[EURO-Discuss] Read the January EMEA Newsletter for the Latest ICANN News

ICANN emea.communications at icann.org
Mon Jan 11 08:09:29 UTC 2016


Visa and Registration information for ICANN55 Morocco (5-10 March 2016)
ICANN55 is just around the corner and ICANN and our hosts are working hard on the
preparations and arrangements. In the meantime, we want to remind you that some 
participants may need a visa to visit Morocco. It's important to determine whether
you need a visa and to obtain one as quickly as possible to secure entry.
Visit Morocco's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation website [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIazRrufFn6vzxl-TWH10ae2R1lpcENXf3HVu2FWM7jGhEuBHoGGVJuNs7PQm6xTCR-TgPFzUQxEiRui4EHyRnalr_LMv9N3uDtUXij8gW4WJjHme0INJGcYkYQxyt05bzYCoaXNltVrnWDBOQoLq5vA_8f6tJcrVzvi5a3g48frKm6CtQO7w54_Ni7JT97qzRRFzc41HdlesOlKcqR_QLs1twjUPOJull7A==&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
for a complete list of exempt countries. If you need a visa, click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIazRrufFn6vzxt2MAWr2lYWgLw3utBtMYlMqL_UzvEajWvscZIG1-J1u3m1L-8nyXPAOnJ3gcsvgJ8FQ_ery5AnFoShTWOu_1l9XgR5Rbx3YZPblWONC3HHCwHultLEgrsNmTnQXCVjwY&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
to request formal invitation letters for the meeting. You'll also need to contact
your nearest Moroccan diplomatic mission to apply for a visa. If Morocco does not
have diplomatic representation in your country, please submit your application directly
to the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Consular and Social
 Affairs via email to visa at maec.gov.ma [mailto:visa at maec.gov.ma] with the following
attached documents:

* Copy of valid passport (at least six month of validity)
* Copy of the invitation letter
* Flight details (if available)
Don't forget to register for ICANN55 here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa36hRKy-v-VI4DNz8Hk7Q9Bt6c_14eF_GT3yRyePEUDJNhSvhoWrMQXlRVD4jk5Jha5Zdygp8GwhXYDvK8_n4HmtCtujiqCjK0L49Atb-rOp5sabwETkuEmMIIwsK4ggWQ==&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
and see you in Marrakech!

Nii Quaynor (left) and Cheryl Langdon-Orr (right), winners of the ICANN Multistakeholder
Ethos Award 2015

Who will be the 2016 ICANN Multistakeholder Ethos Award Recipient(s)?
Nominations Close 12 March 2016
The nomination period for ICANN's Multistakeholder Ethos Award is now open and closes
on 12 March 2016. Community members interested in submitting a nomination are invited
to send an email to ethosaward2016 at icann.org [mailto:ethosaward2016 at icann.org?subject=Multistakeholder%20Ethos%20Award%20Nomination]
and include:

* Name of nominee
* Community of nominee
* Reasons for nomination
Award recipient(s) will be announced in June 2016 at ICANN56 Panama City.
The award was launched in June 2014 to recognize long-standing community members
 who have served in leadership roles in multiple ICANN working groups or committees
and demonstrated collaboration with different Supporting Organizations and/or Advisory
For more information, please visit the ICANN Community Wiki [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa47nELJsgHcd3vdTmYgqiS1ygux7hCYCaehjmT863lC_JQI6SbYo95CDZj74C1W-1c3p-42ATBHlbQK2RMPFbb2gRZ36_O2HIfDyXtjNY2crzzsCLwDjeiCUIJjph6_bBj8xAwfvmJxV&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==].

Meet the ICANN55 Fellows in Marrakech
Forty-five fellows from 35 countries have been selected to participate in ICANN's
Fellowship program at the 55th Public Meeting in Marrakech, 5-10 March 2016. Twenty-seven
of them are returning fellows; seven are alumni who will act as coaches to the 22
first timers. The fellows represent all sectors of society including civil, government,
academia, business, technical, security and end user groups. The country code names
supporting organization is also represented.
Click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa47nELJsgHcdkUtEK3lhjEeDgMhIGhfzhB8fT9B5N9ES62N3Z9BJR3z0YZewdf5qa8cip4UmX1pGz9_WGvK8EGZDYqXEtgGdeTqL2AzEwzP-YW-6C08OvpcTSisjlsZ_ODY16WgyaaSY6Ct5I00cZUqKjWbDOiUxc542CEbFJzo8&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
to see the candidates list and learn more about the fellowship program.

