[EURO-Discuss] EURO-Discuss Digest, Vol 206, Issue 14

Natalia Filina filinafilka at gmail.com
Mon Dec 18 17:11:57 UTC 2023

Dear all, thank you for the announcement.
With this email I would like to express my great support to 3 candidates
for Board members:

   - Claire-Mélanie Popineau (Eclairement)
   - Lutz Donnerhacke (Fitug e.V.)
   - Steinar Grøtterød (ISOC NO)

With this email, I also kindly ask EURALO Chair, Sebastien Bachollet, to
consider the possibility of forming a Ad-Hoc working group in the very near
future to complete the ROP and include clarifying the selection criteria
for any official positions of the EURALO and the need to provide a
statement of interests from applicants (with a point "reason to believe")
for everyone who applies to participate in the elections within EURALO.

These criterias of prohibition of approving candidates, can be:

   - lack of visible work activity and real participation in EURALO,
   At-Large work,
   - creation of conflicts (documented and with evidence, especially with
   involving the Ombudsman more than 1 time, and involving ICANN Board members
   for attempts at clumsy apologies),
   - sabotaging the adoption of very important working decisions for EURALO,
   - sabotaging of approval the internal working documents without
   participating of creation these,
   - lack of ethics of communication, violation of the rules of conduct,
   - constant opposition to the presence of representatives of other
   nations inside EURALO, At-Large, ICANN (what choose a word - nationalism or
   - the absence of any reports after attending events funded by ICANN
   (with the budget allocated to the EURALO),
   - long-term open fight with community leaders and members,
   - the creation of a negative image of EURALO outside and inside it,
   - an unsubstantiated accusation of the community in the absence of
   legitimacy and democracy.

These rules also need to outline the criteria by which Board members can be
removed from their activities and replaced with more worthy ones.

*The purpose of updating the ROP*:
The Board and management of RALO will include people with an *equal and
high level* reputation and self-organization, with real results of
activities within the community, playing a key role for enhancing the
This will allow EURALO to flourish, and to minimize the participation in
key processes of people who seek to degrade, but for some reason do it
within our community.

With this email I would like to once again draw the attention of Euralo
members to the possibility of participating in the work and coordinating
the activities of EURALO, At-Large. This is a very positive, privilege,
great opportunity to follow our mission and strengthen our work, regardless
of whether you hold an official position here or not.

We have a lot of active, positive people (new ones too!), and I want to
thank you on behalf of the EURALO Board for your active work and a very
productive, nice 2023 year together.

Happy holidays to all of you!

Natalia Filina

Secretary of EURALO

ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement, Co-Chair,

DotDucky <https://dotducky.com/> owner 🐣

+7 906 722 54 61
Moscow, Russian Federation

пн, 18 дек. 2023 г. в 13:24, <euro-discuss-request at atlarge-lists.icann.org>:

