[At-Large] DomainIncite : Is this why WhatsApp hates some TLDs but not others?

Karl Auerbach karl at cavebear.com
Sun Sep 17 22:09:49 UTC 2023

On 9/17/23 2:51 PM, John McCormac wrote:
>> So rather than focusing on "DNS Abuse (phishing, spam and malware) 
>> and Content Abuse (intellectual property and trademark infringement 
>> etc)" we ought to focus on the harmful aspects - fraud, 
>> misrepresentation, violation of copyright or trademark - rather than 
>> on a gear tooth (DNS) in one kind of machinery though which these 
>> harmful acts are committed.
> That might put ICANN, the registries, and the registrars in the 
> position of being content regulators. I don't think that any of them 
> want that.
I think we may have what in legal circles we call "a distinction without 
a difference".

At the end of the day, whether we regulate an act via DNS or because of 
laws against fraud, the end result is regulation of content.

Indeed, until we have widespread systems of remotely operated robotics, 
pretty much anything we act on on the internet is based on content.

(The exceptions to that are things like response time metrics, which, to 
my mind, when they pertain to DNS are clearly within ICANN's remit.)


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