New Community Leaders Begin Work
RSSAC is pleased to welcome Brad Verd, Vice President of Production Operations at
Verisign as its co-chair. He joins co-chair Tripti Sinha, Assistant Vice President
and Chief Technology Officer within the Division of Information Technology at the
University of Maryland.
The GNSO Council elected James Bladel, Vice President of Policy for GoDaddy, as 
chair and Donna Austin, Policy and Industry Affairs Manager at Neustar, and Heather
Forrest, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Tasmania, as vice chairs.

GNSO Council, 2015-2016

Join a new GNSO Working Group!
The GNSO Council seeks volunteers for its new policy development process working
 group on a "Next Generation gTLD Registration Directory Service to Replace WHOIS."
Interested parties are invited to visit the workspace [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa47nELJsgHcd34wx4zYDeWBvBwJykjjrBe7VvAxmp8wtovyNTZHrv0bSSuyTugUZaPFPlFXdlubKj6YmnCTgJyvRc22iGblwsEzZ3Hsw20Th2fGaSSYuPp1PHFJu1rTRo1hq9es3M9pI&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
or email gnso-secs at icann.org [mailto:gnso-secs at icann.org?subject=NextGen%20gTLD%20RDS%20WG]
for more information on how to join.


Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Issues Working Group Publishes Final Report
The Final Report [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa47nELJsgHcd8Vz1CpsDxpe3nMUPY4K_GgloGSvJk3AC6qmVrqMuQaSgw9ANQi5Ul5o0Bg5MyBpOViG3rv48-o-ulZHohbDfr5BHYNAICYI_-Aqo9ua_nYLLq_WwLjSbW2CZ7TG8aKj3PJ-Xm-FOVjuxJ0mDrVTbdmuOttFl_cfi-60S1BACtl8FkcXbWoS3m6l8_BlaQwtO1GstdZHCFzJR6xT-c5ng4g==&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
containing recommendations to guide the creation of an accreditation program for
 privacy and proxy service providers is now available. The report contains over 
20 consensus recommendations. The recommendations are pending approval by the GNSO
Council and the Board of Directors before implementation.
RSSAC Publishes Advisory on Service Expectations of Root Server Operators
In RSSAC001: Service Expectations of Root Servers [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa47nELJsgHcd8Vz1CpsDxpe3nMUPY4K_GgloGSvJk3AC6qmVrqMuQaSgw9ANQi5Ul5o0Bg5MyBpOViG3rv48-o-ulZHohbDfr5BHYNAICYI_-Aqo9ua_nYLLq_WwLjSbW2CZ7TG8aKj3PJ-Xm-FOVjuxJ0mDrVTbdmuOttFl_cfi-60S1BACtl8FkcXbWoS3m6l8_BlaQwtO1GstdZHCFzJR6xT-c5ng4g==&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==],
the RSSAC defines a set of service expectations that root server operators must 
satisfy. RSSAC001 was published concurrently with RFC7720 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa47nELJsgHcdQykp0S2E4Jh7udbX2j8kAq-xo2kqG-uoQidTx8nlvZLfQvsP9VYw0PsYztx3egIkZh6Wv_fng_Qh1lsbnOa4_Jc1StD_K0l_ml8PrJXb2h2K-ctwv67SpWQg7JG1KX8V&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==],
which specifies DNS root name service protocol and deployment requirements.

The road to Marrakech: ICANN team conducts extensive pre-ICANN55 outreach in Morocco
December witnessed the ICANN team engaging extensively with Moroccan stakeholders
in preparation for ICANN55, which will take place from 5 to 10 March. The National
Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ANRT) of Morocco will host the meeting.  The
team, which included partners from AFRALO, participated in several meetings and 
presentations in Casablanca, Marrakech and Rabat.

Pierre Dandjinou, VP Stakeholder Engagement, Africa (top) Baher Esmat, VP Stakeholder
Engagement, Middle East (Bottom) speaking during the panel

The Technopark panel in Casablanca
Baher Esmat and Pierre Dandjinou spoke with over 20 participants representing the
ccTLD registry (.ma), ISPs, local registrars and the only ICANN accredited registrar
in Morocco, Genious Communications, during a roundtable in Casablanca, Morocco. 
The panel covered ICANN, ICANN55 and the standing of the domain name market in Morocco.
They also highlighted ICANN's key projects and initiatives in Africa and the Middle
East, such as the DNS Entrepreneurship Center, DNS Entrepreneurship workshops, DNSSEC
roadshows and L-root deployments.

