[At-Large] Update on NETmundial+10

Roberto Gaetano roberto_gaetano at hotmail.com
Thu Apr 4 21:56:30 UTC 2024

Dear all,

By now all the persons who have applied for participation in person should have received the approval - please let me know if this is not the case. Online participation is still work in progress, as priority has been given to participation in presence because of the time needed to obtain visas, book tickets, etc. However, all online participation applications will be confirmed, pending due diligence to eliminate e.g. frivolous applications.

The consultation - see https://netmundial.br/consultation - is still open, the deadline has been extended to Wednesday, 10th April. Please provide your comments even if you do not plan to attend NETmundial, as this will be an opportunity to make the voice of the users heard.

Best regards,
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