[ALAC] About NOMINATIONS: 2023-2024 ALAC Leadership Team

Raïhanath GBADAMASSI rainath03 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 17:01:59 UTC 2023

Dear all,
Through this email, I want to thank Edouardo for nominating me to become
part of the ALAC Leadership Team. Nomination which I gladly accept.
I pledge to work for the best interests of our community and to
further deserve this trust.
Thank you so much in advance for this learning opportunity and new
I'm looking forward to working with the team.

best regards.


*-------- -------- -------*
             "*WHEN GOD SAY YES, NOBODY CAN SAY NO...*''

*Raïhanath B. Adjokè GBADAMASSI*
Digital and Business Lawyer
Founder and CEO NESS GATE (Digital Finance Agency)
Twitter : GBADAMASSIRaha3 / Linkedin & Skype : Raihanath GBADAMASSI
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