Rafid Fatani rafid.fatani at accesspartnership.com
Mon Oct 12 11:11:38 UTC 2015

Dear All,

I want to publicly note that I do not wish to participate in this nomination process. I feel this is part of a play orchestrated by a select few, with the sole purpose of rotating the same people in various positions. This is not only in reference to the ALT leadership positions, but all ALAC related positions.

Let my intentions be VERY clear- I have, and had no intention to run for any of these positions this year. My position on this matter stems from the discontent on how a select few manage the process.

Looking forward to seeing most of you next week.

Kind regards,

Raf Fatani

On 10 Oct 2015, at 16:05, ICANN At-Large Staff <staff at atlarge.icann.org<mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org>> wrote:

Dear All,

Please see below the call for nominations for members of the 2016 ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) sent on behalf of Alan Greenberg, Chair of the ALAC.



Now that it is confirmed that the ALAC Chair, Alan Greenberg, will continue for another term, he has requested that a call for nominations be issued for the other four members of the ALAC Leadership team (ALT) from the four remaining regions:

- Africa

- Asia, Australasia and Pacific Islands

- Europe

- Latin America and Caribbean Islands

The ALAC Rules of Procedure call for up to two Vice-Chairs, at the discretion of the incoming ALAC Chair, and Alan has indicated that he would prefer two Vice-Chairs as was the case during the past year.

Nominations are now open for individuals to serve as the two Vice-Chairs of the ALAC and the two non-titled ALT positions.  Nominations may be made by any current ALAC Member. Nominees need not be an ALAC Member at the time of the nominations, but must have an expectation of being an ALAC Member after the completion of the upcoming Dublin ICANN Meeting.

Requirements for ALT members can be found in Section 6 of the ALAC Rules of Procedure (http://tinyurl.com/ALAC-RoP-2013-04).

Nominations will close on Saturday,  17 October 2015 at 23:59 UTC.

Nominations need not be seconded, but it is an ALAC tradition that others may second the nomination as a show of agreement with the nomination.

Nominations other than self-nominations must be accepted within seven days after the close of nominations. Acceptance should be sent to the alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org<mailto:alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org<mailto:alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org%3cmailto:alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org>>.

Nominees without access to that list should send their acceptance to staff at atlarge.icann.org<mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org<mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org%3cmailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org>>.

Staff will forward all acceptances to ALAC-Announce at atlarge-lists.icann.rog<mailto:ALAC-Announce at atlarge-lists.icann.rog<mailto:ALAC-Announce at atlarge-lists.icann.rog%3cmailto:ALAC-Announce at atlarge-lists.icann.rog>>.

Following the close of the nominations period and the acceptance or rejection of all nominations, candidates from regions where the position is not contested will be declared to  have won by acclamation.

If there are multiple candidates from any region, the candidates, in conjunction with the ALAC, will be given the opportunity to resolve the situation. Failing that, an secret vote of the ALAC will decide the winner.

If the resultant ALT includes two members nominated to be Vice-Chairs, those two will serve in those positions. If there are less than two or more than two nominated as Vice-Chairs, the ALAC Chair will decide who will occupy the Vice-Chair positions.


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Ariel Liang, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie Peregrine and Terri Agnew
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
E-mail: staff at atlarge.icann.org<mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org>
Facebook: www.facebook.com/icann<https://www.facebook.com/icannatlarge>atlarge<https://www.facebook.com/icannatlarge>
Twitter: @<https://twitter.com/ICANNAtLarge>ICANNAtLarge<https://twitter.com/ICANNAtLarge>

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At-Large Online: http://www.atlarge.icann.org
ALAC Working Wiki: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Advisory+Committee+(ALAC)

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