[ALAC] Change of Meeting Format

Holly Raiche h.raiche at internode.on.net
Fri Jun 8 20:39:06 UTC 2018

Absolutely agree.   I’ll be there with bells on

On 9 Jun 2018, at 4:17 am, Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca> wrote:

> Traditionally, the ALAC and Regional Leaders meet for a number of sessions beginning on the first day and running through out the week.
> That will continue with ICANN62 in Panama, but there will be a significant change.
> We will start by meeting for a short intro session at 8 am on Monday, which will prep for the rest of the day. This session is NOT optional.
> We will proceed to the formal ICANN62 Welcome and Ethos Award session with runs from 8:30-9:00.
> Following that the entire At-Large group will participate in the GNSO sessions that are focusing on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures. This will include some general introductions, and will split up into breakout sessions on a number of topics. You will hear more about the topics and overall format later, but for now I would like to explain why we are making this rather unusual move.
> As you are aware, the GNSO PDP on New gTLD Subsequent Procedures will be issuing its Interim Report soon after Panama. The report will include a summary of discussions (and conclusions were they exist) and will be asking for community input on a very wide range of issues. During the last round starting in 2012, the ALAC and At-Large had significant concerns in a number of area which included Internet User confusion, community TLDs, the lack of protection for sensitive TLDs (such as .doctor) and support of applications from developing econimies. If we do not contribute meaningful comments in response to the Interim Report, we will have no grounds to complain later if we do not like the decisions the PDP comes to.
> To be clear, new gTLDs are one of the most important issues on ICANN's agenda over the past six years and for years to come. ALAC and At-Large are here to protect the interests of Internet Users and we MUST make a meaningful contribution. Our credibility depends on it.
> The work effort to respond to the Interim Report is not something that one or two people can do. It must be taken on by a larger group, and the results must truly represent the At-Large Community's views.
> That leads to this schedule. All funded travellers, unless there are substantive commitments to be elsewhere Monday morning, will participate in the GNSO sessions which will include small break-out groups to discuss particular issues. We will expect brief reports on what has happened in these sessions, and you will then be involved in the work to responds to the Interim Report when it is issued.
> To be clear, these GNSO sessions are not optional suggestions. They are a formal part of the At-Large meeting schedule.
> Questions are welcome.
> Alan
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