Group picture with students and ICANN team at INPT

ICANN meets with students at the National Institute of Post and Telecommunications
(INPT) - Rabat
During our visit to Rabat, the ICANN team met with and presented to a group of nearly
100 students at INPT.  Engaging with the African youth is an important part of both
our overall strategy and our outreach for ICANN55. We took the opportunity to introduce
the students to ICANN, Internet Governance, and the NextGen and Fellowship programs.
We also educated them on how to participate in ICANN. The session was a big hit,
 and students came prepared with insightful questions, resulting in a highly interactive
session that lasted close to three hours!

ICANN joins forces with Hackerspace Warsaw to present "An overview of DNS developments:
DNSSEC, new TLDs and Universal Acceptance"
Last month, ICANN's Senior Director of Global Stakeholder Engagement, Patrick Jones,
gave a talk to the Hackerspace [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa5zwnzon6qfObYw78-8WzV0kWTnwaBqqmtO7OzJqzt8gxI3L7skBh90uP9HVSOIO0WGgQx7mDYBtA2-LP8LXMQpmuyjOVXzGTW4E-19ZMi3pA8rInAoApdc=&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
Warsaw community regarding Universal Acceptance of gTLDs and DNS Security Extentions
(DNSSEC). The event provided an overview of the latest developments in the Domain
Name System (DNS), including the growth of DNSSEC, new generic Top-Level Domains
 (gTLDs) and the challenges to Universal Acceptance of new gTLDs. The discussion
 focused mainly around DNSSEC, as the Hackerspace community members were concerned
that too few public institutions have implemented DNSSEC in Poland. They were pleased
to learn that ICANN is giving training classes on this and welcomed future talks
 by ICANN experts.
European Internet Forum breakfast on EuroDIG 2016
The foundation held a breakfast with members of the European Parliament on the IGF
in Joao Pessoa, Brazil and the preparation for the European Dialogue on Internet
 Governance (EuroDIG) in Brussels on 9 - 10 June, 2016.  The breakfast gathered 
the regular participants of the IGF in Joao Pessoa to share their experience and
 raise the awareness at the European Parliament on the main issues discussed, including
the IANA transition and the evolution of ICANN accountability. Europe, with over
 20 initiatives a year, has one of the largest number of national Internet governance
initiatives compared to other regions, in addition to hosting the pan-regional event
now in its 5th edition the EuroDIG. ICANN has supported the EuroDIG since its inception,
and after signing a Memorandum of Understanding during the ICANN54, is now an institutional
partner committed in growing the EuroDIG into the most inclusive platform to discuss
Internet governance in Europe.
ICANN joins the European Council on Foreign Relations Roundtable on Europe's Digital
ICANN's Andrea Beccalli, Stakeholder Manager for Europe, joined a brainstorming 
discussion on Europe's digital power in Madrid along with academics, business and
EU public officials in December.  The roundtable aimed to map Europe's preparedness
for the transformative changes effected by the digital revolution. This was the 
first of a series of events to produce policy recommendations on how Europe can 
best harness the digital revolution and ensure the EU's continued importance in 
the global arena. ICANN's role and the transition process were identified as key
 elements where EU should consolidate its participation and be at the forefront 
in promoting the multistakeholder model. ICANN's three layers of digital governance
infographic was received as a thought provoking work that set the stage of the discussion
along the different layers and helped in framing the discussion. Chairs of the ECFR
former EU Commissioner for Internal Market and Competition Joaquim Almunia and former
high representative for the Foreign and Security Policy Javier Solana joined the
 discussion, bringing their long experience at the top policy level in Europe.

RIGF-AZ Internet Governance Forum in Baku (Azerbaijan) - 03-04 December
Azerbaijan is known for its active involvement in Internet Governance events. Last
year the Forum was hosted by the Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy from 3 to 4 December.
Among the key topics were 'ICT for Development' and 'Internet Technologies in Education.'
As we do on a regular basis, ICANN's team attended the event and the sessions.

