[At-Large] Last call for IGF-USA Topics

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Sat Mar 16 09:24:39 UTC 2024

Today, Saturday, the last chance to submit an IGF-USA topic. If you are not
on the mailing list, sign up at https://mailchi.mp/igfusa/signup

Deadline is Saturday!

IGF-USA 2024 Call for topics.

*The IGF-USA Call for Topics is open through 16 March 2024 !*

So, that only leaves a couple of days to get your favored Internet policy
chew toy on the agenda! Don't be shy!

You can see what has come in so far on the *IGF-USA Wiki

After the close of the submission period, the IGF-USA Steering Committee
will review all submissions, determine the interest level, and create teams
to produce panels on selected topics.

If you need more information, please *let us know
<info at igf-usa.us?subject=Re%3A%20IGF-USA%20call%20for%20topics>*.

Joly MacFie  +12185659365
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