William Drake drake at hei.unige.ch
Thu Apr 26 05:50:53 EDT 2007


Oops, sorry, too much mail this morning to think clearly.  Ok then could we
do the call one or two hours later, e.g. 19:00 or 20:00 CET?  Then I might
be able to make it, just have to get away from something....

If we're going to do this, it would make sense for anyone who absolutely
can't make the call, e.g. Wolfgang and Rudi, to share their views here in


On 4/26/07 11:24 AM, "Patrick Vande Walle" <patrick at vande-walle.eu> wrote:

> Bill,
> We have 3 candidates for  2 ALAC posts.  So yes, I think we need to
> discuss who will be selected, or elected if we cannot find a consensus
> during the teleconference.
> William Drake wrote:
>> Could we clarify something?  A number of people here have expressed support
>> for Vittorio's proposal to seat all the candidates and dispense with voting,
>> and nobody has objected.

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