Michael Yakushev, VP Stakeholder Engagement, Eastern Europe & Central Asia presenting

The 5th UA-Dom conference in Kiev (Ukraine) - 04 December 2015
The UA-Dom conference became the biggest event of the local DNS industry experts
 of the year with around 200 attendees. Participants discussed a number of topics
like Universal Acceptance (UA), Domain Names Dispute Resolution, increasing Ukranian
Stakeholder participation in global Internet Governance, Internet safety and many
others. Michael Yakushev presented an update on ICANN's current activities, including
the IANA Stewardship Transition. During the event, Radio Vestiua interviewed Michael
on both the challenges and opportunities brought by new generic Top-Level Domains
(gTLDs), and the development of Internationalize Domain Names (IDNs) in Europe, 
the Middle East and Africa. The full interview can be read here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa5zwnzon6qfOyhQzukn1NPXD-IAaTA2eYV3Sic6aBfSNLYJpu4mr4jHTuFAGmk3kMAbpTodvYnHpiJm2qoEZy66VDM2OytvTKneqwZqM4AV319tJJykOPRc=&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==].
Another interview, conducted by one of Ukraine's largest news agencies, Liga.net,
can be read here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa5zwnzon6qfOUbQnvktn3RaiAMCQ0rF1zDGFxQ9gz6ysBok9JplOptoTJJjyGIZTbvXi2b_XjcsYgieUwDRhuuIcBpjUcydGqrHWERifNvlyyyFN22lhg1vfNBZD7RUTqzs3Ebi8UaVbN7LTjPAryrjJBqr9YMl10m73Y-nSydTxQgMzYE91nieH9rDsTxCid9_gHpx5uApPNmDpZ7t35NVNEBtfzVxo3j8x9p6w9Zk9&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==].

10th Peering Forum in Moscow (Russia)
December saw the 10th Peering Forum hosted by Moscow Internet Exchange (MSK-IX),
 one of the largest Internet traffic exchange points. More than 900 technical experts
from Russia gathered in Moscow to discuss the latest trends in Internet infrastructure
development, interaction with the telecom industry and hosting operators. MSK-IX
 remains a core component of the Region's network, and the Forum was an excellent
opportunity to get together and look around in a rapidly changing environment. Michael
Yakushev made a presentation titled "ICANN for the Operators Community: What's New?"

ICANN's Fahd Batayneh (third from the left) during the panel

ICANN participates at e-AGE 2015 in Morocco
ICANN attended, for the fourth year, the e-AGE 2015 forum, which was held last December
in Casablanca, Morocco. The e-AGE platform has established itself as an important
venue for  among experts and scientists from all over the world to network. The 
forum's the focus was on Intercontinental Connectivity of the Pan Arab Network. 
Fahd Batayneh, GSE Manager, Middle East, delivered a presentation on e-friction,
 discussing the Boston Consulting Group's (BCG) findings, with a special focus on
Morocco. The event has grown in terms of attendance, strength of topics and presentations
delivered. E-AGE 2016 will take place in Beirut, Lebanon.

Multistakeholder panel discussion on Digital Economy and e-friction in Turkey
Baher Esmat joined a panel discussion organized and moderated by the ISOC Chapter
of Turkey on Digital Economy and e-friction. The panel took place as part of the
 20th Turkey Internet Conference (INET-TR'15) with representation from ICANN, ISOC,
and Google. Baher highlighted some of the findings of the report on Greasing the
 Wheels of the Internet Economy that ICANN commissioned BCG to conduct in 2014 as
well as its update that was issued early this year. The panel also discussed the
 state of play of the Internet in Turkey particularly with regard to access infrastructure,
the use of domain names, and the development of e-services.

Participants at the MENA Policy Camp working session

ICANN's Middle East Team attend the Arab IGF in Beirut
The fourth Arab Internet Governance Forum (IGF) [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa5zwnzon6qfOL0IUADWr5AuDAQNGgQzl8DtC2-GgIymnIGWRii36CqUI2HZh8V5PEv9aiM6kZibG-uUIZ6L3-_B61RXbpp2W-cFEMc3o90hnr1Hl-Zu_Zas=&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==],
themed "Internet Economy for Sustainable Development" was held again last year in
Beirut, Lebanon from 17-18 December. ICANN's team joined the event and participated
over the course of the 2-day event. ICANN sat in one of the main thematic plenary
sessions,  "International Internet-Related Public Policies", and was involved in
 two workshops: "Data Flow and Governance for Reducing Cross Border Trade Resistance"
and "Challenges in Implementing Internet Policies in MENAthe Middle East & North
 Africa (MENA)."
Shortly before the Arab IGF, ICANN's Fahd Batayneh attended the MENA Policy Camp
 organized by the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Global Voices,
7iber, the Issam Fares Institute, and the Social Media Exchange (SMEX). The second
edition was held in Beirut, Lebanon. The Camp identified the pressing issues affecting
the region's Internet. Policy Camp participants presented and discussed their outcomes
during the Arab IGF.
Fahd was invited to present an introduction on ICANN and Internet Governance, and
held discussions on ICANN's efforts in strengthening civil society engagement and
participation. The event attracted 15 participants from five countries (Lebanon,
 Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and Tunisia) from various backgrounds in civil society,
including activists, bloggers and journalists.

