[LAC-Discuss] [lac-ralo] LAC RALO - Discuss REunion de Trabajo / Work Meeting

Nick Ashton-Hart nick.ashton-hart at icann.org
Tue Mar 20 14:16:56 EDT 2007

I'm keen to hear how Marratech works for all of you - let me know what you
think of it

On 20/03/07, wladimir Davalos <wdf1 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hola a todos:
> Luego de un buen intento la semana anterior, espero vernos el dia de
> mañana
> MIERCOLES a las 17:00hrs (GMT-06:00)  Centroamerica, 18:00 hrs (GMT
> -05:00)
> Ecuador,19:00hrs (GMT -04:00) Venezuela, 20:00hrs (GMT -03:00)
> Argentina,
> 21:00hrs (GMT-02:00)  Brasil y Atlantico central.
> Via Marratech.com
> User: spamcop
> Pass: spamcop
> De manera auxiliar Nos vemos tambien en  MSN para lo que ivitoa que
> actualizar nuestra
> lista de contactos de MSN:
> Wladimir Dávalos -  JCI  -  wdf1 at hotmail.com
> Christian O'flagerty   -     elcocla at hotmail.com
> Sergio Salinas -  Iinternauta -  salinasporto @hotmail.com
> Carlos Aguirre -        -           carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com
> Gonzalo Marquez  -  Ageia Densi -   g_marquez2002 at hotmail.com
> Ana Sanchez - Iesoc Ec  -    anita.sanchezj at gmail.com
> Andres Piazza  -  Ageia Densi Ae  -   andrespuazzagpj at hotmail.com
> Claudia Fomseca -        Mexico -      tadfonsi at hotmail.com
> Erick Iriarte   -   Alfa Redi  -  ferris32 at hotmail.com
> Espero  podernos encontrar en una reunion de trabajo este dia Miercoles 21
> de Marzo
> Saludos cordiales
> Wladimir Dávalos
> ================
> Hello everyone:
> After a good attempt the previous week, I hope see you tomorrow WEDNESDAY
> at 17:00hrs (GMT-06:00)  Centroamerica, 18:00 hrs (GMT -05:00)
> Ecuador,19:00hrs (GMT -04:00) Venezuela, 20:00hrs (GMT -03:00)
> Argentina,
> 21:00hrs (GMT-02:00)  Brasil y Atlantico central.
> By  Marratech.com
> User: spamcop
> Pass: spamcop
> In auxiliary way we also see ourselves in MSN for which I invite you  to
> update our list of MSN contacts:
> Wladimir Dávalos -  JCI  -  wdf1 at hotmail.com
> Christian O'flagerty   -     elcocla at hotmail.com
> Sergio Salinas -  Iinternauta -  salinasporto @hotmail.com
> Carlos Aguirre -        -           carlosaguirre62 at hotmail.com
> Gonzalo Marquez  -  Ageia Densi -   g_marquez2002 at hotmail.com
> Ana Sanchez - Iesoc Ec  -    anita.sanchezj at gmail.com
> Andres Piazza  -  Ageia Densi Ae  -   andrespuazzagpj at hotmail.com
> Claudia Fomseca -        Mexico -      tadfonsi at hotmail.com
> Erick Iriarte   -   Alfa Redi  -  ferris32 at hotmail.com
> I hope  to see you  tomorrow  Wednesday 21 for a Work - Meeteing
> Regards
> Wladimir Dávalos
> _______________________________________________
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> >LAC-Discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org
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> --- You are currently subscribed to lac-ralo as: nashton at spamcop.net
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Nick Ashton-Hart
PO Box 32160
London N4 2XY
United Kingdom
UK Tel: +44 (20) 8800-1011
USA Tel: +1 (202) 657-5460
Fax: +44 (20) 7681-3135
mobile: +44 (7774) 932798
Win IM: ashtonhart at hotmail.com / AIM/iSight: nashtonhart at mac.com / Skype:
Online Bio:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashtonhart
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