[EURO-Discuss] Fwd: New consultation on UK-related domain names powers

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond ocl at gih.com
Mon Jul 31 19:45:32 UTC 2023

Dear colleagues,

please see my email below. My personal view is that I am not surprised 
that National Legislation is being considered since ICANN and the Domain 
Name Industry have been unwilling to tackle the problem of DNS abuse for 
so long. I know a lot is being done now, but it may well be too little, 
too late. What do you think?
Kindest regards,


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	New consultation on UK-related domain names powers
Date: 	Mon, 31 Jul 2023 20:40:13 +0100
From: 	Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond <ocl at gih.com>
To: 	policy at isoc-e.org <policy at isoc-e.org>

Dear Colleagues,

On 20 July 2023, the UK's Department for Science, Innovation and 
Technology (DSIT) opened a consultation seeking views on proposals for 
the design of regulations in relation to UK-related domain name registries.

This consultation asks for views on the abuse of relevant domain names, 
to ensure procedures remain in place to deal with both misuse and unfair 
uses of domain names.

The consultation runs for six weeks and will close on 31 August 2023.

Read the consultation proposals 
- which propose dealing with DNS abuse by introducing national legislation.

Kindest regards,

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond, PhD
Chair - Internet Society UK England Chapter

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