Workshop participants group picture

First workshop on Internationalized Domain Names and African languages held in Pointe-Noire,
On 26-27 November 2015, thirty participants, including academics, language specialists,
local ISOC chapter members and volunteers from the Latin Script Generation panel
 Working Group [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa5zwnzon6qfOxBGU4QY5bpaSxqnFHCaamCqgiLkoHPoDx36AlDi3zjXNxM7bVwkG1G3_wPhyg1aaRVTfSKnpjo2_bg85YbptfxNt1fsnvMXNWEcBKHv1W2bFu1Elj6PEGc-l3mpSETLhZsKQK0NcmSNCImkEs4f6ujB0pwgglUTq0jtFaXE_EZ4=&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==],
attended the "Internationalized Domain Names (IDNs) and African languages" workshop
organized by ICANN. The two-day event focused on IDNs in the context of African 
languages and scripts. It also introduced the IDN Program at ICANN and the work 
being done by the script-based Generation Panels. The group was actively engaged
 in examining the steps needed to increase participation from the African community
in the necessary script-based work that is already underway in IDN working groups.
 By the end, the participants had committed to joining working groups on Latin and
Ethiopic Scripts and agreed to help promote IDNs in their respective countries. 
One other interesting suggestion was for the IDN subject to be introduced to linguistic
departments at African higher education institutions. We invite you to join the 
new mailing list [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa5zwnzon6qfOsIGhKYWGp6KEnqGGpaGrom_1WDoqBzCNCC430TtyvoAez-y6iIDtyB7CQuVnfTeu-6CrQiGM9Cq_hk6fRcI3Pm5f_SqnyoDkk_Oh7816VrpNC4YMqRqfODVNCHWV-E5v997DKtKeKp6L_ms4EU2hYg==&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
and participate in the ongoing discussion.

Opening Session on the AFRINIC 23 Meeting led by the Minister for Digital Economy
- Congo - 28 November to 4 December 2015 Pointe Noire - Congo

ICANN sponsors AFRINIC-23, underscoring the continued long-term partnership with
AFRINIC-23, co-organized by the ARPCE (the Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications
and Posts) and AFRINIC, took place over two weeks, attracting over 200 participants
from 34 countries. The event saw a busy agenda that included eight workshop tracks,
the AFRINIC-23 Public Policy Meeting and plenary sessions and the AFRINIC Special
General Members Meeting.
Bob Ochieng and Yaovi Atohoun presented ICANN's Africa Strategy, and touched on 
the key milestones achieved, projects and initiatives currently underway and looked
at the lessons we've learned as we look toward the future of ICANN's Africa Strategy,
which is now entering into its third year. The AFRINIC-23 presentation slides are
available online at: https://meeting.afrinic.net/afrinic-23/agenda [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa5zwnzon6qfOOeGqodS61OeBLuOuLNdXYf2VwXYnalY401iqWW0s_CefKVLt1KgbV4zCOFR9Pfx2sgIBfjUrK1sJaSqcnxMeUMQW757xuQfS9FJ3ehgAIMABuanqO8HIlud_Tv3CZtg3M0gOYVh-45E=&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]

Picture of participants during the Benin DNS forum held on December 12, 2015

Participants at the DNS Workshop in Harare

Yaovi Atohoun presenting during the IGF

Benin holds the first national "Benin DNS Forum"
The Benin Domain Name System (DNS) Forum was an open public seminar organized by
 the local Internet Society chapter (ISOC-BENIN) and IGBANET association, and supported
by ICANN. Participants discussed critical Internet resources in Benin, and we are
pleased to point out three ICANN fellowship alumni were part of the organizing team.
Presentations were on technical DNS topics, such as DNS basics, Berkeley Internet
Name Domain (BIND) and Domain Name System Security Extensions (DNSSEC).  The goal
of the meeting was to start contributing, on an annual basis, to the resiliency 
of Benin's Domain Name System. The event was live streamed to enable remote participation.
More information on the event is available here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa5zwnzon6qfOq15BxMwq1eTLiDzwWJO8YATW0R18ig8p0uZVhIiMTNw1ZyavpSWxK-wlECWYGRpddUlVH4QiFwChgR90ujQLu1ysRGVi34tAM0aDiNV-f2c=&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==].

