[ALAC] Discussions on ALAC Positions on CCWG Recommendations

Siranush Vardanyan siranush_vardanyan at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 3 23:33:27 UTC 2016

Dear Alan, fully agree with the approach and have no problems with being added to that list.


From: harold.arcos at gmail.com
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2016 16:11:40 -0430
To: alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca; alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org
Subject: Re: [ALAC] Discussions on ALAC Positions on CCWG Recommendations

I agree with your point of view.

I don't have any objection about it.

I believe that this proposed action will enrich the discussion process.


El 3 de febrero de 2016 15:27:38 GMT-04:30, Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca> escribió:
One of the problems we have had is that when commenting on previous 
CCWG reports, there have been two parallel discussions, one on the 
ALAC list, and one on the IANA-Issues WG list.

Currently about 1/2 of the ALAC and 9 regional leaders are not on the 
IANA-Issues list.

The traffic on that list is low. In January, there were 42 messages, 
and 32 of those were related to meeting schedules, with only 10 on substance.

Adding someone to the list makes it easier for them to attend a WG 
meeting, but does not imply any obligation to do so.

Is there any objection if we add those people to the IANA-Issues list 
now? This would allow the important discussion on whether to ratify 
or not on a single list.

We could remove those who wanted to leave once the final decision is 
taken in or before Marrakech.


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