[ALAC] Fwd: The latest ccNSO news for you | September 2021

Maureen Hilyard maureen.hilyard at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 17:44:53 UTC 2021

September 2021
[image: ccNSO-logo.jpeg]

ccNSO News September 2021 | Issue 32
[image: Screenshot 2021-08-02 at 12.51.32.png]

Contribute to the ccNSO governance

ccNSO Council call for nominations closes soon

The 3-year term for five members of the ccNSO Council will end in March
2022. The call for nominations to fill those seats will close on 6 October.
You have an opportunity to meet the candidates in an ICANN72 Q&A session.
If at the close of nominations there are more than one valid candidates in
a particular geographic region, an election shall be held for that region.

Read more

Save the date!

Join the ccNSO Webinars

The ccNSO regularly conducts webinars to inform members about hot topics,
participate in working groups, and vote in elections. The goal of these
webinars is to lower barriers for participation and share information.

Join the upcoming webinars

   - Wednesday, 6 & Thursday, 8 October, There will be two editions of
the ccTLD
   news sessions, which showcase ccTLD best practice sharing, trends and
   more. Join Zoom Meeting

   - New to the ccNSO? Participate on Monday, 18 & Wednesday, 20 October in
   the ccTLD webinar to welcome newcomers to the ccNSO. 
   Zoom Meeting

Recent webinars include a ccNSO Governance webinar, on the new set of
proposed ccNSO Rules, and a Council Election Webinar, on the nomination
process for joining the ccNSO Council. Recordings of past ccNSO webinars
and an overview of the upcoming webinars can be found here

Read more

Stay informed about the ccNSO Working Groups & Committees
[image: Screenshot 2021-09-27 at 15.20.52.png]

In preparation of each ccNSO Council meeting, a written update regarding
the work by the various working groups and committees is sent to Council.
It includes information about the current status, next steps and what the
activities are about.

Read more about:

   - ccPDP3 Retirement
   - ccPDP3 Review Mechanism Working Group (ccPDP3-RM)
   - ccPDP4 Working Group on the (de)selection of IDN ccTLD strings
   - Guidelines Review Committee (GRC)
   - Internet Governance Liaison Committee (IGLC)
   - Meetings Programme Committee (MPC)
   - Outreach and Involvement Standing Committee (OISC)
   - Strategic and Operational Planning Committee (SOPC)
   - Triage Committee
   - Tech Working Group
   - TLD-OPS Standing Committee
   - Empowered Community Administration (ECA)
   - Customer Standing Committee (CSC)

Read more
Participate in ccNSO sessions at ICANN72
[image: ICANN72_Remote_Marker_no dates_Black_Vertical.png]

The ccNSO program begins on Monday, 25 October with Tech Day
a workshop open to all community members with an interest in technical,
operational, and security topics.

The ccNSO Members Meeting
of a variety of sessions and starts on Tuesday, 26 October with an
opportunity for members to participate in a question and answer session
with candidates for the ccNSO Council, followed by a session with focus on
governance of the ccNSO. ICANN72 marks the 4th ccNSO Governance Session,
building on the previous sessions where the ccNSO Council and Members have
been discussing the need to update the internal rules
the ccNSO.

The ccNSO schedule on Tuesday, 26 October will end with a meeting of the
Strategic and Operational Planning Committee (SOPC
on the use of ICANN's Prioritization Framework.

The program will continue on Wednesday, 27 October, with a session on DNS
Abuse, to understand what - if anything - the ccNSO should do, considering
existing local and regional ccTLD efforts. On Thursday, 28 October, there
will be a ccNSO Council
followed by a meeting of the TLD-OPS Standing Committee.

The detailed ccNSO schedule, including a summary of the topics covered and
remote participation details for ICANN72, is available on the ccNSO
ICANN72 workspace
[image: v3_ccNSOblock_ICANN72.png]
Keep your finger on the pulse: Join ccTLD News
[image: Screenshot 2021-09-27 at 15.21.32.png]

There will be two editions of the ccTLD news sessions, which showcase ccTLD
best practice sharing, trends, information by ICANN on ccTLD financial
contributions, and more.

Join Zoom Meeting

[image: pictures_all.png]

Wed, 6 October | 13:00-15:00 UTC
ccTLD NEWS Session #1

Listen to representatives from ccTLDs across the globe, sharing their
experiences with marketing, web accessibility, innovation, online content,
security and more!