DNS Entrepreneurship Workshop in Harare receives an outstanding reception
The third of ICANN Africa's workshop series on the new flagship project "Digital
 Entrepreneurship" was held in Harare, Zimbabwe from 24-25 November 2015. The workshop,
which was a resounding success, was hosted by the Zimbabwean Telecoms Regulator 
POTRAZ, and managed to surpass our target attendance by double, attracting over 
sixty participants. The Acting Director General for Zimbabwe Telecoms Regulator 
Ms. Caecilia Nyamutswa, and a representative of Zimbabwe's Ministry of ICT, Ms. 
Georgina Chingozo (Director -Governance), presided over the opening ceremony. The
Ministry of ICT pointed out that Zimbabwe is in the process of consolidating the
 management and governance of .ZW, which is currently managed by four different 
organizations. She also acknowledged that this model is not optimal for implementing
Domain Name Security Extensions (DNSSEC) and registry automation.  The workshop 
came at the right time for Zimbabwe. You can read coverage of the event here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa5zwnzon6qfOoEZZqHAccpNSUQmkRrfzGZ1zrxrRv9QPJAEBVMT7QQOd8cmWXuMFq4e4HUGv6mGTRdmxLnwFu_gRnOF3H4Bfw0qXTujhB9om_ttv1PY_whvhnLGtBbTq-_U3X2vhiL-A4QhRwbqHrkCCPQlRvFCI4aC2RlNhfhFHjh9kkajz1JZHY6s8K0dAqtCAU_v363ojK-xMSYt7HFVcHogtNGMZIFYLS3OP7grJLhftKwxmAAWflWzUJWJB2w==&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==].

ICANN sponsors the Southern Africa IGF in December
The fourth Southern Africa Internet Governance Forum (IGF), themed "Promoting an
 Inclusive Digital Economy for Sustainable Development through Multistakeholder 
Dialogue" took place from 8-9 December, in Harare, Zimbabwe. There were nearly 50
participants from SADC countries in attendance. During the two days, presentations
were given on the following topics: cyber security and trust, ethical and legal 
issues of the Internet, the Internet economy, human rights and Internet rights, 
and critical Internet resources. ICANN's Yaovi Atohoun's presented an update on 
the IANA Stewardship Transition and Enhancing ICANN accountability.

Make your voice heard!
There are five public comment proceedings currently open that require your input.
Please see the list below and share your contributions.


Proposed Implementation of GNSO Thick WHOIS Consensus Policy Requiring Consistent
Labeling and Display of RDDS (WHOIS) Output for All gTLDs [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa47nELJsgHcdLmL3ucrCvrZLKey8aeJ6WYVlsFsdIyEVJRIdEQrCOawP1JHI8yJKJsdoWl9E9OW989bYtYJ6Uw-Wk1ek7WiSWcj80zmC4BTCW60_CNhON8pf6vEQXdxCQa2sLohJCi7b6T-c0ZimXOf5AH4FKM_E7UhJCUTV8m4Z&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
Public Comment Period Closes: 18 January 2016, 23:59 UTC
Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Operational Profile for gTLD Registries
 and Registrars [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa47nELJsgHcd5VYnbqvWP858UWcNPIe3ooSmm2O4OdY9d8Y5aDWonz7ZLt2WX_9isz37OJ1icn_oJOC_1IZH8hhVfJIiMILI6RJS0dD_BRKYQJT7J0dExyZ2WpgFXW5QQ0AporqII4RgbYAgESffP8m3Fhrv-CjaVl27WJqVUzfZAnVTThqqSA0=&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
Public Comment Period Closes: 18 January 2016, 23:59 UTC
Launch of Supplementary Registration Proxy Service for gTLDs Operated by XYZ.com
 LLC [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa47nELJsgHcd5CqhmOJ-XYRdilT8FG-2ZG73SMkUcvzfbk5MX91j4WLoERl8tO6zisrlTTdazuz2ktlK_0uD0iERy_PE-w3JxpGxHWB83x0B6KdEMOiRRIGgwq2y53_ER5AnyBdt7PL811bU50aHyWgnh-0bimu6-saQSWxrHHZ3JmJ4Rda_wfm-_Mh-R3UIUYmC47pnkwIP&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
This public comment period is to gather community input on the proposed amendments
to .XYZ, .COLLEGE, .RENT, .THEATRE, .PROTECTION, and .SECURITY Registry Agreements
to allow XYZ.COM LLC, the Registry Operator of these six TLDs, to offer a new registry
service, which is a proxy service that will provide secondary gateway access to 
SRS/EPP, RDDS (via WHOIS - port 43, web-based Directory Service, RDAP, or any combination
of the three), or both for the purposes of operating these TLDs in local domain 
name markets.
Public Comment Period Closes: 22 January 2016, 23:59 UTC


