[EURO-Discuss] [Ext] Links/documents ** Please read ** EURALO Rules of procedures

Oksana Prykhodko sana.pryhod at gmail.com
Fri May 26 10:23:52 UTC 2023

Dear Sébastien,

Thank you very much for your letter.

I will do my best to send you my specific comments on some articles of RoP
today or on Monday.

I am sure that this version of RoP is unacceptable and I would be happy to
participate in the editorial team.

There are the links to the documents I referred to:

- ICANN Bylaws https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en

- ALAC Rules of Procedure

Could you please send me the links to other documents YOU are referring to?

Reactions to your answers.

(In purple - your, Sebastien, comments)

1. As I say there is a need to evolve taking into account new needs. If it
is not in contradiction with the bylaws, it must be OK.

What is the procedure of taking new needs into account? Yes, I am
absolutely sure that we have to take such new needs into account (first of
all in time of war), but I am extremely against the proposed approach.

2. And duties.

Absolutely agree. RoP can grant additional rights and duties for EURALO
members, but can't limit their rights.

3. Only one question - is it OK? (about the number of comments and

4. As explained above those ROP were build to have ROP and to included ALS
mobilisation WG conclusions.

Could you please send me the link to this document?

5. About repetitions (with distortion) and contradictions in the textes
(your comments was I don’t see that but if it is the case we have the range
of document by importance).

Could you please let me know about this range?

6. About the structure (your comment Why it must have been on the same
structure.). I did not say that AoA and RoP have to have the same
structure. I just would like to understand the logic of the structure of
RoP. RoP is an extremely important document for EURALO, and I am sure that
we have to devote more time to discuss it.

7. On additional rights to the EURALO Members (AoA, Atr 7.5.1). Your
comment - It was not the goal this time. And we didn’t get any suggestion
during the comment time.

Can I understand you that the goal this time was to give additional rights
to the EURALO Chair?

About suggestion during the comment time - any force majeure?

I need more time because of force majeure in my country.

8-9. Consensus, supermajority, rough consensus, the way we are taking a

These are the primarily issues of the RoP (which decisions demand
consensus, how it can be achieved, what to do in the case of the absence of
the consensus, and so on).

10. As for the ROP if EURALO need such document.

Any doubts?

11. Regarding a conflict-of-interest. If the Chair has a
conflict-of-interest in regard to the situation, the Secretariat is
empowered to replace the Chair in this capacity.

And what to do if the Secretariat has a conflict-of-interest?

12. Ombudsman role - Here it is indicated that it is possible way of action
by the chair using the Ombuds mediation capability

What does it mean - the Ombuds mediation capability?

13. In war time, EURALO Chair may, after thirty (30) days advance written
notice, change the status of an ALS from a full membership to Inactive
Status (ie. not able to cast votes , exercise rights and obligations under
ALS membership)

Really? This is not the question for the Ombudsman, this is the question
for lawyers.

