[ALAC] ICANN80 Meeting Report

Justine Chew justine.chew.icann at gmail.com
Thu Jun 20 03:15:12 UTC 2024

Thank you for this extensive report, Laura.

I just wanted to do 2 things:

(1) To draw our ALAC colleagues' attention to the role of the ccNSO Liaison
to the ALAC which is being called by the ccNSO Council to be filled.

*3.5 Role of ccNSO Liaisons*
The ccNSO Liaisons to other organizations shall not be members of or
entitled to vote on the
Councils of other organizations, but otherwise shall be entitled to
participate on equal
footing as other Liaisons. Any view they share with the organsiation they
have been
appointed is their personal view. ccNSO Liaisons do not represent the
ccNSO, unless
specifically instructed by the ccNSO Council to the contrary.
ccNSO appointed Liaisons to other organizations shall report to the ccNSO
Council regularly
(monthly) on the activities of the respective organization they have been
appointed to. A
Liaison shall represent ccNSO values in these efforts, shall pursue
specific direction from the
ccNSO Council as and when given, and shall seek ccNSO Council advice as and
when needed.

(2) To request that you share with us when it is published, the ccNSO
Policy Gap Analysis Working Group (PGA WG) charter. In the interim, could
you advise if membership to this PGA WG is limited to only ccNSO members
and/or ccNSO Council members?

Kind regards,

On Thu, 20 Jun 2024 at 06:41, Laura Margolis via ALAC <
alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org> wrote:

