[ALAC] Fwd: Thursday, 15 July 2021

Maureen Hilyard maureen.hilyard at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 17:24:35 UTC 2021

Thursday, 15 July 2021
ICANN Community Leadership Digest
The ICANN org Policy Development Support function publishes this
twice-weekly digest
to help ICANN community leaders track requests and follow updates.
How Domain Name System Policy is Developed, and How You Can Get Involved
Table of Contents

   - TUESDAY: "The UN, the EU, and Your Business, What Comes Next?" Webinar
   - NEXT WEEK: DNS Security Threat Mitigation Program Webinar
   - NEW: Register for FY23 IANA Functions and PTI Planning Webinar
   - REMINDER: ITI Update: Register Now for ICANN Public Comment Submission
   Training Webinars

Information Sharing

   - CLOSES MONDAY: Request for Information on Identity Verification
   Methods for SSAD Now Open
   - NEXT WEEK: Community Input Needed: SSAD ODP Questionnaire
   - NEW: An Update from the NomComRIWG Chairs
   - NEW: APIGA 2021 Application Period Is Now Open
   - REMINDER: Ninth Africa DNS Forum to Take Place Virtually 27-28 July
   - REMINDER: Nomination Period Opens for Dr. Tarek Kamel Award for
   Capacity Building
   - REMINDER: Request for Early Input - GNSO Transfer Policy Review PDP
   Working Group
   - REMINDER: Nominations for NextGen at ICANN Mentor Positions Now Open

Public Comment

   - NEXT WEEK: Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process
   (EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team –
   Phase 2A
   - Proposed Renewal of the .AERO Registry Agreement

TUESDAY: "The UN, the EU, and Your Business, What Comes Next?" Webinar

On Tuesday, 20 July 2021 at 16:00 UTC, the ICANN org North America
Engagement team will host a webinar related to deliberations on how the
infrastructure layer of the Internet is governed that are happening at the
United Nations (UN) and within the European Union (EU). These discussions
and proposed actions could affect the business sector.

Register here
NEXT WEEK: DNS Security Threat Mitigation Program Webinar

ICANN will host a webinar on Thursday, 22 July 2021 at 16:00 UTC to provide
the ICANN community with updates on its DNS Security Threat Mitigation
Program, community-facing initiatives, Domain Abuse Activity Reporting
System (DAAR), and Domain Name Security Threat Information Collection and
Reporting (DNSTICR) project. Register here

Read more
NEW: Register for FY23 IANA Functions and PTI Planning Webinar

ICANN invites the community to join one of two public webinars to discuss
planning for the fiscal year 2023 (FY23) Operating Plan and Budget (OP&B)
for delivering the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) functions.
The webinar will explain the planning process, the proposed operational
priorities for FY23, timelines, and key assumptions. ICANN welcomes the
community's questions and comments.

Webinar 1 | Tuesday, 27 July 2021 | 00:00 UTC | Register

Webinar 2 | Tuesday, 27 July 2021 | 16:00 UTC | Register

The annual OP&B for the IANA functions has two components: a budget and
operating plan for Public Technical Identifiers (PTI), the ICANN affiliate
that performs the IANA functions, which outlines the planned activities and
resources to deliver the core IANA functions. The second component includes
the PTI budget plus additional programs and costs that the ICANN
organization incurs overseeing and enabling the IANA functions.

In addition to the webinars, the community has further opportunity to
participate in this planning process. The draft plans will be put out for
Public Comment in September before being considered for formal adoption in
late 2021.
REMINDER: ITI Update: Register Now for ICANN Public Comment Submission
Training Webinars

ICANN org will hold a series of training webinars outlining the new Public
Comment submission process. During these sessions, our teams will provide
the ICANN community with step-by-step instructions on how to draft and
publish a Public Comment submission and outline how to manage your current
and past submissions. You are encouraged to ask questions throughout these
webinars to ensure you are well-prepared to use this improved feature. Read

Webinar 1 | Tuesday, 3 August 2021 | 14:00 UTC | Register

Webinar 2 | Wednesday, 4 August 2021 | 21:00 UTC | Register
Information Sharing
CLOSES MONDAY: Request for Information on Identity Verification Methods for
SSAD Now Open

ICANN org announced
it has now opened the Request for Information (RFI) to better understand
what may be commercially available in the marketplace to deliver some or
all of the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure to Non-Public
Registration Data (SSAD), including existing methods for identity
verification. The RFI overview document can be viewed here

Indications of interest are to be submitted to ssad-odp-rfi at icann.org with
the following information, upon which access will be provided to the RFI:

   - Name of the organization
   - Name of the contact
   - Email address of the contact

The RFI will be open until 23:59 UTC on Monday, 19 July 2021. Read more.
NEW: An Update from the NomComRIWG Chairs

The Nominating Committee Review Implementation Working Group (NomComRIWG
) is making progress on review recommendations from the second
organizational review of the NomCom. Several of the review recommendations
have implications for the broader community and for ICANN governance. In
particular, two areas of implementation may be of interest to the ICANN

   - The independent examiner's recommendation on rebalancing the NomCom
   - The design and installation of a new NomCom Standing Committee

Rebalancing of the NomCom (Recommendation 10)
The NomComRIWG presented its rebalancing proposal in a webinar at ICANN70
and recently met with the Organizational Effectiveness Committee (OEC) to
discuss implementation of this recommendation, among others. Based upon its
discussion with the OEC, the NomComRIWG developed a summary of community
consultation and feedback on implementation for rebalancing the NomCom.
Once the summary is finalized, it will be shared with the OEC and posted on
the NomCom2 Review wiki workspace.

