[At-Large] MEAC gTLDs - Totals with Locally and Externally hosted websites

John McCormac jmcc at hosterstats.com
Thu Jan 25 19:08:04 UTC 2024

There seems to be no update from ICANN on the MEAC 2023 study.

Here are some of the latest January 2024 gTLD hosting market figures 
(the MEAC countries from the full set of country level hosting markets 
spreadsheet) from a monthly domain name statistics report that I 
publish. The grouping is by hoster (registrar and resellers) associated 
with the country and the Local field is the number of locally hosted 
websites and the External field is the number of websites hosted outside 
that country's IP ranges. The Sites figure is the total number of gTLD 
websites hosted on the country's IP ranges.

Country - ccTLD - region -All gTLDs - Local - External - Sites

United Arab Emirates	ae	AP	42,825	2,160	19,384	11,367
Afghanistan	af	AP	373	3	331	150
Bahrain	bh	AP	670	3	263	219
Algeria	dz	AF	12,601	1,157	10,764	1,406
Egypt	eg	AF	15,828	2,749	10,247	4,621
Iran	ir	AP	390,120	182,753	73,212	305,710
Iraq	iq	AP	1,728	182	1,369	514
Jordan	jo	AP	3,619	567	970	1,512
Kuwait	kw	AP	2,308	274	1,324	1,085
Lebanon	lb	AP	2,827	865	1,181	1,422
Libya	ly	AF	3,258	22	2,689	404
Morocco	ma	AF	33,069	8,467	16,105	9,292
Mauritania	mr	AF	13	1	0	9
Oman	om	AP	1,167	154	728	508
Pakistan	pk	AP	97,229	1,860	82,016	5,067
Palestine	ps	AP	846	404	279	1,038
Qatar	qa	AP	2,077	67	1,649	423
Saudi Arabia	sa	AP	32,992	1,872	27,675	4,648
Sudan	sd	AF	1,014	6	864	46
Somalia	so	AF	726	1	565	266
Syria	sy	AP	1,495	573	746	737
Tunisia	tn	AF	8,447	4,364	2,264	4,885
Turkey	tr	AP	1,630,854	1,150,503	104,895	1,253,638
Yemen	ye	AP	320	0	305	179

The sheer vandalism of GDPR on the WHOIS has made the WHOIS records far 
less reliable when it comes to determining the country of a registration 
than they were at the time of the previous MEAC study in 2015. Due to 
GDPR kicking in May 2018, many of the gTLD registrations since then have 
critical data obscured or redacted.

Most of the larger registrars automatically use WHOIS privacy. Some 
registrars actually provide no data even on the country fields. That's 
just the registrars. The registrants are far more creative on 
registration details and often put a completely different country for 
the registration. That's on some of the available records.

 From reading through the RFP (again), some of the ICANN requirements 
are worthy if a little on the optimistic side. Apart from major players 
like Turkey and Iran, a lot of registrations and websites are externally 
hosted on transnational registrars and hosting companies. Internet 
infrastructure, the importance of which was detailed in the draft Africa 
DNS Market Study 2023, plays a large part in where domain names are 
hosted. Globally, the reseller market share is approximately 21.98% of 
the gTLD market.

John McCormac  *  e-mail: jmcc at hosterstats.com
MC2            *  web: http://www.hosterstats.com/
22 Viewmount   *  Domain Registrations Statistics
Waterford      *  Domnomics - the business of domain names
Ireland        *  https://amzn.to/2OPtEIO
IE             *  Skype: hosterstats.com

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