Kind regards,

On Tue, May 23, 2023 at 6:08 PM Sebicann Bachollet <sebicann at bachollet.fr>

> Dear Oksana,
> Thanks for your mail.
> Even if your comments arrived outside of the dates I would like to answer
> some of them.
> I am not sure I get all of them, but I’ll try.
> See in your mail.
> But first what is more important is that a huge part of this document is
> to take care of the ALAC/AT-Large review and the ALS mobilisation WG
> conclusions (accepted by ALAC).
> All the best
> SeB
> Sébastien Bachollet
> +33 6 07 66 89 33
> sebicann at bachollet.fr
> @SebBach
> EURALO Chair
> Le 17 mai 2023 à 19:35, Oksana Prykhodko <sana.pryhod at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Dear Gisella,
> Once again thank you very-very much!
> Dear all,
> I am extremely sorry for the delay with my comments.
> Of course, as a member of EURALO ByLaws Task Force (2017 - 2019) I have
> the final version of the Articles of Associations (AoA), adopted by EURALO
> in 2019.
> But I need an official link to this document to illustrate my position.
> In the EURALO ByLaws Task Force (titled as AoA) we had consensus regarding
> the necessity to elaborate RoP, which will expand and clarify the
> provisions of the Bylaws (AoA), not revise them.
> As I say there is a need to evolve taking into account new needs. If it is
> not in contradiction with the bylaws, it must be OK.
> This consensus is fixed in AoA:
> 7.5.1. The rights and duties of Members are to be exercised in accordance
> with the EURALO Rules of Procedure. The EURALO Rules of Procedure may grant
> additional rights to the Members.
> And duties
> I also participated in Monthly Euralo teleconference call in April, when
> Sebastien shared the link to the draft of the RoP.
> Maybe I am wrong, but today (17 May 2023) I see the only one
> question/comment from Betty (in the Google docs).
> Yes
> Once again, I am extremely sorry if I missed any explanations from the
> authors of the document about the logic and the process of the creation of
> these RoP. (I remember all our discussion and explanations in 2017 - 2019).
> As explained above those ROP were build to have ROP and to included ALS
> mobilisation WG conclusions.
> Nevertheless I have spent a lot of time comparing these RoP with AoA,
> ICANN Bylaws (https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en)
> and ALAC Rules of Procedure
> https://community.icann.org/m/mobile.action#page/2262672
> I see a great deal of repetition (with distortion) and contradiction in
> these texts.
> I don’t see that but if it is the case we have the range of document by
> importance.
> I can't understand the logic of the structure of the draft RoP (I attach
> the comparative table of EURALO AoA and RoP).
> Why it must have been on the same structure.
> I am sure that other doing the same document can organise it differently.
> In the same time we are working with our colleagues from other ralos, it
> is another reason for the differences on our documents.
> It is more important for me, that I do not see the very important other
> things:
> - additional rights to the EURALO Members (AoA, Atr 7.5.1).
> It was not the goal this time.
> And we didn’t get any suggestion during the comment time.
> I have huge amount of other questions (consensus, supermajority, rough
> consensus),
> It was depending of the issue to be act upon.
> (2.3.2 All formal votes and elections require a quorum of no less than
> fifty percent (50%) of the Membership in good standing. A quorum for
> decisions by consensus shall be thirty-five percent (35%) of the Membership
> in good standing. Formal votes shall be by a majority of those present at
> the meeting or involved in the online discussion unless these Rules of
> Procedure require some other threshold).
> What does it mean?
> It is depending on the way we are taking a decision.
> And one more:
> 2.7.3 Any other documents governing EURALO operating rules, procedures and
> practices.
> What does it mean? Who will elaborate and adopt these documents? How can I
> know about them?
> As for the ROP if EURALO need such document.
> 5.7 To address situations not explicitly covered in these Rules of
> Procedure, the Chair is empowered to take appropriate action, if practical
> and appropriate, in consultation with the Secretariat and the EURALO Board.
> If the Chair has a conflict-of-interest in regard to the situation, the
> Secretariat is empowered to replace the Chair in this capacity.
> Nothing to add
> And how EURALO Chair can use Ombudsman?)))))
>    1. Use of the ombudsman or an impartial third party for mediation, if
>          necessary1.
> Any ICANN participant can refer a topic to the ICANN Ombuds (he is not
> oblige to act).
> Here it is indicated that it is possible way of action by the chair using
> the Ombuds mediation capability.
>    1.
> 8.1 In the case of a Member ALS’s failure to meet the minimum performance
> standards stated in the EURALO Membership Standards, the Chair may, after
> thirty (30) days advance written notice, change the status of an ALS from a
> full membership to Inactive Status (ie. not able to cast votes , exercise
> rights and obligations under ALS membership). This process should be well
> documented on the wiki. The ALS must then be notified of this change and be
> allowed to appeal this change in status.
> Nothing to add
