[EURO-Discuss] Customer Centricity : Trust

Frédéric Taes ftaes at tsf.be
Thu May 30 22:22:24 UTC 2024

Dear all,


With the good news of yesterday, with more freedom and fewer obligations I have as ALS representative, and with all your good feedback, I would like to lead a new initiative within EURALO: “ Customer Centricity ”.


>From Gartner definition, “Customer centricity is the ability of people in an organization to understand customers' situations, perceptions, and expectations. Customer centricity demands that the customer is the focal point of all decisions related to delivering products, services and experiences to create customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy.”


Why customer centricity?  First it enables to address real customers (consumers, end-users) concerns, starting from needs, to offer a solution. It saves time and energy by avoiding to waste effort by trying to get interest on solutions that do not answer to customer needs. And it’s the best way to defend the multistakeholder model, being endangered.


>From several sources (personal, ALS, and Digitally Aware Election series), today first end-users/customers expectations in Europe are 1) “safety” and 2) “ trust “.  If the multistakeholder approach does not fix this, Digital Sovereignty supporters would take this as opportunity to promote their own legislation to protect citizens, or to restrict the Internet and basic DNS services (ex: CSAM).


Let’s focus on “trust”. For trust, you need to know to whom you’re talking, so identify owner of domain name: the WHOIS service.

I would have heard that WHOIS would have been made empty because of GDPR. As certified DPO, I would like from anyone arguing GDPR to provide following info related to WHOIS service:

the record of processing activities (GDPR article 30)
the DPIA – Data Protection Impact Assessment (GDPR article 35)
the feedback from Supervisory Authority on this DPIA (GDPR article 36)

Thank you for your feedback, with this info we can move on. If you are interested to join a working group on this topic, don’t hesitate to raise your interest.


Best Regards,


ISOC.be, EURALO At-Large Structure


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