[EURO-Discuss] Signing the MoUs

Thomas Roessler roessler at does-not-exist.org
Wed Mar 28 09:58:23 EDT 2007

On 2007-03-28 14:43:21 +0100, Nick Ashton-Hart wrote:

> My thought, without prejudice to what the legal people might say,
> is that ICANN doesn't really have a preference and the bylaws do
> not provide for ICANN to have such a preference. 

I disagree with the latter; that's part of the questions that you've
chosen to ignore for a while now.


> My suggestion to everyone is that we agree the process you wish
> to follow in respect of this element once we have all returned
> home and had some time to get through the elections process and
> address the question of incorporation - it would seem to me that
> the question you raise here, and the question of incorporation,
> are questions which naturally go together.

> Does that seem sensible to you?

The more I see of this process, the more I think that all that
should be signed tomorrow is a set of very short letters of intent
in which ICANN and the ALSes state that they:

(a) intend that a European RALO be formed according to the
    principles laid out in the draft materials coordinated

(b) intend that a formal MoU be signed once EURALO is formed and the
    question around individual user participation resolved

You can still declare victory and hold a ceremony around that.

Thomas Roessler   <roessler at does-not-exist.org>

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