[lac-discuss-en] LACRALO Vote Results

At-Large Staff staff at atlarge.icann.org
Thu Oct 16 06:50:37 EDT 2008

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Dear all,

This message intends to present you the result of the recently held LACRALO
vote on the ALAC representative, which ended last Friday and explain the
voting mechanism that was applied. The LACRALO Rules of Procedures (ROP)
outline the rules, which apply to LACRALO General Assembly votes. The
General Assembly consists of all regional ALSes, whereas each ALS has one
vote (see 12.1 ROP).

You can download the LACRALO ROP under the following URL:

According to rule 6 of the ROP, ³a quorum shall consist of a simple majority
of the accredited ALS.²
A total of 18 ALSes out of 28 cast their vote in the recent election,
leading therefore to a quorate result.

Rule 12.9 of the LACRALO ROP outline the calculations which apply to votes
by the General Assembly:

12.9 The number of votes cast for or against any motion shall be limited by
the following 
calculation with respect to any Assembly that is international in nature:
a) The number of countries or territories covered by the entire membership
of the 
Assembly shall form the numerator.
b)  The denominator shall be 100.
c)  The result of the division of (a)/(b) shall be multiplied by 100.
d) The result of 12.9(c) shall be known as the Maximum Percentage.
e)  The votes cast by delegates representing ALSes normally domiciled in any
country may not in the aggregate exceed the Maximum Percentage. This
calculation shall be separately applied to votes for and against any motion.

With regards to 12.9a), you may find attached a list with all countries of
the LACRAO region with one or more ALS (see
³Doc-1-Overview-Membership-Countries-LACRALO.xls²). There is a total of 13
countries with at least one ALS.

Please note that the terms ³numerator² and ³denominator² are not correctly
used in 12.9 a) and b) as the idea is to ensure that each country has equal
weighting in votes held by the General Assembly. Therefore, the term
³numerator² in a) should read ³denominator² and the term ³denominator² in b)
should read ³numerator². Further, 12c) does not apply as this would lead to
a ³Maximum Percentage² referred to in 12d) of more than a 100%. A Maximum
Percentage assuring equal weighting of each of the countries can be attained
by simply dividing 100% by the total amount of countries with one or more
ALSes. This leads to the following calculation:

100/13= 7.69% whereas 7.69% represents the Maximum Percentage of votes that
can be cast by ALL delegates of one country together (see 12.9e)). In other
words, the sum total of the votes of each individual country can not exceed
7.69% of the total votes in the region.

To ensure that no country exceeds the Maximum Percentage, the Maximum
Percentage of 7.69% is divided by the total number of national ALS of each
membership country. This calculation results in what is referred to as the
³Country Coefficient². Please note that the Country Coefficient varies from
one country to another as it is proportional to the total number of ALSes of
each country. In other words, if a country has 10 ALSes, the vote of an
individual ALS of that country is weighted less than the vote cast by an ALS
of a country with only one ALS. This mechanism ensures that no single
country of the membership region can dominate it.

Attached you find a document which gives you the Country Coefficient for
each country (see column D of ³Doc-2-LACRALO-Country-Coefficients²).

The Country Coefficient then needs to be applied to the raw votes (please
find the raw votes of this vote attached

You can find the final result of this vote, where the raw votes are weighted
according to the ROP 12.9 using the Country Coefficient in the attached
document ³Doc-4-LACRALO-Overview-Final-Votes.pdf²

As a result of the above process, we can confirm that Carlos Aguirre has
been re-elected to the At-Large Advisory Committee with a 66.67% of
yes-votes. Congratulations Carlos!

Please feel free to contact the Staff if you have additional questions.


Nick Ashton-Hart, Matthias Langenegger
ICANN At-Large Staff
email: staff at atlarge.icann.org 

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