[ALAC] 2020-2021 ALT Call for Nominations

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Mon Oct 5 17:04:03 UTC 2020

Note that the ALAC RoP 16.3 calls for unopposed 
accepted nominations to be acclaimed without any 
additional action of the ALAC (this applies to 
all ALAC selections, not just the ALT).

On the substance of this thread, I do have a few 
comments based on my experience both on the ALT 
before I was Chair and for my time as Chair.

Identifying ALT members is an interesting 
challenge. The positions do require a significant 
commitment over that of a regular ALAC Member, 
the Vice-Chairs even more. Experience can be 
valuable, as is a fresh perspective. Moreover, 
optimally, you want a set of people with 
complimentary skills, and a group that will work 
well together (that does not necessarily mean agree with each other!)

Sometimes there are three great candidates from a 
region - all willing to take on the load. Other 
times, none of the people from a region really feel comfortable taking it on.


At 2020-10-04 01:22 PM, Maureen Hilyard wrote:
>Thank you Glenn for initiating this discussion, 
>but when we are talking about the ALAC 
>Leadership Team, as Holly points out, there is a 
>degree of experience, knowledge and expertise, 
>as well as already demonstrated leadership, a 
>work ethic and commitment to the values that we 
>uphold within At-Large which are important to 
>choosing people from within the ALAC for the 
>leadership team role. Availability of time is 
>another major factor as well. You only have to 
>look at what Joanna and Jonathan have done over 
>the past year to see how much work is involved 
>in their role as Vice Chairs. There is 
>geographic representation because there must be 
>a member of each region in the team but while 
>there are many who could be selected, we can 
>only choose ONE person from each region for this particular group.
>The nominations have been proposed and although 
>there have been no other nominations, there will 
>still be a vote taken by the ALAC as its final decision.
>The ALT+ group was created as an opportunity for 
>anyone on the ALAC as well as RALO leadership 
>teams to demonstrate their knowledge of 
>important At-Large issues and their ability to 
>participate and contribute at a leadership 
>level. Those who are worthy of candidacy for 
>leadership roles often demonstrate and are noted 
>for their participation and contributions to 
>discussions that add value to the work of 
>At-Large. This is what people remember and are 
>willing to propose their nominations for 
>leadership roles based on their experiences of 
>who they believe could do the job of making 
>recommendations to the ALAC that will benefit our community.
>My 2c
>On Sun, Oct 4, 2020 at 3:50 AM Glenn McKnight 
><<mailto:mcknight.glenn at gmail.com>mcknight.glenn at gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi Holly
>Just trying to tone down the rhetoric  a bit and 
>open the conversation.  Its not an 
>"Anti-Maureen" perspective but I have seen a 
>history of criticism that has seeds of validity. 
>No none is denying experience, dedication and 
>performance is key in someone doing the job, 
>just saying we have some vocal and many silent 
>membership that have an alternative perspective 
>and we need to open the discussion.
>A recent experience in NOMCOM had similar 
>polarity of candidates. some new vs unproven 
>entities and its interesting to see the arguments for each....
>Glenn McKnight, MA
>Virtual School of Internet Governance
>Chief Information Officer
>On Sun, Oct 4, 2020 at 6:37 AM Holly Raiche 
><<mailto:h.raiche at internode.on.net>h.raiche at internode.on.net> wrote:
>And a response to you - it really isn’t so 
>much about ‘youth’ per se. It is about new 
>faces who are interested, and willing to put the 
>time and effort into the job. So yes, all of the 
>issues you (Glen raise) can be part of the 
>discussion. WE also need to consider issues of time,, commitment, etc.
>>On Oct 3, 2020, at 10:02 PM, Glenn McKnight 
>><<mailto:mcknight.glenn at gmail.com>mcknight.glenn at gmail.com> wrote:
>>I was thinking of  Abdulkarim's  comments and 
>>this resonates with the  Atlarge review 
>>that  'new folks'  and younger generation need 
>>to  be encouraged into ALAC leadership.  This 
>>is  a valid observation but more problematic in 
>>application.    I need to point that the 
>>nomination period was open to anyone.  The 
>>reality was that  Maureen was the only person 
>>that stepped up.   Not sure why the community 
>>didn't respond and nominate or self 
>>nominate.  The job is a thankless job with a 
>>ton of work and responsibility.  It's not like 
>>the paid ICANN Board position, its an unpaid 
>>position ( this is another major issue that is 
>>an inherent disincentive to younger generation members)
>>We need to have an intelligent discussion of 
>>these issues.   Perhaps  we need to provide a 
>>set of recommendations for this type of senior leadership   on issues such as:
>>-Regional rotation of positon
>>-Job shadowing
>>Food fo thought
>>Glenn McKnight, MA
>>Virtual School of Internet Governance
>>Chief Information Officer
>>On Sat, Oct 3, 2020 at 6:24 AM ABDULKARIM 
>>OLOYEDE <<mailto:oloyede.aa at unilorin.edu.ng>oloyede.aa at unilorin.edu.ng> wrote:
>>I am happy to support these nominations.
>>However, I think we need to start thinking of a 
>>mix with the younger generation.
>>This I think is important as things are 
>>changing very fast so is the need of the younger generation,
>>On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 7:48 PM Marita Moll 
>><<mailto:mmoll at ca.inter.net>mmoll at ca.inter.net> wrote:
>>Hi. I would like to nominate the following
>>Dave Kissoondoyal (AFRALO), Maureen Hilyard 
>>(APRALO), Joanna Kulesza (EURALO) Carlos Raul 
>>Gutierrez (LACRALO) and Jonathan Zuck (NARALO)
>>I think it will be a very effective team
>>On 9/28/2020 2:44 PM, ICANN At-Large Staff wrote:
>>>Dear All,
