[ALAC] Fwd: [ICANN Community Leaders] 30 September Update

Maureen Hilyard maureen.hilyard at gmail.com
Mon Sep 30 20:45:03 UTC 2019

Monday, 30 September 2019
ICANN Community Leadership Digest
The ICANN org Policy Development Support team publishes this twice-weekly
to help ICANN community leaders track requests and updates.

ICANN66 Planning

   - REMINDER: Preparations for ICANN66 Constituency Day
   - REMINDER: ICANN66 Prep Week Schedule
   - REMINDER: Participate in Newcomers Day at ICANN66
   - REMINDER: Support the ICANN Engagement Booth at ICANN66
   - SAVE THE DATE: ICANN66 Community Leadership Reception

Information Sharing

   - REMINDER: Invitation to Provide Feedback on the ICANN Board’s Proposed
   Public Interest Framework
   - REMINDER: ICANN Preparations for IGF 2019: Information for the
   Community and Requests for Input

Public Comment

   - Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder
   - Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT)
   Accepted Recommendations – Plan for Implementation and Next Steps

ICANN66 Planning
REMINDER: Preparations for ICANN66 Constituency Day
From: Cherine Chalaby, ICANN Board Chair

FOR: All Community Leaders

Dear Constituency and Stakeholder Group Chairs,

Please reply no later than Monday, 14 October 2019

The Board and I are very much looking forward to engaging with you during
our 21st AGM that will take place in Montréal between 2-7 November 2019.

We wish to keep working on improving our interaction with you and, in
particular, we want to address some of the requests and feedback we have
received and introduce some more flexibility in the format of our valuable
face-to-face meetings.

Starting in Montréal, instead of sending up to three questions to the
Board, we would like to offer you the alternative option of choosing a
single topic and having an open discussion with the Board on that topic.

We are also suggesting that the list of questions or topics received be
shared with the entire Community using the Policy digest, in order to
increase transparency and allow the groups to improve their own
understanding of their peers’ point of views on different issues.

As for time allocation, we propose to allocate half of our time together to
answer your questions or discuss your single topic and the other half to
address the Board’s topic.

In preparation for our meetings, the Board chose the following topic to
have an open discussion with you:

“Community, Board and ICANN org readiness to implement the following three
critical plans that will shape ICANN’s future: (1) Strategic Plan FY 21-25,
(2) Operating & Financial Plan FY 21-25, and (3) Work Plan to improve the
effectiveness of ICANN’s multistakeholder model.”

The Strategic Plan
been adopted by the Board last June at ICANN65 in Marrakech. The two other
plans will be completed and posted for public comment in December 2019.

At ICANN64 in Kobe, the Board asked each constituency to provide three
suggestions, one for the Board, one for ICANN org and one for the Community of
things/aspects that should be done/improved in order to
implement these plans successfully, starting 1 July 2020, as mandated by
our Bylaws. In addition, the Board asked for one suggestion of something
that could be done externally to improve trust and with our partners
and alliances (eg. IETF) so that they collaborate effectively with ICANN on
some of our strategic objectives (eg. DNS security).

Based on the input received in Kobe, we are compiling a list of suggested
actions for the community, Board and ICANN org which we would like to share
and discuss with you in Montreal. We will send you that list in advance of
our meeting in Montréal on or before Friday, 11 October 2019.

We would be very grateful if you could send to Board Operations (
board-ops-team at icann.org) your single topic or the list of questions (max.
3), in order of priority, no later than Monday, 14 October 2019 or sooner.

For information, we are not changing the current total time allotted per
group nor the room set-up.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts on our suggestions and on how to
improve our interaction further.

We thank you in advance for your time on this matter and we look forward to
welcoming you in Canada!

Best regards,
Cherine Chalaby
REMINDER: ICANN66 Prep Week Schedule
Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support

FOR: All Community Leaders

On Monday, ICANN released the schedule for ICANN66 Prep Week, which
features a series of seven webinars to prepare the community ahead of its
Annual General Meeting in November. See the schedule and registration

REMINDER: Participate in Newcomers Day at ICANN66
Executive: Sally Costerton, Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder

FOR: All Community Leaders

The Public Responsibility Support team will be hosting Newcomers Day for
ICANN66 on Sunday, 3 November 2019. Newcomers Day will feature two
community sessions:

Session 1: Supporting Organization Councils and Advisory Committees
10:00-12:20 (broken up into ten minute slots; e.g. 10:00-10:10,
10:10-10:20, etc.)

Session 2: Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies
13:20-15:00 (broken up into ten minute slots; e.g. 13:20-13:30,
13:30-13:40, etc.)

We would like to invite your community group to designate a representative
to attend the relevant session. Your remarks should be focused toward the
Newcomers and will be followed by a brief question and answer session.
Together, this should not exceed 10 minutes. We will provide standard
slides but you are welcome to send us any slides as well. We will share the
deck once it is finalized.

