Maureen Hilyard maureen.hilyard at gmail.com
Wed Feb 14 01:19:51 UTC 2018

+1 Holly

On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 3:07 PM, Holly Raiche <h.raiche at internode.on.net>

> Folks
> Part of me absolutely supports any moves that support diversity.  At one
> point in my life, I headed up the Equal Opportunity Unit in the Aust.
> Broadcasting Corporation so diversity was my job.
> Putting that aside, I have serious doubts about the concept in this
> context.
> If they talking about just ICANN staff, there is already an ICANN HR
> function that would (or should) be charged with addressing the issue.
> If they talking about the various organisations that attend the SOs/ACs? I
> have even more concern.  Just for starters, it is up to each SO/AC - and
> then individual members within each SO/AC as to who participates. Is ICANN
> seriously going to tell GAC members that some of them must send more women
> representatives/more Asian members/more members from non-English speaking
> backgrounds?  And who is going to tell each registry/registrar whom they
> can send to represent them!
> If the idea is to have diversity in the make-up of ICANN committees, I
> would hope the first basis for selection is qualifications for the task.
> In short, I support Alan’s comments.  If the concept is diversity WITHIN
> ICANN staff, it is covered by HR.  Otherwise, I have real doubts about the
> concept, other than - at best -it could be just a score card.
> Holly
> On 14 Feb 2018, at 11:18 am, Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca>
> wrote:
> I would like to call your attention to this paper that was just circulated
> by the CCWG-Accountability WS2 on Diversity.
> The ALAC was silent on the question of an Office of Diversity (OOD) that
> was mentioned in the draft recommendations (see
> https://community.icann.org/x/Z5tEB)
> As important as diversity is, I find it troublesome that ICANN might be
> dedicating more bureaucracy to it. As I noted in my recent comments on the
> Specific Reviews Operating Standards ( https://mm.icann.org/
> pipermail/comments-reviews-standards-17oct17/2018q1/000008.html ), I find
> that for the best of reasons, ICANN is building more and more complex
> process, rules and bureaucracy. At a time when it is clear we are going to
> have increasing budget constraint, this must be controlled. If we consider
> issues such as this as sacred , then we will see more and more other more
> discretionary budgets cut (and I am predicting that if we don't change our
> philosophy, budget issues will get MUCH worse).
> According to the original recommendations document (
> https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/ccwg-acct-
> ws2-draft-recs-diversity-26oct17-en.pdf ): The role of this office would
> be to independently support, record and keep track of issues including
> complaints from the community on diversity issues within the organization.
> I presume that by "organization" the document means all of ICANN (ICANN
> Organization as the staff are now known, the volunteer community and the
> Board). For ICANN Organization, I see this as falling directly under Human
> Resources and the Complaints Officer. For the volunteer part of ICANN, and
> the Board, I think it quite reasonable to keep records but that does not
> warrant a staffed office. Selection of volunteers is not done centrally,
> and complaints presumably should go to the Ombudsman.
> Should the ALAC issue a further statement on this?  And if so, what are
> your views?
> Alan
> From: Bernard Turcotte <turcotte.bernard at gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 14:28:23 -0500
> To: ws2-diversity <ws2-diversity at icann.org>
> Subject: [Ws2-diversity] CCWG-Accountability-WS2-Diversity - PAPER ON
> All,
> As promised at the last meeting of the diversity sub-group please find
> below and attached the document prepared by Fiona and Rafik on this topic.
> Bernard Turcotte
> ICANN Staff Support to the CCWG-Accountability-WS2
> For Fiona and Rafik.
> *Preamble: *
> The Diversity sub-group presented a report for public comments that
> presented diversity at ICANN identified by a number of elements by which
> diversity may be characterized, measured and reported. The report was
> informed by feedback from ICANN Supporting Organization(SO)/Advisory
> Committee (AC)/groups through a Diversity Questionnaire. In the report the
> Sub-group proposes a number of recommendations by which ICANN may define,
> measure, report, support and promote diversity. It also indicated that
> there was a lack of consensus on the establishment on an office of
> diversity and sought to receive public comments on the position of the
> office of diversity.
> *Summary of Responses from Public Comments: *
>    - Total of 15 comments
>    - 6 had no comments on an office of diversity
>       - 3 supported an office of diversity or a panel
>       - 3 supported an office of diversity
>       - 3 rejected the notion of an office of diversity.
>    - Breakdown by major categories
>    - 7 SO/ACs/Board (those which will have to approve the WS2 final
>       report):
>    - 4 had no comments
>          - 3 Rejected the notion of an office of diversity
>    - 2 Governments:
>    - 1 had no comments on an office of diversity
>          - 1 supported an office of diversity
>    - 6 Individuals/Associations:
>    - 1 had no comments on an office of diversity
>          - 3 supported an office of diversity or a panel
>          - 2 supported an office of diversity
> *Summary of Positions relating to the OOD from Public Comments: *
> 1.      Establishment of an office of diversity or a panel similar to what
> is proposed in the Ombuds recommendations.
> 2.      Establishment of an office of diversity
> 3.      Rejection of an office of diversity in favour of staff performing
> this work.
> *Required Actions: *
> The Sub-group on diversity does not have one solid position from the
> public comments but has instead received a number of options that need to
> be discussed further and weighed in order to determine how oversight of
> diversity can be pursued.
> Content-Type: application/pdf; name="Office Of Diversity OptionsV1.2.pdf"
> Content-Disposition: attachment;
>          filename="Office Of Diversity OptionsV1.2.pdf"
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> P5ytgQVR8nbfFnqRajG4VJuLLwZc6022IzI09Frtk3p2uxpg==
> _______________________________________________
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> Ws2-diversity at icann.org
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> <Office Of Diversity OptionsV1.2.pdf>______________
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