> Thousands of thanks from Ukraine! Bombing, blackouts, no Internet, no
> communication at all.
> I am creating this my comp tables under ruzzist bombing alerts to my home
> and my grandson home in Kyiv
> Force major?
> Just in case, please see my articles on the  com table of EURALO AoA and
> RoP.
> Kind regards,
> Oksana
> Can I ask you to let me know, who will open my attachment?
> PS. I need more time to insert all my comments in your working document
> Kind regards,
> Oksana
> 1. Preamble
> 2. Definitions
> 3. Name and Seat
> 4. Language and Communication
> 5. Purpose
> 5.1. Purpose of the Association
> 5.2. Means of achieving the Purpose
> 5.3. Code of Conduct
> 6. Resources and Liability
> 7. Membership
> 8. Bodies of the Association
> 9. Change of the Articles of Association
> 10. Dissolution of the Association
> 11. Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution
> 12. Entry into Effect
> On Sun, May 14, 2023 at 11:38 PM Gisella Gruber <Gisella.Gruber at icann.org>
> wrote:
>> Dear Oksana,
>> Again apologies for sending this through to you with the delay.
>> I will defer to Sebastien for the extension but I believe this will be
>> possible.
>> Thank you for your input.
>> Kind regards,
>> Gisella
>> ——————
>> Gisella Gruber
>> Manager, At-Large Relations and Operations Support, ALAC-At-Large
>> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
>> Email: gisella.gruber at icann.org
>> Tel: +44 7545 334 360 <+44%207545%20334360>
>> Skype ID: gisella.gw[gisella.gw]
>> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__gisella.gw&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=PqnmlD10aN3cxIHyiUf_hNf25P6Dsv7dJM6flBzRrBs&m=DMVLeb1g8oJ6gdbQVqz99sWUBIbbFK0_e1TBFQXWLiw&s=-6rdzktgfnAZYAxJ31qNN4PEFoMv1Novn91ItX4-0sA&e=>
>> *One World, One Internet*
>> On 14 May 2023, at 18:59, Oksana Prykhodko <sana.pryhod at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear Gisella,
>> Thank you very-very much!
>> I kindly ask you to extend the deadline for comments.
>> Kind regards,
>> Oksana
>> On Sun, May 14, 2023, 18:12 Gisella Gruber <Gisella.Gruber at icann.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Oksana,
>>> Apologies for the delay.
>>> All documents are available on the EURALO Wiki – please see if you are
>>> able to find all of them:
>>> https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/EURALO+Information%3A+Governance%2C+Leaders+and+Members
>>> The articles of Association (2019) is available here:
>>> https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/FINAL+DRAFT+EURALO+Articles+of+Association+2019
>>> I hope this helps and please reach out to me if any further issues.
>>> Thank you!
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Gisella
>>> *From: *Oksana Prykhodko <sana.pryhod at gmail.com>
>>> *Date: *Thursday, 11 May 2023 at 18:10
>>> *To: *At-Large Staff <staff at atlarge.icann.org>
>>> *Cc: *Sebastien Bachollet <sebicann at bachollet.fr>, Discussion for
>>> At-Large Europe <euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
>>> *Subject: *[Ext] Re: [EURO-Discuss] ** Please read ** EURALO Rules of
>>> procedures
>>> Dear all,
>>> Could you please send me the link to Articles of association of the
>>> ICANN European Internet Users Forum a Regional At-Large Organization of
>>> Order of importance of EURALO governing documents
>>> Articles of association of the ICANN European Internet Users Forum a
>>> Regional At-Large Organization of ICANN (EURALO).
>>> (These) Rules of Procedure.
>>> Any other documents governing EURALO operating rules, procedures and
>>> practices.
>>> Thank you very much in advance,
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Oksana
>>> On Tue, May 9, 2023 at 2:38 PM ICANN At-Large Staff via EURO-Discuss <
>>> euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:
>>> On behalf of EURALO Leadership:
>>> Dear colleagues,
>>> During the last Member Monthly Meeting the EURALO Rules of procedures
>>> were presented.
>>> Please find the link to the document
>>> [docs.google.com [docs.google.com]
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/docs.google.com__;!!PtGJab4!5WYlCReQzpdT8wUU7y3XNXxJVxwC8HGSdGje0oUCpUTQgDqpKxFpIxMLcNcwZ9PZg9E-AAQ60iypsm9eQnBJIcsaDrXUfeQ$>
>>> ]20221118_EURALO_RoP_V5.docx [docs.google.com]
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1Ag38r51jNz3_Wx8C_RX5JQiKVfR0ooFH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116441812520638397946&rtpof=true&sd=true__;!!PtGJab4!_qoK5te08apI0rQewcHYa1Iy8eweHB8EXlZH6P5OtBHR-0qpzIWml9x9FrhH9WV6qzgUJdnAvxL81CMsuJaBgc5p4B76OdSAQ6hOy3Uvu5Nx$>
>>> docs.google.com [docs.google.com]
>>> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/docs.google.com/document/d/1Ag38r51jNz3_Wx8C_RX5JQiKVfR0ooFH/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116441812520638397946&rtpof=true&sd=true__;!!PtGJab4!_qoK5te08apI0rQewcHYa1Iy8eweHB8EXlZH6P5OtBHR-0qpzIWml9x9FrhH9WV6qzgUJdnAvxL81CMsuJaBgc5p4B76OdSAQ6hOy3Uvu5Nx$>
>>> If you have question or comment please fill free to send them on this
>>> list or to add them on the document.
>>> The deadline for input will be the Sunday 14th of May 2023.
>>> Then the EURALO leaders will finalise the EURALO ROP and organise a vote.
>>> Thanks
>>> All the best
>>> SeB
>>> Sébastien Bachollet
>>> +33 6 07 66 89 33
>>> sebicann at bachollet.fr
>>> @SebBach
>>> EURALO Chair
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