The NomComRIWG's current Implementation Plan
this recommendation proposes a change to the ICANN Bylaws, whereby the GNSO
is allocated the same number of NomCom seats as it holds today, but is able
to internally determine how those seats are allocated without requiring
further change to the ICANN Bylaws. The NomComRIWG's intent with this
proposal is to allow the GNSO to continue to evolve the allocation of
NomCom delegates in response to the changing composition of GNSO
constituencies and stakeholder groups.

Nominating Committee Standing Committee Charter (Recommendation 24)
The intended purpose of the Standing Committee is to support continuous
improvement and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the Nominating
Committee while enhancing the NomCom's transparency and accountability to
the overall ICANN community. The Standing Committee will not oversee or
participate in the daily work of the NomCom. However, recognizing that the
membership of the NomCom changes annually, the Standing Committee is
intended to provide continuity across annual NomCom cycles and build the
institutional memory of the NomCom. The NomComRIWG is currently working on
the next iteration of the Standing Committee charter to further refine the
committee's purpose, scope, composition, and terms.

Read more
NEW: APIGA 2021 Application Period Is Now Open

The 2021 Asia Pacific Internet Governance Academy (APIGA) announced
its application period is now open for their virtual program, which will
run from Friday, 1 October through Tuesday, 30 November 2021. Sessions will
be held once or twice a week to accommodate the schedules of students and
young professionals. Participants will be expected to complete preparatory
work between sessions. The final day of the academy will be a hybrid event
in South Korea.

Applications are due by Sunday, 8 August 2021. Please note that a stable
Internet connection is required for participation. The application
procedure and more information on APIGA can be accessed here
NEXT WEEK: Community Input Needed: SSAD ODP Questionnaire

ICANN has launched the System for Standardized Access/Disclosure (SSAD)
Operational Design Phase (ODP) Community Questionnaire to help determine
how many potential users are expected to use the SSAD and the anticipated
volume of requests if it is implemented. The questionnaire will play a
critical role in assessing the feasibility and associated risks, costs, and
resources required in the potential deployment of SSAD.

ICANN org is looking for participation from community members who request
nonpublic domain name registration data. The questionnaire
be open until Thursday, 22 July (23:59 UTC). For questions, please contact
jane.sexton at icann.org or isabelle.colas at icann.org.

Read more
REMINDER: Ninth Africa DNS Forum to Take Place Virtually 27-28 July 2021

The ninth Africa DNS Forum will be held virtually Tuesday and Wednesday, 27-28
July 2021 with the theme of "Evolving the DNS Ecosystem in Africa." The
Africa DNS Forum is organized by the Africa Top Level Domains Organization
(AFTLD), the Africa Registrar Association (AfRegistrar), and ICANN.

The 2021 edition will take place as a two-day virtual event open to
stakeholders in the African domain name industry. Sessions will cover
topics including the evolution of the DNS ecosystem in the region, national
and regional DNS Forum initiatives, emerging technical issues, financing
and insurance in the DNS business, and compliance in the domain name

Participants will be able to join sessions through Zoom, and view through
YouTube and Facebook streaming.

To register, click here
REMINDER: Nomination Period Opens for Dr. Tarek Kamel Award for Capacity

Today, ICANN org opened a one-month nomination period for the Dr. Tarek
Kamel Award for Capacity Building. Please submit your nominations via
this nomination
 by 23:59 UTC on Monday, 2 August 2021. Any additional information in
support of nominations or questions about the award process may be
submitted via email to kamelaward at icann.org

Read more
REMINDER: Request for Early Input - GNSO Transfer Policy Review Policy
Development Process Working Group

The GNSO Transfer Policy Review PDP Working Group requests input from
Supporting Organizations, Advisory Committees, Stakeholder Groups, and
Constituencies on topics within the PDP charter. The request was sent on
Wednesday, 30 June 2021 to ICANN community leaders. A copy of the letter is
available here: https://community.icann.org/x/tIT8CQ.

Responses to gnso-secs at icann.org are requested by Wednesday, 4 August 2021.
REMINDER: Nominations for NextGen at ICANN Mentor Positions Now Open

The NextGen at ICANN Program seeks nominations for its Mentor Program
through Tuesday,
31 August 2021. The community-nominated selection committee will be
responsible for overseeing the mentor selection process. Communities may
choose to appoint program alumni and are encouraged to appoint active
community members who have an interest in mentoring students. Guidelines
for the program can be found here

Interested community groups should select their respective volunteers and
notify deborah.escalera at icann.org.
Public Comment
CLOSES MONDAY: Initial Report of the Expedited Policy Development Process
(EPDP) on the Temporary Specification for gTLD Registration Data Team –
Phase 2A
Close Date: Monday, 19 July 2021

Proposed Renewal of the .AERO Registry Agreement
Close Date: Monday, 16 August 2021
Volume 3, Issue 51 |
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