By Friday, 11 October 2019, please email deborah.escalera at icann.org with
your designated representative(s).
REMINDER: Support the ICANN Engagement Booth at ICANN66
Executive: Sally Costerton, Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder

FOR: All Community Leaders

I know everyone is busy preparing for ICANN66, but I want to make you aware
that you are welcome and encouraged to come and do outreach at the ICANN
Engagement booth. The ICANN Engagement booth is in place so that Newcomers,
ICANN org members, and ICANN community members to engage in discussions. It
is supported by volunteers from the ICANN community, including members of
Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees. It would be beneficial to
have the presence of seasoned ICANN community members to share their
knowledge. We would like to offer one-hour slots during ICANN66. Sign up

Deborah Escalera
SAVE THE DATE: ICANN66 Community Leadership Reception
Executive: David Olive, Senior Vice President, Policy Development Support

FOR: All Community Leaders

The ICANN66 Community Leadership Reception with members of the ICANN Board
and Executive
Team will be held on Friday, 1 November 2019. More details including
location and specific time will be shared later.
Information Sharing
REMINDER: Invitation to Provide Feedback on the ICANN Board’s Proposed
Public Interest Framework
Executive: Sally Costerton, Senior Vice President, Global Stakeholder

FOR: All Community Leaders

>From 18 September – 18 October 2019, a community consultation is taking
place on the global public interest framework proposed by the ICANN Board.
In reviewing the proposal, the ICANN Board is asking the ICANN community to
consider the following questions for input to the ICANN Board:

   1. What are your thoughts on the proposed framework approach? Do you
   have any suggestions for how it could be improved?
   2. What are your thoughts on the proposed approach for decisions in the
   ICANN ecosystem to be accompanied by a consideration of their impact on the
   global public interest (as well as an explanation regarding what is meant
   by the GPI in the specific case)?
   3. How do you see this working for the Supporting Organization (SO),
   Advisory Committee (AC), constituency, group, review team, or
   cross-community working group (CCWG) to which you are contributing?

The global public interest is central to many of ICANN’s primary governance
documents, and the ICANN Board hopes to play a role in facilitating a
bottom-up, community-driven process to develop a framework as a toolkit for
the ICANN community to consider the global public interest. These
considerations would not change the process by which decisions are made but
could instead serve as tools for the community to reinforce the commitment
to the public interest and to demonstrate how specific recommendations,
advice, and public comments are in the global public interest. This
includes the ICANN community guiding the ICANN Board about the public
interest determination the latter must make in its decisions.

To learn more about the framework, please read the discussion paper
Community feedback is welcome by Friday, 18 October 2019 via email at
gpitoolkit at icann.org. After the community consultation, there will be a
public session at ICANN66, followed by a Public Comment proceeding.

For more information, visit: https://go.icann.org/2kMb7RB.
REMINDER: ICANN Preparations for IGF 2019: Information for the Community
and Requests for Input
Executive: Tarek Kamel, Senior Vice President, Government and International
Governmental Organization Engagement

FOR: All Community Leaders

The 14th Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) will be
hosted by the Government of Germany in Berlin from 25 to 29 November 2019.
ICANN org will have a booth, hold sessions, and co-host a reception with
other Internet technical organizations.

A few things we would like to share with you:

   - The 2019 IGF aims to be paperless – Informal pamphlets and materials
   will be linked by a QR code to a dedicated ICANN page on the IGF
   website. If you are interested in distributing any materials your community
   group would like to share with IGF participants, please send the materials
   to us (see below). Deadline: Friday, 4 October 2019.
   - ICANN booth – The booth will be a resource for the ICANN
   community. Please contact us (see below) if you or any of your members
   would like to volunteer at the booth, or use the booth as a place for small
   meet-ups, etc. Once we have a better idea, we will create a schedule
   reflecting this.
   - Technical community reception – Monday, 25 November 2019, 18:30-20:00
   (IGF venue). Space will be limited, and the reception will be by invitation
   only. Please send us (see below) the names of any community members
   attending the IGF and they will receive an invitation. Deadline:
   Tuesday, 12 November 2019.
   - Community sessions – Please send us (see below) details of any session
   at the IGF your community group and members are planning, and we will share
   this information online and at the ICANN booth.

ICANN sessions
IGF Day 0 Pre-Events: Monday, 25 November 2019

   - 15:05-14:35 | Workshop: The evolving ecosystem: ICANN's role in the
   security and stability of the Internet

IGF Day 1: Tuesday, 26 November 2019

   - 10:45-11:45 | ICANN Open Forum: ICANN - DNS, Threats and Opportunities

IGF Day 3: Thursday 28 November 2019

   - 11:05-12:35 | Workshop: Online Identity in the Multilingual Domain
   Name Space

ICANN org contact for community members and requests: Adam Peake,
adam.peake at icann.org.
Public Comment
Next Steps to Improve the Effectiveness of ICANN's Multistakeholder Model
Close Date: Monday, 14 October 2019

Competition, Consumer Trust, and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT)
Accepted Recommendations – Plan for Implementation and Next Steps
Close Date: Monday, 21 October 2019
Volume 1, Issue 54 | Archive
| Next Issue: Thursday, 3 October 2019
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