[At-Large] WEBCAST JUL 11 : UK Internet Governance Forum 2023

Joly MacFie joly at punkcast.com
Tue Jul 11 05:37:58 UTC 2023

After the French IGF last week (which btw is archived here
<https://archive.org/details/fgi-france-2023>), now it is the UK's turn.
Like the French, rather than separate real time text, AI captions will be

[image: isoc live] <https://isoc.live/16701%20>On *Tuesday July 11 2023*
 the *UK Internet Governance Forum 2023
<https://ukigf.org.uk/events/uk-igf-2023/>* will be held in London. The *UK
Internet Governance Forum <https://ukigf.org.uk/>* (UK IGF) is the national
IGF for the United Kingdom. The purpose of IGFs is to facilitate a common
understanding of how to maximise the opportunities of the Internet whilst
mitigating the risks and challenges that the internet presents. Messages
from the UK IGF will be carried to the *Global IGF in Kyoto
<https://intgovforum.org/en/content/igf-2023>*. The livestream is provided
by *Internet Society UK England Chapter <https://isoc-e.org/>*.

*AGENDA https://ukigf.org.uk/2023-agenda <https://ukigf.org.uk/2023-agenda>*


*09:00 Welcome and Opening of UK IGF*
*Ellie Bradley*, MD Registry & Public Benefit, Nominet
*Alice Campbell*, Public Affairs Manager, tech UK
*Mike Tunks*, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Internet Watch Foundation

*09:15 Keynote: techUK Tech Plan: How the next Government can use
technology to build a better Britain*
*Neil Ross*, Associate Director (Policy),techUK

*10:05 Data Protection in an AI-Driven World*
*Abigail Burke*, Policy Manager, Data Protection at the Open Rights Group
*Ana-Maria Cretu*, Senior Researcher, AI and Data Protection
*Georgia Osborn*, Senior Research Analyst, Oxford Information Labs /
Research Community Manager at the DNS Research Federation
*CHAIR: Lord Allan*, Member of the House of Lords / Former Director of
Policy at Facebook

*11:20 Cybersecurity and the Governance of Cyberspace During Times of
Geopolitical Instability*
*Bojana Bellamy*, President, Centre for Information Policy Leadership
*James Shires*, Senior Research Fellow in Cyber Policy, Chatham House
*CHAIR: David Carroll*, Managing Director, Nominet Cybe

*13:05 Keynote: Building the Evidence Base for Online Safety*
*Ian Macrae*, Director of Market Intelligence, Ofcom

*13:40 Avoiding Internet Fragmentation and Creating a Shared Digital Future*
*Izaan Khan*, ISOC YSG / NOW: Pensions
*Bruna Martins dos Santos*, Global Campaigns Manager, Digital Action
*Til Sommer*, Head of Policy, Internet Services Providers’ Association
*CHAIR: Casey Calista*, Industry Chair & Labour Digital Executive Committee
Member 23/24

*14:45 Gender and the Internet: A Source of Division or Community?*
*Seyi Akiwowo*, Founder and CEO, Glitch
*Dr Bernie Hogan*, Senior Research Fellow, OII
*Mallory Moore*, Independent researcher, Trans Safety Network

*16:00 Delivering Digital Transformation Across the UK*
*Harriet Perks*, Learning and Development Lead, AND Digital
*Hollie Whittles*, National Policy Skills Champion, Federation of Small

*17:00 Ministerial Address*
*Paul Scully MP*, Minister for Tech and the Digital Economy

*17:45 Sum Up and Wrap Up*
*Alice Campbell*, Public Affairs Manager, Tech UK

*Mike Tunks*, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Internet Watch Foundation

*LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety2/ukigf23

*TWITTER #UKIGF23 <https://bit.ly/UKIGF23> @UKIGF @ISOCUKEngland
@IntGovForum #netgov*

*MASTODON  #UKIGF23 <https://mastodon.social/tags/UKIGF23>*

<https://www.facebook.com/liveisoc/> (AI Captions)*

*Permalink https://isoc.live/16701/ <https://isoc.live/16701/>*


Joly MacFie  +12185659365
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