[ALAC] ICANN80 Meeting Report

Laura Margolis margolisl at gmail.com
Fri Jun 28 21:44:00 UTC 2024

Dear Justine and all,

I forgot to add this information in my previous email.

If anyone wants to know more about this new Policy Gap Analysis WG, you can
join a 30 minutes webinar:

*WEBINAR | *Potential members are kindly invited to a 30 minute
webinar, on *Wednesday,
3 July 2024 at 14 UTC*. You will be informed on how to join the WG, the
required skill set, the topics that will be addressed, and the working

Please register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing
information about joining the meeting.  The recording of the Zoom webinar
will be published here: https://community.icann.org/x/HBwFBQ

Best regards.

Laura Margolis

El jue, 20 jun 2024 a las 0:15, Justine Chew (<justine.chew.icann at gmail.com>)

> Thank you for this extensive report, Laura.
> I just wanted to do 2 things:
> (1) To draw our ALAC colleagues' attention to the role of the ccNSO
> Liaison to the ALAC which is being called by the ccNSO Council to be filled.
> *3.5 Role of ccNSO Liaisons*
> The ccNSO Liaisons to other organizations shall not be members of or
> entitled to vote on the
> Councils of other organizations, but otherwise shall be entitled to
> participate on equal
> footing as other Liaisons. Any view they share with the organsiation they
> have been
> appointed is their personal view. ccNSO Liaisons do not represent the
> ccNSO, unless
> specifically instructed by the ccNSO Council to the contrary.
> ccNSO appointed Liaisons to other organizations shall report to the ccNSO
> Council regularly
> (monthly) on the activities of the respective organization they have been
> appointed to. A
> Liaison shall represent ccNSO values in these efforts, shall pursue
> specific direction from the
> ccNSO Council as and when given, and shall seek ccNSO Council advice as
> and when needed.
> (2) To request that you share with us when it is published, the ccNSO
> Policy Gap Analysis Working Group (PGA WG) charter. In the interim, could
> you advise if membership to this PGA WG is limited to only ccNSO members
> and/or ccNSO Council members?
> Kind regards,
> Justine
> On Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 06:41, Laura Margolis via ALAC <
> alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:
>> Dear All:
>> I hope you are all doing well and back home for those who travelled to
>> Kigali.
>> Last ccNSO Council Meeting 206 was held in Kigali on Thursday 13th.
>> Here is a link to the AGENDA
>> <https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+Liaison+to+the+ccNSO+Reports?preview=/2262570/343933022/Agenda%20and%20draft%20resolutions%20ccNSO%20Council%20meeting%20206.pdf#ccNSO-696341623>
>> and also to the NOTES
>> <https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+Liaison+to+the+ccNSO+Reports?preview=/2262570/348487687/ccnSO%20Notes%20meeting%20206.pdf#ccNSO-696341623>,
>> already uploaded in our wikispace
>> <https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+Liaison+to+the+ccNSO+Reports#ccNSO-696341623>
>> .
>> In this opportunity, I would like to share with you the *resolutions and
>> decisions *taking place during the meeting:
>> *206-1: Approval Board Report*
>> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to approve the Board Report on the Proposed
>> Policy on the (de-)selection) of IDNccTLD strings and related variants. Per
>> requirements of Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws the Board Report contains:
>>    - The result of the ccNSO Members vote.
>>    - The ccNSO Recommendation, following the vote by the Members of the
>>    ccNSO.
>>    - The Final Report, which contains the Proposed Policy on the
>>    (de-)selection of IDNccTLD strings and related variants.
>> The Council requests the secretariat to publish this decision as soon as
>> possible on the ccNSO website and inform the ccNSO membership accordingly.
>> The decision becomes effective upon publication.
>> *206-2: Portfolio of Activities*
>> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the ccNSO two-year rolling forward
>> FY25-26 Portfolio of ccNSO activities as the base-line for the ccNSO
>> activities for the coming year, and requests the ccNSO Triage Committee to
>> review and update the Portfolio quarterly. The secretariat is requested to
>> publish the Portfolio on the ccNSO web-site. This resolution becomes