Label Generation Ruleset for the Root Zone Version 1 (LGR-1) [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa47nELJsgHcddxKKbJ0vq7TA3N_hK7VAnT-y_jxvTfMMtHJPtYJkufE_lVJ0w-_MeCfxhGnqn-1NaKtpvm4WFO64Wnri9E9SN6lRMsF7g1jkOPlr41yHNqtutv4wfASU9YJCHnuCW1gc6SzBnGFdkBrk6E1MQEH99igUrByTf-b7&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
The Integration Panel (IP) successfully evaluated the finalized Proposal for Arabic
script Root Zone Label Generation Rules (LGR) submitted by the Arabic Script Generation
Panel (GP), following the release of the proposal for public comments. The IP has
integrated this proposal by the Arabic script GP into the first version of the Root
Zone LGR. As per the Procedure to Develop and Maintain the Label Generation Rules
for the Root Zone in Respect of IDNA Labels, LGR-1 is being released for public 
comments before finalization.
Public Comment Period Closes: 27 January 2016, 23:59 UTC
Continuous Data-Driven Analysis of Root Server System Stability (CDAR) Study Plan
This study has been commissioned to examine the technical impact of the New gTLD
 Program on the root server system. As the first step, The Netherlands Organization
for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) and its partners SIDN and NLnet Labs will 
publish the draft study plan for public comment. Feedback from the larger DNS community
is critical to ensure a comprehensive approach to data gathering and analysis. Comments
may be incorporated into the final study design.Public Comment Period Closes: 3 
February 2016, 23:59 UTC
The Public Comment page [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa88EbVbk59sBFKKeMWLxRvhUDfYqgiYMoH9DJsrebmc-Xt_ufeml3sDhhZhYS6jdru8U0QouYjNINykiVZOS6oDAB15jKM848ZwncFRzIapQtiHhYb6YDhsbg_hnV49OVEs78V2Pzgrw&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
contains a full list of issues open for public comment and recently closed and archived
public comment proceedings.
The Upcoming Public Comment [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa88EbVbk59sBdOBtxasCs87YGxL1nzVynyyK0xb00_sl_EaFrMJYdbLCz_D6MydB-zNPM-W0qaUaMUepPhUZPcQ7iTlnPcqM7qxIP4GvtsShqKYZ-jSti16hfQM6otj9wgA2JBJG6Z0gCCbrCjmwAqLh-IRCODm0AMxH2RNp5wjJ&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
page provides information about potential public comment opportunities. This page
is updated after every ICANN public meeting to help individuals and the community
set priorities and plan workloads.

Internet for All - Opportunities and Challenges within Internet Governance in Bosnia
and Herzegovina: First National IGF
by Aida Mahmutović, One World Platform, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Last November, we celebrated the 10th global Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in 
Brazil. But for a small country in the heart of Europe - Bosnia and Herzegovina 
(BH) - 1 October 2015 marked the moment it joined the global Internet governance
 landscape with its first national IGF (#BHIGF).
Supported from the start by ICANN and the Association for Progressive Communications
(APC), BHIGF was initially developed by the One World Platform [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa5zwnzon6qfOvoybcoXATWojsGZ8VGcLxARMClIt9k845g4WyiDjh_pmcmQjlyRSVGDa0He6h1vgzcygAgTjmFb1Wq6hI7KgKet2wCoNZXs5nPfPrFJSSUMBvJK-61n7RAUutI8AolLe&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
(OWP) and BH's Communications Regulatory Agency, and was soon joined by the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs. Further support then came from the Council of Europe, Organization
for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), Internet Governance Forum Support
Association (IGFSA), DiploFoundation, RIPE Network Coordination Center (RIPE-NCC)
and the CORE Internet Council of Registrars.
BHIGF sought to promote better understanding and dialogue on the Internet and its
governance by creating an open platform for all stakeholders, to discuss a potential
national IG strategy, and foster discussions on the Internet's role in empowering
the exercise of human rights, thereby promoting the rule of law and democracy.
BHIGF 2015 represented a novel space for open, inclusive and informal dialogue among
the 100+participants. Hopefully, it is only the first in a series of activities,
 Until BHIGF 2016 we look forward to deepening collaborations and invite you to 
contact us at bhigf at oneworldplatform.net [mailto:bhigf at oneworldplatform.net].

