[EURO-Discuss] CROPP application for EuroDIG_ CROPP support for EuroDIG

TaC Europe contact at againstcybercrime.eu
Thu Mar 2 18:12:50 UTC 2023

Dear Yrjo, all

We would be happy also to suggest the Ukrainian youth presence and also apply for CROPP with our organisation. That will bring better vision of the topic and also support multi-stakeholder opinion and multi-stakeholder community of views.

As you probably know, we have organized last year, together with the European Parliament, a specific event to help the Ukrainian youth, so we would like to apply and give one CROPP seat to one of them, as they are in need and in need of expressing their views.

Please do check the event I mentioned here:


With all the best, Yuliya

De : EURO-Discuss <euro-discuss-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org> de la part de Oksana Prykhodko via EURO-Discuss <euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
Envoyé : mercredi 1 mars 2023 14:35:08
À : Yrjö Länsipuro
Cc : Discussion for At-Large Europe
Objet : Re: [EURO-Discuss] CROPP support for EuroDIG

Dear Yrjö,

Thank you ver-very much!

Kind regards,

On Wed, Mar 1, 2023, 13:34 Yrjö Länsipuro <yrjo_lansipuro at hotmail.com<mailto:yrjo_lansipuro at hotmail.com>> wrote:
Dear all,

I would like to express my strong support for Oksana’s application. Her presence in Tampere would be  very important as EuroDIG discusses the impact of the war on the Internet (Topic Area 1). (Incidentally, she’ll be discussing her wartime end-user experiences at the RIPE NCC Open House event on the  Internet in Ukraine tomorrow, Thursday 2 March 1200-1400 UTC). https://www.ripe.net/participate/meetings/open-house/ripe-ncc-open-house-internet-in-ukraine



From: EURO-Discuss <euro-discuss-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org<mailto:euro-discuss-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org>> on behalf of Oksana Prykhodko via EURO-Discuss <euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org<mailto:euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>>
Date: Tuesday, 28. February 2023 at 21.52
To: Discussion for At-Large Europe <euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org<mailto:euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>>
Subject: [EURO-Discuss] CROPP support for EuroDIG
Dear all,

I am asking for CROPP support to participate in EuroDIG.

Kind regards,
Oksana Prykhodko
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