[At-Large] WEBCAST DEC 14 – CITI Governance – NETmundial +10: Opportunities and Challenges \nfor Multistakeholder Global Internet Governance

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Thu Dec 14 15:36:25 UTC 2023

Just started. REAL TIME TEXT https://bit.ly/472KWqO

[image: isoc live]
On* Thursday December 14, 2023*, at *10:30-12:00 EST* (15:30-17:00 UTC),
the *Columbia Institute for Tele-Information
as part of its *Global Digital Governance series
presents a webinar '*NETmundial +10: Opportunities and Challenges \nfor
Multistakeholder Global Internet Governance

In April 2014, Brazil hosted the *NETmundial Global Multistakeholder
Meeting on the Future of Internet Governance
São Paulo. Held after a substantial online preparatory consultation, the
meeting brought together over 1200 participants from governments and
stakeholder groups to adopt a *NETmundial Multistakeholder Statement
advanced guiding principles and a roadmap for the future evolution of
Internet governance. The NETmundial strengthened international support for
multistakeholder cooperation at a very difficult moment that was shaped by
the Edward Snowden revelations, divisive Internet negotiations in the
United Nations, and the US government’s planned transition of its authority
over critical Internet resources to the global community.

On November 23, 2023 the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee
(CGI.br) *announced
Brazil will convene a NETmundial +10 meeting in São Paulo in the Spring of
2024. The stated objectives include reviewing and renewing international
commitments to the NETmundial principles and strategic agenda, and debating
the role of multistakeholder participation in today’s even more heatedly
divided geopolitical environment. The prospective meeting is stimulating
discussion around the world and in the new year will likely reanimate the
wide-ranging debates about the roles of states and stakeholders and the
balance between multistakeholder and intergovernmental cooperation in
global Internet governance.

This webinar assembles a panel of veteran expert participants in global
Internet governance for an initial open global discussion of the
NETmundial+10 meeting. It is simulcast live under the auspices of the *Internet
Society New York Chapter

*Avri Doria*, independent researcher and consultant
*Wolfgang Kleinwächter*, Professor Emeritus, International Communication
Policy and Regulation, University of Aarhus
*Renata Mielli*, Coordinator, Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br)

*William J. Drake*, Director of International Studies at the Columbia
Institute for Tele-Information

*LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety3/citi-netmundial

*PARTICIPATE VIA ZOOM https://citinetmundial.eventbrite.com

*REAL TIME TEXT https://bit.ly/472KWqO

*TWITTER #NetMundial
@Columbia_Biz @avri @renatamielli Wolfgang Kleinwächter #netgov*

*MASTODON  #NetMundial


*Permalink https://isoc.live/17162 <https://isoc.live/17162>*

Joly MacFie  +12185659365
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