[At-Large] UA Days

bzs at theworld.com bzs at theworld.com
Tue Apr 2 00:30:08 UTC 2024

Echoing some of what Evan said a worthwhile role of at-large would be
to act as a repository and producer of facts, data, and analyses about
internet usage as pertains to ICANN's mission.

These could range from literature surveys, surely there must be
mountains of research out there, to sponsoring data collection and
analyses by domain (in the general sense) experts where lacking.

Otherwise it just becomes a talking club: people of varying
capabilities spouting about what they believe to be true and debating
those beliefs among themselves mostly with little or no result --
another social media outlet with no product and no persistence.

I could imagine, for example, quarterly and annual, etc
("intelligencers"), summaries of the state of the world which is
affected by ICANN's mission.

I know, sounds too much like real work.

        -Barry Shein

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