> Send EURO-Discuss mailing list submissions to
>         euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>         https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/euro-discuss
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
>         euro-discuss-request at atlarge-lists.icann.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
>         euro-discuss-owner at atlarge-lists.icann.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of EURO-Discuss digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Announcement - EURALO Board 2023-2025 (ICANN At-Large Staff)
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: ICANN At-Large Staff <staff at atlarge.icann.org>
> To: Discussion for At-Large Europe <euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2023 10:24:37 +0000
> Subject: [EURO-Discuss] Announcement - EURALO Board 2023-2025
> Dear All,
> Further to the recent EURALO Board call for candidates, we have a total of
> four candidates who have been nominated/self-nominated and who have all
> accepted their nominations.
> With a sub-regional and gender balance, please find hereafter the names in
> no particular order:
>    - Claire-Mélanie Popineau (Eclairement)
>    - Oksana Prykhodko (iNGO European Media Platform)
>    - Lutz Donnerhacke (Fitug e.V.)
>    - Steinar Grøtterød (ISOC NO)
> The size of the Board being 2-5 members, we are within the remit and
> therefore, hereby request to announce the selection of these candidates by
> acclamation by the EURALO Members. Should there be any contestation, please
> respond on the EURALO Mailing list by Monday 8th January 2024. Failing any
> contestation, the Board will be seated on Tuesday 9th January 2024 during
> the EURALO Board meeting at 18:00 UTC for a 2 year term (ending 2025 AGM).
> Thank you.
> Kind regards,
> At-Large Staff
> ICANN Policy Team in support of the At-Large Community
> Website: atlarge.icann.org [atlarge.icann.org]
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/atlarge.icann.org/__;!!PtGJab4!_FMj7a2EPuPDkroB-rK14maJu_K60gc2PNnv3Fj8XoeN21t64MmZnYifVKY5LWA-qFvnjB9Kvznf0E5mzRRf_g$>
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> [image: signature_1469161298]
> From: EURO-Discuss <euro-discuss-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org> on
> behalf of Discussion for At-Large Europe <
> euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
> Reply to: At-Large Staff <staff at atlarge.icann.org>
> Date: Monday, 4 December 2023 at 13:19
> To: Discussion for At-Large Europe <euro-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
> Subject: [EURO-Discuss] Please read - Reminder - NOMINATIONS OPEN - Call
> for Nominations for the election of the EURALO Board 2023-2025
> Deadline Thursday 7 December 2023 at 23:59 UTC
>  Please submit your nominations and self-nominations until Thursday 7
> December at 23:59 UTC by sending an email to the EURALO mailing list and
> copying At-Large staff mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org.
> Message sent on behalf of EURALO’s Chair and Secretariat
> Dear EURALO members,
> The current EURALO Board term ends on 9 December 2023. EURALO's Chair and
> Secretariat would like to announce a call for nominations to fill
> https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/EURALO+Board+2023-2025+Workspace
> for the next 2 years (10 December 2023 – end of ICANN AGM 2025). This call
> is made in accordance with the
> https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/Procedures+and+Policies?preview=/16843067/120820581/EURALO
> Bylaws draft 10-06-2019 FINALv5-clean (1).pdf, the
> https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/EURALO+Information:+Governance,+Leaders+and+Members?preview=/186779828/284950756/20231128_EURALO_RoP_signed.pdf
> (ROP) and
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_download_attachments_53777046_Performance-2Dcriteria-5FBoard-5FSecretariat.pdf-3Fversion-3D1-26modificationDate-3D1444426126000-26api-3Dv2&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=ds9md1zoepmwqw2nfk-Vs9ssxn1I3jPs97ekKkctEkM&m=uH6rhLVHXzz1YfhbIQlJ_-Iu_Wj1boE4MDzX1ExE9CQ&s=CsKYExIOA6aUn5tQkz9Uixkgq6qlEDJF7Q9n-yVTvic&e=
> .
> Please note the current Board will remain in place until the new Board is
> elected.
> In addition, there is a need for Board members as a whole, to share
> responsibilities with the EURALO Chair and Secretariat in assuming the
> following topics:
> 1. Legal issues
> 2. Policy Development
> 3. Communication including leading the work on the EURALO
> website/WIKI/Facebook page.
> 4. Outreach with communities outside ICANN
> Please note the rules and agreements applicable to this election (see
> document attached). In accordance with these agreements, kindly note:
> 1. The size of the EURALO Board will be 2-5 members, plus ex-officio, the
> EURALO Chair and EURALO Secretary;
> 2. There should be a maximum limit of 1 Board member per country;
> 3. As is the usual custom in votes involving people, votes will take place
> by secret ballot;
> 4. The Board will be selected for a two-years-term;  not performing Board
> members can be recalled after one year to allow to be replaced by better
> candidates.
> The EURALO Board should be balanced but EURALO has not reached a consensus
> on having direct absolute criteria for geographical (East/Western Europe)
> or gender criteria. As geographical and gender balance are important in our
> region, we ask you to consider these issues when making your selection.
> Please submit your nominations and self-nominations from Thursday 30
> November 2023 until Thursday 7 December 2023 at 23:59 UTC by sending an
> email to the EURALO mailing list and copying At-Large staff mailto:
> staff at atlarge.icann.org. All candidates who accept their nominations by
> the deadline above must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI).
> The online vote will start on Friday 08 December 2023 until Friday 15
> December 2023 at 23:59 UTC.
> At-Large Staff will note the nominations on the following Wiki:
> https://community.icann.org/display/EURALO/EURALO+Board+2023-2025+Workspace
> Thank you for your active participation in this election process!
> Kind regards,
> Gisella
> ——————
> Gisella Gruber
> Manager, At-Large Relations and Operations Support, ALAC-At-Large
> Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
> Email: mailto:gisella.gruber at icann.org
> Tel: tel:+44 7545 334360
> Skype ID:
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__gisella.gw&d=DwMFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=PqnmlD10aN3cxIHyiUf_hNf25P6Dsv7dJM6flBzRrBs&m=DMVLeb1g8oJ6gdbQVqz99sWUBIbbFK0_e1TBFQXWLiw&s=-6rdzktgfnAZYAxJ31qNN4PEFoMv1Novn91ItX4-0sA&e=
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