[At-Large] WEBCAST APR 18 – AFRINIC – Exploring African ccTLDs: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Thu Apr 18 09:18:53 UTC 2024

** Since April 1 2024 - the ISOC Live community livestream service is no
longer funded by the Internet Society - big thanks to our first monthly
sustaining sponsor Vint Cerf for his support! **

Just starting. I thought i was keeping count on these webinars, but they
are too multitudinous!

REAL TIME TEXT https://bit.ly/3Uo1kzk

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[image: ISOC LIVE]
On *Thursday April 18 2024* at *09:00-10:30 UTC* the *African Network
Information Centre
presents another episode in its *2024 AFRINIC Webinar series
with the theme '*Exploring African ccTLDs: Trends, Challenges, and

In recent years, the digital landscape in Africa has been rapidly evolving,
with the Internet playing a pivotal role in shaping socio-economic
development across the continent. One pivotal aspect of this evolution is
the use of Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs). ccTLDs is crucial in
defining a nation's online presence and digital identity. This webinar
delves into the trends, challenges, and opportunities surrounding African
ccTLDs, shedding light on their significance in the continent's digital

*Barrack Otieno* - General Manager, Africa Top Level Domains Organization
*Yazid Akanoh* - Technical Engagement Specialist for Middle East and
Africa, ICANN.
*Lucky Masilela* - Chief Executive Officer, ZA Central Registry NPC
*Albert Kamga* - Director of Standardisation and Cooperation , ANTIC
Moderator: *Stephen Honlue *- Project Manager and Transformation Lead,

*LIVESTREAM https://livestream.com/internetsociety/afrinic2024-cctld

*PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://bit.ly/3xE7IcP


@AFRINIC @otienobarrack @aftld @yakanho @ICANN @Ngagaru @ZA_CR Albert Kamga
@antic_cameroun *

*MASTODON  #afrinic


Permalink https://isoc.live/17698/

Joly MacFie  +12185659365
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