Ron Baione ron.baione at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 9 20:48:01 UTC 2016

Remeber folks, it doesnt matter what acronym you call a conference or how many conferences you have, the progress from those conferences will continue to equal zero, the collective progress of ICANN's 55 conferences is zero, and the purpose of the conferences is the allusion of travel as progress so the people of earth continue to falsely believe 'somebody out there is in charge of making the world a better place, therefore I don't have to do anything', the acronyms are designed to confuse non-intelligent people who see any acronym and instantly (and lazily) believe it is all too confusing, therefore it must be 'for those official people' and not worth looking into.  

Thats how shell companies like 'the swiss group' succeed, by sounding official to the non-intelligent, but if you look into it, that shell company did zero business.  After 55 conferences, name one thing people of the world can be expected to refer to as an important resolution to any problem at any internet conference, that goes for the G8, G20 any conference where billionaire appointed 'leaders' talk past each other, eat lavish meals, pretend to be making progress, and report to their populations that travel and meetings with each other was progress.  Anybody remember the great G20 conference of '97?  How about ICANN 20, great right?  Remember the progress made at that one?  Nope.  Zero progress.

Take a poll of the ICANN community on which conference was the best one in terms of progress, no one would know.  Some think the solution to the internet is to take the power over it from the U.S. government, the actual solution is to make oligarchy illegal and re-establish democracy in America and other phony governments mismanaged by billionaire purchased puppets.

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