[ALAC] [ALAC-LT] Process for deciding on wether to issue a Public Comment Statement

Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond ocl at gih.com
Thu Jun 22 17:16:04 UTC 2017

Hello all,

On 21/06/2017 17:07, Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond wrote:
> Agreed, the process for targeted consultation is labour intensive. But
> this is a pilot that EURALO will present to other RALOs. In the short
> term, I do not know if ultimately RALO leaders will take on the
> responsibility to do something similar in their RALOs. In the long
> term, I remind you that this is one step closer to the designing of an
> automated system that would perform such targeted requests as part of
> a Policy Management Process System, as described in the ATLAS II
> recommendations. We have received indications from ICANN's CIO that he
> would be interested in considering a blueprint for this, and the
> current manual pilot is just a proof of concept from which I would be
> happy to ultimately drafts process plans with the help of the
> Technical Task Force.

...and Dev reminded me of all of the follow-up work of At-Large
Improvements work team D that came out of the first At-Large Review:

Some of it was implemented, but the bulk of it, the PRC was not. Perhaps
worth considering in our discussions?

Kindest regards,

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