Guðrun Poulsen (.fo), Session Chair

PART 1: Marketing

   - The .ng promo experience | Edith Udeagu (.ng)
   - If I had a million dollars | Dana Ludviga (.lv)
   - Promoting .ar web accessibility | Romina Guirardo (.ar)


PART 2: Policy, Operations, Finance

   - Launch of 2nd level registrations in .au | Bruce Tonkin (.au)
   - 3 projects to increase domain name stability & security in .RU/.РФ |
   Irina Danelia (.ru/.РФ)
   - ccTLD voluntary financial contributions | ICANN Finance

Join Zoom Meeting

Thu, 7 October | 06:00-08:00 UTC
ccTLD NEWS Session #2

Internet governance: What are the hot topics and trends across the various
regions? How do they impact ccTLDs?

Participate in the second ccTLD News Session, jointly organised by the
ccNSO Meetings Programme Committee (MPC) and the ccNSO Internet Governance
Liaison Committee (IGLC).



Annaliese Williams (.au), Session Chair

PART 1: Internet Governance

   - Mandy Carver (ICANN org)
   - Mary Uduma (African IGF)
   - Jordan Carter (.nz)


PART 2: Internet Governance

   - Peter Koch (.de)
   - Oscar Robles (LACNIC)
   - Byron Holland (.ca)

Join Zoom Meeting
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Meet Guðrun Poulsen, MPC Vice Chair

Guðrun Poulsen (.fo) was recently appointed as Vice Chair of the ccNSO
Meetings Programme Committee (MPC). In this interview, Guðrun reflects on
her experience to date, the impact of the pandemic on the work of the MPC,
and what the future will bring. She also talks about why it is important to
contribute to the work of the ccNSO, and how even smaller ccTLDs can make a

Read the interview with Guðrun Poulsen here

ccNSO Council Highlights
[image: Screenshot 2021-09-27 at 15.21.09.png]

The ccNSO Council did not meet in August, and had its 176th meeting on 16
September 2021. All Council meetings are open to observers.

Highlights from recent Council discussions:

Adoption of the Board Report ccPDP3 Retirement

In July, the ccNSO members voted in support of the ccNSO Council
recommendation to adopt the proposed policy on the retirement of ccTLDs. As
a final, formal step, the ccNSO Council adopted the Board Report at its
meeting on 16 September. The proposed policy has been submitted to the
ICANN Board of Directors, as per Annex B, section 14 of the ICANN Bylaws
. This report includes:

   - the recommended policy for the retirement of the delegated Top Level
   Domains associated with the country codes assigned to countries and
   territories listed in the ISO 3166-1 standard
   - the council recommendation
   - the outcome of the member’s vote.

Minimum requirements hybrid public ICANN meetings: Council perspective

The ccNSO Council and other attendees focused on “ICANN Hybrid Meeting,
what are the requirements from a Council perspective? during a
brainstorming session. Previously, the MPC consulted representatives from
the regional organisations on this topic. The results can be found at the MPC

ccNSO requested changes to the ICANN Bylaws

The ccNSO formally submitted a request to the ICANN Board to change the
Article 10 and Annex B of the ICANN Bylaws, to enable IDN ccTLD Managers to
become members of the ccNSO. This change request
the result of an extensive consultation with the ccNSO members.

A potential role for the ccNSO with respect to DNS Abuse

During a workshop in July, Councillors and others reflected on the
potential role of the ccNSO with respect to the discussions on DNS Abuse.
Council seeks input from the community during the upcoming ccNSO Members
Meeting. Join us at ICANN72 for a discussion with ccTLD managers and
representatives from other Supporting Organizations, Advisory Committees
and ICANN org. The goal of the session is to understand what the ccNSO
should do with respect to DNS abuse, in addition to what is already
happening at the local and regional ccTLD level. Based on the guidance of
the ccTLD community, the ccNSO Council will plan the ccNSO involvement in
the discussions pertaining to DNS abuse and related activities that could
assist ccTLDs. If a plan moves forward, it will be shared with the
community during ICANN73 or an intersessional webinar.

The ccNSO Council will reconvene at ICANN72, on Thursday, 28 October.

country code Names Supporting Organisation https://ccnso.icann.org
| ccnsosecretariat at icann.org
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