[At-Large] Issue Report on Thick Whois

Lutz Donnerhacke lutz at iks-jena.de
Thu Nov 24 15:43:58 UTC 2011

* Neil Schwartzman wrote:
> I'm wondering - for any of those who tout the privacy concerns of domain
> owners, why you hold them in higher regard than the privacy concerns of
> victims of spamming, phishing, malware, and identity theft, let alone
> more egregious activities. I'm also wondering have you ever conducted
> an abuse investigation yourselves, or i this just theoretical for you?

None of us is allowed to bypass the local law, just because we like to do
so. There were various and heated policitcal controversies for decades to
find a balance between privacy and maintaining social order.

And one of the outcomes of those debates is: Yes, privacy outlaws low level
crime by default.

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