[ALAC] ALAC website - UA ready!

Rinalia Abdul Rahim rinalia.abdulrahim at gmail.com
Sat Mar 4 08:06:23 UTC 2017


I don't see Indic or Neo Brahmi in the test cases. Did I miss it somewhere?

Everyone,  the point of my mail is that it would be good to know if the
ALAC website is really responsive to the diversity of internet users out
there, especially those who use non-Latin script in their email and web URLs

Andrei has given an example where the site is not accepting Cyrillic URL.

I would really appreciate further testing from the At-Large community for
other language scripts and to receive feedback so that the problems can be
fixed by ICANN IT.

The ALAC website is one of the pioneer efforts of UA-readiness in ICANN -
these are also described as the leading examples of UA worldwide. It would
be great to have it as a best practice example that works fully and

Best regards,


On Fri, 3 Mar 2017 at 11:14 AM, Satish Babu <sb at inapp.com> wrote:

> For those would like to test, a full set of test cases is available at the
> UASG004 document below (thanks to Don Hollander for the suggestion):
> https://uasg.tech/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/UASG004-Use-Cases-for-UA-Readiness-Evaluation-2016-11-15.pdf
> satish
> On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 5:07 PM, Rinalia Abdul Rahim <
> rinalia.abdulrahim at gmail.com> wrote:
> Appreciate the feedback, Andrei.
> Other feedback pls?
> Han Script - Chinese, Japanese Kanji plus Katakana and Hiragana, Korean
> Hangul?
> Arabic?
> Rinalia
> On Fri, 3 Mar 2017 at 11:04 AM, Andrei Kolesnikov <andrei at rol.ru> wrote:
> ascii at idn email looks fine. Not working with IDN url, for example
> http://кто.рф <http://xn--j1ail.xn--p1ai>
> 2017-03-03 2:23 GMT+03:00 Rinalia Abdul Rahim <
> rinalia.abdulrahim at gmail.com>:
> Dear ALAC and Regional Leaders,
> Staff have informed me that the ALAC's new website is Universal Acceptance
> ready with the features listed below.  Can you provide confirmation that
> community members with IDNs in their email addresses and those with
> non-Latin script URLs are able to use it, and are using it?
> Features of the ALAC website:
> ·       Where you enter a URL (AtLarge asks you to identify your website)
> o   The URL can be in any character set (Arabic, Cyrillic, Kanji, etc.)
> o   Each domain in the URL can be up to 63 characters long (
> www.buysomething.shopping)
> ·       Where you enter an email (when applying to join the group)
> o   The domains of the email address can be in any character set
> o   The domains of the email address can be up to 63 characters long
> o   The user name must be in ASCII.  (This is temporary)
> o   Email example: username at domain.topleveldomain
> ·       There is no immediately visible change to the AtLarge user
> interface
> o   If you have an email from the .cloud domain, it will work now (too
> long a top-level domain before)
> o   If you have a website in Cyrillic (there are a couple of Cyrillic
> top-level domains now), it will recognize and use it
> o   If you have an email from a Katakana top-level domain, that will work
> too – but only as long as your username is in English characters
> Please let me know.
> Thanks!
> Best regards,
> Rinalia
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> --
> Andrey Kolesnikov
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