> Dear All:
> I hope you are all doing well and back home for those who travelled to
> Kigali.
> Last ccNSO Council Meeting 206 was held in Kigali on Thursday 13th.
> Here is a link to the AGENDA
> <https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+Liaison+to+the+ccNSO+Reports?preview=/2262570/343933022/Agenda%20and%20draft%20resolutions%20ccNSO%20Council%20meeting%20206.pdf#ccNSO-696341623>
> and also to the NOTES
> <https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+Liaison+to+the+ccNSO+Reports?preview=/2262570/348487687/ccnSO%20Notes%20meeting%20206.pdf#ccNSO-696341623>,
> already uploaded in our wikispace
> <https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+Liaison+to+the+ccNSO+Reports#ccNSO-696341623>
> .
> In this opportunity, I would like to share with you the *resolutions and
> decisions *taking place during the meeting:
> *206-1: Approval Board Report*
> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to approve the Board Report on the Proposed
> Policy on the (de-)selection) of IDNccTLD strings and related variants. Per
> requirements of Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws the Board Report contains:
>    - The result of the ccNSO Members vote.
>    - The ccNSO Recommendation, following the vote by the Members of the
>    ccNSO.
>    - The Final Report, which contains the Proposed Policy on the
>    (de-)selection of IDNccTLD strings and related variants.
> The Council requests the secretariat to publish this decision as soon as
> possible on the ccNSO website and inform the ccNSO membership accordingly.
> The decision becomes effective upon publication.
> *206-2: Portfolio of Activities*
> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the ccNSO two-year rolling forward
> FY25-26 Portfolio of ccNSO activities as the base-line for the ccNSO
> activities for the coming year, and requests the ccNSO Triage Committee to
> review and update the Portfolio quarterly. The secretariat is requested to
> publish the Portfolio on the ccNSO web-site. This resolution becomes
> effective upon publication of the Portfolio and the resolution.
> *206-3: Adoption of Proposed Charter*
> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt the proposed charter for the ccNSO
> Policy Gap Analysis Working Group (hereafter: the PGA WG or WG) as
> submitted to the Council on 11th. June 2024.
> The secretariat is requested to publish this decision as soon as possible
> and take all the necessary steps to establish the working group. This
> decision becomes effective upon publication.
> *206-4: Call for Volunteers*
> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to launch a call for volunteers for the PGA WG,
> including organizing a webinar introducing the PGA WG, as soon as feasible,
> after publication of the resolution and all necessary steps have been
> completed to establish the PGA WG.
> *206-5: Call for Volunteers Onboarding and Mentoring Committee*
> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to request the secretariat to first launch a
> call for volunteers of the OMC among the ccNSO Councillors to seek at least
> three (3) and a maximum of six (6) members, including one (1) NomCom
> appointed Councillor, taking into account the need for a diverse Committee.
> After completion of the call for volunteers among Councillors, the
> secretariat is requested to launch a call for volunteers for the remaining
> seat on the OMC to complete membership of the OMC. After completion of both
> calls for volunteers, the full slate of members of the OMC (Councillors and
> non-Councillors) will be appointed by the Council.
> The secretariat is requested to complete this resolution as soon as
> possible. This resolution becomes effective upon recommendation.
> *206-6: Call for Volunteers / Expression of Interest*
> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to requests the secretariat to launch a call
> for volunteers , to meet the requirement of section 8 of the Guideline:
> ccNSO Appointment Procedures
> <https://ccnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/field-attached/guidelines-ccnso-appointees-version-1-procedures-22mar21-en.pdf>,
> the ccNSO secretariat is requested to propose a timeline for the call for
> expression of interest to fill the role of ccNSO appointed liaison to ALAC
> and propose the Process Manager for this specific selection process as soon
> as possible. In proposing the timeline for the call for expression of
> interest and the selection, the secretariat is requested to take into
> account the selection processes for the other positions, and call for
> volunteers for the working group and committee. This resolution becomes
> effective upon publication.
> *206-7: Call for Volunteers / Expression of Interest*
> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to request the secretariat to launch a call for
> volunteers, to meet the requirement of section 8 of the Guideline: ccNSO
> Appointment Procedures
> <https://ccnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/field-attached/guidelines-ccnso-appointees-version-1-procedures-22mar21-en.pdf> ,
> the ccNSO secretariat is requested to propose a timeline for the call for
> expression of interest to fill the role of ccNSO appointed liaison to GNSO
> Council and propose the Process Manager for this specific selection process
> as soon as possible. In proposing the timeline for the call for expression
> of interest and the selection, the secretariat is requested to take into
> account the selection processes for the other positions, and call for
> volunteers for the working group and committee. This resolution becomes
> effective upon publication.
> *206-8: Call for Volunteers / Expression of Interest*
> The ccNSO COUNCIL RESOLVED to request the secretariat to launch a call for
> volunteers, to meet the requirement of sections 4 and 8 of the Guideline
> ccNSO Appointment Procedures, and to take into account the requirements for
> the appointment of the ccNSO appointee to the Nominating Committee, the
> secretariat is requested to propose a timeline for the call for expression
> of interest to fill the role of ccNSO appointee to the NomCom and propose
> the Process Manager for this specific selection process as soon as
> possible. In proposing the timeline for the call for expression of interest
> and the selection, the secretariat is requested to take into account the
> selection processes for the other positions, and the need to select the
> appointee well before ICANN81. This resolution becomes effective upon
> publication.
> *206-9: Call for expression of Interest ccNSO appointed Member and
> Alternate*
> The ccNSO COUNCIL appoints Claudia Ruiz as the CSC Selection Process
> Manager and adopts the timeline as proposed for the selection of the newly
> to be appointed ccNSO member and alternate of the CSC. The Council requests
> Claudia to launch the call for volunteers at the time foreseen in the
> schedule and in accordance with the mechanism in the Guideline: Procedure
> for ccNSO Appointees.
> The ccNSO Council also confirms that the one of the candidates who will
> not be selected as Member of the CSC, will be requested to become the
> alternate for the ccNSO appointed Members on the ccNSO.
> The ccNSO Council also confirms that the CSC selection committee is
> composed of the following Councillors: Molehe Wesi, Yiankang Yao, Peter
> Koch, Jennifer Lopez, Pablo Rodriguez and Olga Cavalli. The committee is
> mandated by the Council to consult and coordinate the selection of members
> of the CSC with the RySG and approve the full slate of membership together
> with the GNSO Council.
> The secretariat is requested to publish this resolution as soon as
> possible. The resolution becomes effective upon publication. Finally, the
> secretariat is requested to inform the community as soon as possible on the
> upcoming CSC member and alternate nomination and selection process.
> I would also like to share with you the information about the *ccTLD News
> Sessions*
> *PART 1* - Tuesday 10th. 2024 - 9:00 - 10:15
> Session chair: Everton T. Rodrigues (.br)
> Collaboration and Partnerships in the ccTLD Landscape, Hildah Maina (.ke)
> Introducing "A Technical Community Coalition for Multistakeholderism”,
> Jodi Anderson (.nz)
> Zoom recording <https://icann80.sched.com/event/1dr2O>
> *PART 2* – Tuesday 10th. 2024 - 10:45 - 12:15
> Session chair: Joel Karubiu (AFTLD)
> Digitization of South African Public Schools with school.za 2nd level
> domains, Plantina Tsholofelo Mokone (.za)
> Large scale of community projects of a small registry, Dejan Djukic (.rs
> .срб)
> Driving Digital Innovation: .ng ccTLD Registry Initiatives, Busayo Balogun
> (.ng)
> Ten years of broadband measurement: lessons from Canada, Charles Noir (.ca)
> Opening up the .eu Abuse Prevention and Early Warning System to the ccTLD
> community, Hans Seeuws (.eu)
> Link to zoom recording and presentations
> <https://icann80.sched.com/event/1dr2Q/ccnso-cctld-news>
> *How ccTLDs contribute to a better world*
> This session, organized by the Internet Governance Liaison Committee
> (IGLC), explored how the GDC and WSIS+20 can accelerate progress towards
> the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the unique role ccTLDs can play in
> this process.
> Session chair: Annaliese Williams, .au
> Sally Costerton, Interim President and CEO at ICANN org
> Anna Neves, Bureau of the Commission on Science and Technology for
> Development (CSTD) at UNCTAD
> ccTLD perspectives by Pierre Bonis, .fr; Bonnie Mtengwa, .zw;  Alexandre
> Barbosa, .br
> Zoom Recording
> <https://icann.zoom.us/rec/play/FIgyLGXFMKfvxoy2yM4RNmRY9kv36dQKTYx1v9q4Sfh5khUbjCsOH8daDAZ-IBbX76KO-5PdVRk44kGr.ytl912kDQk-sooPT?canPlayFromShare=true&from=share_recording_detail&startTime=1718192841000&componentName=rec-play&originRequestUrl=https%3A%2F%2Ficann.zoom.us%2Frec%2Fshare%2FPQWSUzBdZf4LdB7vgXjVfpHr5vIih1At7pdPQ33jNCA9x1Nw-p63w_YsWwYoo7qE.DrE0kxf4hty7iXVG%3FstartTime%3D1718192841000>
> *I suggest you listen to recordings if possible.*
> If you made it to the end of this report, thank you for reading it.
> Kindest Regards,
> *Laura Margolis*
> ALAC Liaison to ccNSO
> margolisl at gmail.com
> +59899690992
> skype: lauri.margolis
> ccNSO Liaison Workspace
> <https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/ALAC+Liaison+to+the+ccNSO+Reports#ccNSO-696341623>
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