[EURO-Discuss] follow our own bylaws

Veni Markovski veni at veni.com
Wed May 9 17:13:36 EDT 2007

Agree with Vittorio and with Patrick from earlier today.
People, colleagues, please, understand that what we see here is one 
of the reasons why there's not enough good participation by new 
people at the work of ICANN - because nobody new would enjoy such in 
depth discussions on something so small and simple.
We had to hear the lawyers, the managers, the staff.... Please, be 
reasonable. And try not to think that this is a political process, 
and your candidates have to make it somewhere, or it's a loss for you.
In this artificial fight for power, the only losers are the Internet 
users - perhaps we have to remind often some people that ICANN exists 
for the users, not for anyone else.


At 23:06 5/9/2007  +0200, you wrote:
>Nick Ashton-Hart ha scritto:
> > We (Susie and myself) will therefore setup a vote to start this
> > Friday, when the election would have started, and ending on the same
> > date the election would have ended, with this question:
>Please note that if it turns out that you can enjoy rights without
>signing the related agreement, my organization will consider terminating
>the agreement. Why should we sign a contract if it is not necessary?

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