[At-Large] input to WSIS+20 comments sought

Carlton Samuels carlton.samuels at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 21:01:48 UTC 2023

This is a huge subject, one I often discuss with Evan and others that
requires a lot more inquiry for distillation of the cogent arguments you
will need for the 10 minutes you'll get to deliver. But be that as it is, a
big +1 to Vanda's.

Any evolution of this definition of IG I can see is a retrenchment. I would
advise fiddling with the aspirational goals even as we recognize we are far
from the end game. IMHO - and thinking like a politician -  it was not
meant to be realized on a 'now' timeline.

The struggle I see is to strike a balance between the influence and impact
of the several named groups of actors in the IG framework. As of now, it is
the pluperfect Animal Farm existence; 'all animals are equal but some are
more equal than others'.

Participation represents promoting ideas.  Equitable promotion means access
to all channels. When it comes to resources and with respect to
participation, the ensure representation is grossly under-resourced
resulting in dimmed voices and impact.


*Carlton A Samuels*

*Mobile: 876-818-1799Strategy, Process, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround*

On Thu, 9 Mar 2023 at 15:04, Vanda Scartezini via At-Large <
at-large at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:

> Hi Marita
> With the main  principles under the internet neutrality and other rules
> like Human Rights, we came so far with a huge development. So big that it
> became our society itself with all good and bad things.
> Do we have intention to reduce freedom of expression, internet neutrality
> in exchange of anything?  From my view I don’t.
> Like in our physical society, good changes take time - this is a learning
> curve, we are in the beginning of the process, like the initial points of
> civilization and to change the basic principles always led to disasters…
> I will defend building over the main principles and making “baby steps”
> for new rules, with the prerogative to go back if the rules shown not
> expected results.
> Lots of kisses
>  Going to airport to get my plane to Cancun. Safe trip and see you there.
> *Vanda Scartezini *
> *Sao Paulo, Brazil*
> *+ 55 11 98181-1464*
> *vanda at scartezini.org <vanda at scartezini.org>*
> *From: *At-Large <at-large-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org> on behalf of
> Marita Moll via At-Large <at-large at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
> *Date: *Thursday, 9 March 2023 15:38
> *To: *NA Discuss <na-discuss at atlarge-lists.icann.org>, 'At-Large
> Worldwide' <at-large at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
> *Subject: *[At-Large] input to WSIS+20 comments sought
> Colleagues, I will have 3 minutes in the WSIS+20 public forum on Wednesday
> to address the following question from an enduser perspective --
> *How does your community explain what are the essentials to protect the
> global internet and to formulate a long-term vision that works for
> politicians.* *Note that WSIS+20 is a UN process which is multilateral --
> so working with political allies would be essential.
> Background: WSIS2003 (World Summit on the Information Society) was an
> intergovernmental conference where other groups had access and observer
> status which was a step forward at the time. It established a working group
> on internet governance (WGIG) which was multistakeholder and which
> developed the following definition --
> "Internet governance is the development and application by governments,
> the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared
> principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures and programmes that
> shape the evolution and use of the Internet." This led to the establishment
> of the Internet Governance Forum (2006)
> How would we see this definition evolving and what kinds of resources are
> needed to realize that goal?
> I would welcome any input.
> Marita
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