>> effective upon publication of the Portfolio and the resolution.
>> *206-3: Adoption of Proposed Charter*
>> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the proposed charter for the ccNSO
>> Policy Gap Analysis Working Group (hereafter: the PGA WG or WG) as
>> submitted to the Council on 11th. June 2024.
>> The secretariat is requested to publish this decision as soon as possible
>> and take all the necessary steps to establish the working group. This
>> decision becomes effective upon publication.
>> *206-4: Call for Volunteers*
>> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to launch a call for volunteers for the PGA
>> WG, including organizing a webinar introducing the PGA WG, as soon as
>> feasible, after publication of the resolution and all necessary steps have
>> been completed to establish the PGA WG.
>> *206-5: Call for Volunteers Onboarding and Mentoring Committee*
>> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to request the secretariat to first launch a
>> call for volunteers of the OMC among the ccNSO Councillors to seek at least
>> three (3) and a maximum of six (6) members, including one (1) NomCom
>> appointed Councillor, taking into account the need for a diverse Committee.
>> After completion of the call for volunteers among Councillors, the
>> secretariat is requested to launch a call for volunteers for the remaining
>> seat on the OMC to complete membership of the OMC. After completion of both
>> calls for volunteers, the full slate of members of the OMC (Councillors and
>> non-Councillors) will be appointed by the Council.
>> The secretariat is requested to complete this resolution as soon as
>> possible. This resolution becomes effective upon recommendation.
>> *206-6: Call for Volunteers / Expression of Interest*
>> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to requests the secretariat to launch a call
>> for volunteers , to meet the requirement of section 8 of the Guideline:
>> ccNSO Appointment Procedures
>> <https://ccnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/field-attached/guidelines-ccnso-appointees-version-1-procedures-22mar21-en.pdf>,
>> the ccNSO secretariat is requested to propose a timeline for the call for
>> expression of interest to fill the role of ccNSO appointed liaison to ALAC
>> and propose the Process Manager for this specific selection process as soon
>> as possible. In proposing the timeline for the call for expression of
>> interest and the selection, the secretariat is requested to take into
>> account the selection processes for the other positions, and call for
>> volunteers for the working group and committee. This resolution becomes
>> effective upon publication.
>> *206-7: Call for Volunteers / Expression of Interest*
>> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to request the secretariat to launch a call
>> for volunteers, to meet the requirement of section 8 of the Guideline:
>> ccNSO Appointment Procedures
>> <https://ccnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/field-attached/guidelines-ccnso-appointees-version-1-procedures-22mar21-en.pdf> ,
>> the ccNSO secretariat is requested to propose a timeline for the call for
>> expression of interest to fill the role of ccNSO appointed liaison to GNSO
>> Council and propose the Process Manager for this specific selection process
>> as soon as possible. In proposing the timeline for the call for expression
>> of interest and the selection, the secretariat is requested to take into
>> account the selection processes for the other positions, and call for
>> volunteers for the working group and committee. This resolution becomes
>> effective upon publication.
>> *206-8: Call for Volunteers / Expression of Interest*
>> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to request the secretariat to launch a call
>> for volunteers, to meet the requirement of sections 4 and 8 of the
>> Guideline ccNSO Appointment Procedures, and to take into account the
>> requirements for the appointment of the ccNSO appointee to the Nominating
>> Committee, the secretariat is requested to propose a timeline for the call
>> for expression of interest to fill the role of ccNSO appointee to the
>> NomCom and propose the Process Manager for this specific selection process
>> as soon as possible. In proposing the timeline for the call for expression
>> of interest and the selection, the secretariat is requested to take into