IANA Functions Customers Give ICANN High Marks
Ninety-four percent of IANA functions customers who participated in an annual, third-party
survey reported being "satisfied" or "very satisfied" with services they received
between September 2014 and August 2015. In regard to accuracy, which customers have
identified as the most important performance indicator for the past three years,
 ICANN's IANA department earned a 98 percent satisfaction rate. The IANA Functions
Customer Survey measures satisfaction across seven performance indicators, provides
valuable feedback and helps drive process improvements. Learn more [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIazRrufFn6vzxkyLZom5Pr9_xuTZRrCBWItQ1h_S5TX97zxL9341JMEXsMTVCQTQdRcXv3bixXdTBJQck5XiW05-hRA5WwTrdpVXt_igJrlSmDXVUm_c26khTtzEiy0kdyqRgRXkCHh40VHhNrLZhvCiiMBJ833_8CA==&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==].
Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team Seated
In December 2015, seven people were selected to serve on the team of volunteers 
that will review the New gTLD Program in regard to Competition, Consumer Trust and
Consumer Choice (CCT). Review team members represent a wide array of geographic 
regions and areas of expertise. Some are representing ICANN supporting organizations
and advisory committees and others are serving as independent experts. Find out 
who was selected here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIazRrufFn6vzxC1GAuZFmS191tPjoxyZhUCQO7CcB3au6dXAMRbH7qKVmEgsLW7PP7M94C2C00EuEgZO033uExiC-Px8Vkf3e0Dj7yEVgcHQ9ZsCd5k9jT5JOKzeiJunfv_t5GupZgQLn8qnRqneQPhGnDnB4DKSgIQ==&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==].

Sixty-nine new gTLDs delegated in December 2015



For the full list of new gTLDs delegated in December 2015, click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa7xFluV7ki2HX9o4FCJdfcdIdHKmiYAJzVJz3Uuzp9SUkljGwogXVmYJzpFXDoux4J3iwbQQX39wM7StOgOmE_s9bjTRse3unVBW4dF19JeaZ-KsTWsF7E5nGZlPmqZae549OAFEtMNTtHc5KB2u1osfMNcV3_LnBAMUWohoWtc-&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==].

Join us for the FY16 Q2 Quarterly Update on 28 January 2016 at 1500 UTC. Watch this
space [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa5zwnzon6qfO1EPuAF1vXaQq-AjRFaxx5wUFQ6XRvujN9ccL5fSGzBKTneUsZ9CL27dHD8V2ooEALSWbiP-Y4r1EN0sATHSypNjimqN9cN1Jueps2cRlO2k=&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
for registration details.

18-19 January 2016: Turkey DNS Forum [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa_Z4BAyYedvyRFqw6-RLkESfmaOKsDcO6stcknUj-I2xhg6FcEa-MCixl_Tha1Ay_KYSpwWrWfLnOW_cb3x3HDSfOqowCJumckP5GIGS4NBtwQeEn1Mvhx7ddowgGEKc0Q==&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
19-20 January 2016: DNS Business workshop, Brazzaville, Congo
January 2016:  DNSSEC Workshop in Rabat, Morocco
5-10 March 2016: ICANN55 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa_Z4BAyYedvy1UAteVIYvNYc81mlW1j2qwkc3LfFuj57Ne2MdVZ_WrSVszofqBjZ_4DE2WWllSToajOQiR-Pj7WWkwg8KGJfNfMeNso4yqz1yIt0k01J7AWVU7ch-YlqWlt_-SYQJIX_sWo9w-4domA=&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==]
For a more detailed look at all our events in the different regions that we will
 be participating in please see here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001Y0ucaTKKPoB000io5rtrhP4aDddW3dUBkRe_phZz4BHZFMjPhwZIa5VjnfPwqM7Zu7YUExFMSsSO_oW6b6Cs9OqExkMoudsIkQt1JTI8-vL6Y3xzBy-R9irAiSH4Y7Ei-WMrTMgEYXBdKd12t83j_jG7TqzLHWDbp4NDWAlW8AdAOPJLdv5hF4I8x2_2jkdTqaGZBTUScVg=&c=--qWKQXOOJwnDK6oylfKLhq_eJNV9gejtUs4XO68YSrEkoezq9onog==&ch=ezEMYgVt2Ev8ySVQzveatYX_piGbnU-z72pBgbZoKh0I0Vj03bnLWg==].

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