>>>Maureen Hilyard, ALAC Chair, has requested 
>>>that a call for nominations be issued for the 
>>>other four members of the next year's ALAC 
>>>Leadership Team (ALT) from the four remaining regions:
>>>- Africa
>>>- Europe
>>>- Latin America and Caribbean Islands
>>>- North America
>>>Maureen Hilyard, as ALAC Chair, will 
>>>automatically take the APRALO ALT slot.
>>>The terms of the 2020-2021 ALT will begin at 
>>>the end of the 2020 AGM until the end of the 2021 AGM.
>>>This selection is carried out in accordance 
>>>with the ALAC Rules of Procedure Section 17.3 
>>>(RoPs - 
>>>Nominations may be made by any current ALAC 
>>>Member. Nominees need not be an ALAC Member at 
>>>the time of the nominations, but must have an 
>>>expectation of being an ALAC Member after the 
>>>completion of the upcoming virtual ICANN69 Meeting.
>>>Requirements for ALT members can be found in 
>>>Section 6 of the ALAC RoPs. In short, ALT 
>>>members are expected to attend all ALAC 
>>>meetings, typically two ALT or ALT-related 
>>>meetings per month, and be very responsive and 
>>>thoughtful to e-mail requests and discussions. 
>>>By mutual agreement, ALT members may take on 
>>>additional roles. Vice-Chairs are expected to 
>>>take on proportionally larger 
>>>responsibilities. All ALT activities are carried out solely in English.
>>>The nomination period is now open and will 
>>>close on Monday, 5 October 2020  at 23:59 UTC.
>>>Nominations need not be seconded.
>>>Nominations, other than self-nominations, must 
>>>be accepted by Monday, 12 October 2020 at 23:59 UTC.
>>>Nominations and acceptances should be sent to 
>>>the ALAC List 
>>>[<mailto:alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org>alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org]
>>>Staff will forward all acceptances to 
>>>[<mailto:alac-announce at atlarge-lists.icann.org>alac-announce at atlarge-lists.icann.org]. 
>>>In accordance with ALAC RoP 16.3, following 
>>>the close of the nominations period and the 
>>>acceptance or rejection of all nominations, candidates
>>>from regions where the position is not 
>>>contested will be declared to have won by acclamation.
>>>If there are multiple candidates from any 
>>>region, the candidates, in conjunction with 
>>>the ALAC, will be given the opportunity to resolve the
>>>situation. Failing that, a secret vote of the ALAC will decide the winner.
>>>Kind regards,
>>>At-Large Staff
>>>ICANN Policy Staff in support of the At-Large Community
>>>Website: <https://atlarge.icann.org/>atlarge.icann.org
>>>ALAC mailing list
>>><mailto:ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org>ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>>>At-Large Online: <http://www.atlarge.icann.org/>http://www.atlarge.icann.org
>>>ALAC Working Wiki: 
>>>By submitting your personal data, you consent 
>>>to the processing of your personal data for 
>>>purposes of subscribing to this mailing list 
>>>accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy 
>>>and the website Terms of Service 
>>>You can visit the Mailman link above to change 
>>>your membership status or configuration, 
>>>including unsubscribing, setting digest-style 
>>>delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
>>ALAC mailing list
>><mailto:ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org>ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>>At-Large Online: <http://www.atlarge.icann.org/>http://www.atlarge.icann.org
>>ALAC Working Wiki: 
>>By submitting your personal data, you consent 
>>to the processing of your personal data for 
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>>including unsubscribing, setting digest-style 
>>delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
>>ALAC mailing list
>><mailto:ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org>ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>>At-Large Online: <http://www.atlarge.icann.org/>http://www.atlarge.icann.org
>>ALAC Working Wiki: 
>>By submitting your personal data, you consent 
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>>delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
>>ALAC mailing list
>><mailto:ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org>ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>>At-Large Online: <http://www.atlarge.icann.org>http://www.atlarge.icann.org
>>ALAC Working Wiki: 
>>By submitting your personal data, you consent 
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>>You can visit the Mailman link above to change 
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>ALAC mailing list
><mailto:ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org>ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>At-Large Online: <http://www.atlarge.icann.org>http://www.atlarge.icann.org
>ALAC Working Wiki: 
>By submitting your personal data, you consent to 
>the processing of your personal data for 
>purposes of subscribing to this mailing list 
>accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy 
>and the website Terms of Service 
>You can visit the Mailman link above to change 
>your membership status or configuration, 
>including unsubscribing, setting digest-style 
>delivery or disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
>ALAC mailing list
>ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
>At-Large Online: http://www.atlarge.icann.org
>ALAC Working Wiki: 
>By submitting your personal data, you consent to 
>the processing of your personal data for 
>purposes of subscribing to this mailing list 
>accordance with the ICANN Privacy Policy 
>(https://www.icann.org/privacy/policy) and the 
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>(https://www.icann.org/privacy/tos). You can 
>visit the Mailman link above to change your 
>membership status or configuration, including 
>unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery or 
>disabling delivery altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
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