[EURO-Discuss] Internet Threats Modelling

Frédéric Taes ftaes at tsf.be
Fri Feb 17 07:56:09 UTC 2023

Hello everyone,


Internet is good for many things, but there are many threats too: cyberbullying, ransomware, child pornography, splinternet, identity theft, Big Brother watching us, scams, etc.

Is the Internet too much concentrated in a few hands, like reports https://pulse.internetsociety.org/concentration shown about DNS Servers or Top Level Domains?  What could go wrong?

Are Big Techs governing the Internet - or is it becoming Artificial Intelligence?


We're inviting you to exchange about those threats in a virtual session on Thursday 23/2 at 4pm CET (3pm UTC).

You can just listen, raise your questions and concerns, or provide your input : anyone from EURALO family is welcome.


Our goal will be to collect all this input to describe what Internet could be… if things would work differently, and what we can do to protect us. To participate, just send email to info at isoc.be, or register on https://www.internetsociety.be/events/internet-threats-modelling/.


Best Regards,

Frederic Taes.

ISOC.be - Icann At-Large Structure – EURALO


Credit postcard: Natalia Filina



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