[At-Large] DomainIncite : Is this why WhatsApp hates some TLDs but not others?

Alejandro Pisanty apisanty at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 06:45:19 UTC 2023


if the At Large / ALAC's role is to inform - whom? I read from your note
that it should be informing the broader community of users, developers,
operators of all kinds of online services, etc.

It has failed.

Alejandro Pisanty

On Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 3:07 PM Evan Leibovitch via At-Large <
at-large at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:

> Roberto Gaetano wrote:
> I am just saying that At-Large is not the right place where to raise the
>> issue asking for solutions.
> We are fully agreed that this is not At-Large's task to fix.
> I *will*, however, advance that it is At-Large's task to *inform*. We
> have an important but sadly neglected role to play in public education.
> There are many issues related to domain names about which people may ask
> but for which answers are either absent, partial or inaccurate. The most
> obvious of these is explaining the difference between .co and .com -- that
> is, how is a ccTLD operationally different from a gTLD. The differences can
> be non-trivial to both domain consumers and end-users, and are complicated
> by the way some ccTLDs are marketed by gTLDs. Over the years I have not
> found an end-user perspective to this issue, only those which inform domain
> investors.
> "Why are there so many TLDs and why can't I access some of them?", today's
> topic, is clearly another worthy of some treatment. And maybe someone
> somewhere can explain the status of the .su TLD.
> We all know that ALAC sits very low on the list of ICANN community parts
> actually capable of affecting significant change. We're an expense to ICANN
> rather than a source of revenue, and we lack the economic clout of domain
> buyers and sellers or the political clout of the GAC.
> That's not going to change any time soon (how's progress on that second
> At-Large Board seat coming along?) but that's OK. There is still much that
> we can do to inform end-users (that is, those who wish to be informed) with
> answers to questions that nobody else seems to be answering, from a
> perspective unlike any other within ICANN. After all, if we're going to
> represent the interests of end-users, having them as informed as possible
> is helpful.
> - Evan
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     Dr. Alejandro Pisanty
Facultad de Química UNAM
Av. Universidad 3000, 04510 Mexico DF Mexico
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