[ALAC] About Justine Chow and her visit to LACRALO

Sergio Salinas Porto presidencia at internauta.org.ar
Tue May 21 15:15:59 UTC 2024

Dear friends,
Yesterday at the monthly LACRALO meeting, Juntine Chow visited us to talk
about the activities of the GNSO and Progress in implementing the next
Round, it was a very good activity where what was planned to be only a 30
minute meeting, was prolonged for space 45 minutes (even though Justine had
other obligations to fulfill and had to leave on time).
The topic discussed sparked a series of comments and contributions, the
product of a tight and in-depth presentation that Justine made.
I really must thank Justine for her invaluable contribution to the policy
debates, in this case my colleagues who do not usually listen to her were
amazed by her.
What I do in a personal capacity, I know from comments I received after the
meeting that reflect the collective feeling of the region.
I am very happy for the quality of colleagues we have in ALAC.
A big hug to everyone!

*Sergio Salinas Porto**Presidente Internauta Argentina - LACRALO/ICANN
<https://atlarge.icann.org/ralos/lacralo>**Asociación Argentina de
Usuarios de Internet <http://www.internauta.org.ar/>/FeTIA
<http://www.fetia.org.ar/>**FUILAC- Federación de Usuarios de Internet
de LAC <https://fuilac.org>**facebook: salinasporto
<http://www.facebook.com/salinasporto> **twitter:  sergiosalinas
<http://twitter.com/sergiosalinas>**Mobi:+54 9 223 5 215819**"Ojalá
podamos ser desobedientes, cada vez que recibimos órdenes que humillan
nuestra *

* conciencia o violan nuestro sentido común" Eduardo Galeano*
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