[ALAC] Fwd: ICANN News Alert -- ICANN Board Brussels Workshop: Open Community Sessions

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Mon Sep 12 23:06:31 UTC 2016

This is the first that we have seen of the Board's commitment to open 
up their meetings. Unfortunately, board briefing materials for this 
meeting are not posted.

Meetings are from 12:15-14:30 UTC.


>News Alert
>ICANN Board Brussels Workshop: Open Community Sessions
>12 September 2016
>The next ICANN Board Workshop will be taking place in Brussels, 
>Belgium, from 14-17 September 2016. During the workshop, the Board 
>will be holding a series of open sessions, which will be held on 
>Saturday, 17 September. These sessions will include the following topics:
>    * The Impact of the New Bylaws on ICANN
>    * Accountability Work-Stream 2 (WS2) Topics
>    * A Technical Deep Dive: RIPE to Present
>Everyone in the community is invited to join these sessions, which 
>will be listen-only. More details, including the times of each 
>session and ways to join, are available at 
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