>> account the selection processes for the other positions, and the need to
>> select the appointee well before ICANN81. This resolution becomes effective
>> upon publication.
>> *206-9: Call for expression of Interest ccNSO appointed Member and
>> Alternate*
>> The ccNSO COUNCIL appoints Claudia Ruiz as the CSC Selection Process
>> Manager and adopts the timeline as proposed for the selection of the newly
>> to be appointed ccNSO member and alternate of the CSC. The Council requests
>> Claudia to launch the call for volunteers at the time foreseen in the
>> schedule and in accordance with the mechanism in the Guideline: Procedure
>> for ccNSO Appointees.
>> The ccNSO Council also confirms that the one of the candidates who will
>> not be selected as Member of the CSC, will be requested to become the
>> alternate for the ccNSO appointed Members on the ccNSO.
>> The ccNSO Council also confirms that the CSC selection committee is
>> composed of the following Councillors: Molehe Wesi, Yiankang Yao, Peter
>> Koch, Jennifer Lopez, Pablo Rodriguez and Olga Cavalli. The committee is
>> mandated by the Council to consult and coordinate the selection of members
>> of the CSC with the RySG and approve the full slate of membership together
>> with the GNSO Council.
>> The secretariat is requested to publish this resolution as soon as
>> possible. The resolution becomes effective upon publication. Finally, the
>> secretariat is requested to inform the community as soon as possible on the
>> upcoming CSC member and alternate nomination and selection process.
>> I would also like to share with you the information about the *ccTLD
>> News Sessions*
>> *PART 1* - Tuesday 10th. 2024 - 9:00 - 10:15
>> Session chair: Everton T. Rodrigues (.br)
>> Collaboration and Partnerships in the ccTLD Landscape, Hildah Maina (.ke)
>> Introducing "A Technical Community Coalition for Multistakeholderism”,
>> Jodi Anderson (.nz)
>> Zoom recording <https://icann80.sched.com/event/1dr2O>
>> *PART 2* – Tuesday 10th. 2024 - 10:45 - 12:15
>> Session chair: Joel Karubiu (AFTLD)
>> Digitization of South African Public Schools with school.za 2nd level
>> domains, Plantina Tsholofelo Mokone (.za)
>> Large scale of community projects of a small registry, Dejan Djukic (.rs
>> .срб)
>> Driving Digital Innovation: .ng ccTLD Registry Initiatives, Busayo
>> Balogun (.ng)
>> Ten years of broadband measurement: lessons from Canada, Charles Noir
>> (.ca)
>> Opening up the .eu Abuse Prevention and Early Warning System to the ccTLD
>> community, Hans Seeuws (.eu)
>> Link to zoom recording and presentations
>> <https://icann80.sched.com/event/1dr2Q/ccnso-cctld-news>
>> *How ccTLDs contribute to a better world*
>> This session, organized by the Internet Governance Liaison Committee
>> (IGLC), explored how the GDC and WSIS+20 can accelerate progress towards
>> the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the unique role ccTLDs can play in
>> this process.
>> Session chair: Annaliese Williams, .au
>> Sally Costerton, Interim President and CEO at ICANN org
>> Anna Neves, Bureau of the Commission on Science and Technology for
>> Development (CSTD) at UNCTAD
>> ccTLD perspectives by Pierre Bonis, .fr; Bonnie Mtengwa, .zw;  Alexandre
>> Barbosa, .br
>> Zoom Recording
>> <https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/FIgyLGXFMKfvxoy2yM4RNmRY9kv36dQKTYx1v9q4Sfh5khUbjCsOH8daDAZ-IBbX76KO-5PdVRk44kGr.ytl912kDQk-sooPT?canPlayFromShare=true&from=share_recording_detail&startTime=1718192841000&componentName=rec-play&originRequestUrl=https%3A%2F%2Ficann.zoom.us%2Frec%2Fshare%2FPQWSUzBdZf4LdB7vgXjVfpHr5vIih1At7pdPQ33jNCA9x1Nw-p63w_YsWwYoo7qE.DrE0kxf4hty7iXVG%3FstartTime%3D1718192841000>
>> *I suggest you listen to recordings if possible.*
>> If you made it to the end of this report, thank you for reading it.
>> Kindest Regards,
>> *Laura Margolis*
>> ALAC Liaison to ccNSO
>> margolisl at gmail.com
>> +59899690992
>> skype: lauri.margolis
>> ccNSO Liaison Workspace
>> <https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+Liaison+to+the+ccNSO+Reports#ccNSO-696341623>
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>> https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Advisory+Committee+(ALAC)
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*Laura Margolis*
ALAC Liaison to ccNSO

margolisl at gmail.com
skype: lauri.margolis

ccNSO Liaison Workspace
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