish stops to deal with these subjects.   It is very important that we participate all since this new "politica of trips "affect in negative form the participation of the ALSs and his representatives.  If they observe in pag 7   http://www.icann.org/en/topics/travel-support/draft-travel-support-guideline s-27may09-en.pdf  he tries himself to organize regional meetings and that the ALSs do not participate in the meetings "normal" of ICANN to lower the price of costs, since you are meetings would have a much smaller agenda and would last 1 or 2 days.  They are always soliciing that community AT-Large participates and gives his opinion in subjects New GTL, IPV6, DNS, but will not allow that we participate of workshops and/or conferences, that on these subjects alwaysare made in the ICANN encounter  Today it will be the teleconferencing and in Sydney there willbe a public debate!  We cannot remain shut up, I wait for your commentaries.   Greetings,   Sylvia Herlein Leite  Brazil Internaut
>> [[--Original text (es)
>> http://mm2.icann.org/transbot_archive/bc65e46324.html
>> --]]
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