[At-Large] Global IGF sessions

Maureen Hilyard maureen.hilyard at gmail.com
Mon Sep 25 18:49:46 UTC 2023

Hi everyone

If you are going to be participating as a presenter in a session (in person
or virtually) at the Global IGF in Kyoto from 8 - 12 October, and would
like to have your session promoted  at the At-Large/ICANN Booth. please
upload your session information on the  At-Large IGF wiki space

Contact staff at atlarge.icann.org  if you need help to upload your
information (please include the date, time and room number of your

Aris and I (and anyone else is welcome) will be on site at the booth each
day (early in the day - at a time to be determined) as soon as we get
information from At-Large participants who are going to be involved in this
IGF event either in person or virtually. Please get in touch with us.


*Maureen Hilyard*

Development Consultant

Cook Islands Internet Action Group

*Mobile (Cook Islands) *+682 54641

*Mobile (NZ) *+64 2108192283

*hilyard at oyster.net.ck <hilyard at oyster.net.ck>*

*maureen.hilyard at gmail.com <maureen.hilyard at gmail.com> *


PO Box 156, Avarua, Rarotonga

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