[ALAC] Discussion: CWG-Stewardship role in implementation

Seun Ojedeji seun.ojedeji at gmail.com
Tue Nov 17 04:38:18 UTC 2015

Hello Olivier/all,

Maybe this is not getting across correctly, let me try again. What the
Co-Chairs has requested the Chartering organisations to do is to approve
the expansion of the CWG scope of work. That scope is CWG is defined in the

I am totally in support of the expansion and there is no question about
that. What I am however saying is that this expansion request and approval
be linked to the governing document (charter) one way or the other(once all
the Chartering organisations have approved). We are already going through
the process of expanding the scope and including/linking it up with the
charter will not require any other process.

Like I said, it's a minor details that I thought we should just
advice/hint/mention to the Co-Chairs in our acceptance response. Something
in the line of "... We accept the expansion and we suggest it be linked to
the charter as well". If ALAC is not fine with such inclusion, it still
does not mean I am against the expansion.

I hope that provides some clarification on the intent of my mail. I won't
be raising this on the CWG list as I sense it may be misunderstood and
unnecessarily prolong the process which is not what I have in mind.

Sent from my Asus Zenfone2
Kindly excuse brevity and typos.
On 17 Nov 2015 01:10, "Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond" <ocl at gih.com> wrote:

> Dear Seun,
> my understanding is that no part of the email from the co-Chairs of the
> CWG Stewardship contains a proposal to "change the charter". If such a
> suggestion was made, there would need to be a detailed list of the changes
> to be made in the charter, with the previous text given and the replacement
> text (or added text) crafted and clearly shared. The amendments would then
> need to be examined by all SOs and ACs and voted on.
> My understanding is that the co-Chairs wanted to avoid all of this and
> just provide notice to SOs/ACs about an extension to the initially defined
> mission. No vote needed if there is no objection from any Chartering
> Organisation.
> Kindest regards,
> Olivier
> On 16/11/2015 19:14, Seun Ojedeji wrote:
> Hello Alan,
> What we are basically doing by this request is modifying the charter, that
> is exactly the process that is happening right now[1] so I don't really
> think there will be any other issue/challenge with referencing the update
> in the charter. It is the charter that determines the scope of work of the
> CWG and when there is an expansion (which is agreed to by the Chartering
> organisation) the charter should reflect such.
> While I support the expansion of CWG scope to cover the intent of the
> request, I believe it should be reflected in the charter. This will not
> require more process than we are already going through right now.
> That said since Co-Chairs have already sent out the message in this
> manner(which is cool), the CWG should reference this document (with formal
> approval of Chartering organisations in the charter). It's a minor
> process/documentation that we should not ignore and let go on.
> Regards
> 1. In the event it is decided that the charter needs to be modified to
> address the omission or unreasonable
> impact, the co-chairs may propose to modify the charter. A modification
> shall only be effective after
> adoption of the adjusted charter by the chartering organizations in
> accordance with their own rules and
> procedures.
> Sent from my Asus Zenfone2
> Kindly excuse brevity and typos.
> On 16 Nov 2015 21:06, "Alan Greenberg" <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca> wrote:
>> Seun, I believe that this lightweight process is instead of updating the
>> charter, which would require new drafting and then formal action on behalf
>> of all of the chartering bodies to approve the revision. If the chartering
>> bodies all agree to this method, we have effectively changed the mandate of
>> the CWG without having to go through the formalities - quicker and easier.
>> These messages (asking for and getting permission from the chartering
>> bodies) will form part of the overall documentation for the CWG and should
>> be sufficient.
>> Alan
>> At 16/11/2015 11:55 AM, Seun Ojedeji wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I believe it's in order and I recommend that while ALAC supports this, we
>> should recommend that the CWG charter be updated accordingly or at least
>> the communiqué be formerly referenced in the charter.
>> Regards
>> Sent from my Asus Zenfone2
>> Kindly excuse brevity and typos.
>> On 16 Nov 2015 16:47, "Alan Greenberg" <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca > wrote:
>> Please see following message.
>> I believe this makes sense. If anyone has concerns with this, please let
>> us know. Based on any negative comments, I will initiate a Consensus Call
>> or formal vote next Monday, 23 November. The Consensus Call or vote will be
>> for ALAC Members only, but of course, the discussion is open to anyone on
>> this list.
>> Alan
>> Cc: CWG-Stewardship, ICG, CRISP, IANAPLAN, CCWG-Accountability, ICANN
>> Implementation & ICANN Policy Staff.
>> Dear Chartering Organizations of the CWG IANA Stewardship,
>> Subject: CWG-Stewardship role in implementation
>> At ICANN54 in Dublin, the IANA Stewardship Coordination Group (ICG)
>> confirmed designation of the operational communities to be responsible for
>> direct implementation oversight of their proposals.
>> The CWG-Stewardship also met during the course of ICANN54 and discussed
>> this role and we continued this discussion in a subsequent meeting on
>> Thursday 5 November 2015. An oversight role is not specifically detailed in
>> our Charter, but it is the CWG-Stewardship’s view that our role in
>> implementation is to ensure that the implementation is consistent with the
>> CWG-Stewardship Final Proposal and furthermore, to provide input on the
>> implementation work when required by staff working on the implementation
>> or, if and when necessary, to bring the implementation work back in line
>> with the intent of the Final Proposal.
>> In our view, the most logical option is to have the CWG-Stewardship
>> working group continue in its current form and with the responsibility to
>> monitor the implementation and provide input where needed. Of course, this
>> responsibility would include regular updates to the Chartering
>> Organizations via the appointed members as well as consultations with the
>> Chartering Organizations should issues be identified that are deemed
>> without this specific remit.
>> We note here for your information, that while the CWG-Stewardship Final
>> Proposal was submitted in June 2015, the CWG-Stewardship has remained
>> active and therefore available when needed. This has included being
>> available to answer questions from the ICG, or to monitor the
>> CCWG-Accountability dependencies and to coordinate with the other
>> operational communities on shared issues such as IANA intellectual property
>> rights.
>> As the CWG-Stewardship Charter does not specifically address
>> implementation, we would like to ensure that the CWG-Stewardship’s
>> proposed approach in relation to implementation is not inconsistent with
>> the intent of the Chartering Organizations concerning the scope and role of
>> the CWG-Stewardship. We therefore propose to proceed to oversee the
>> implementation work as described above unless there are objections from one
>> or more Chartering Organizations.
>> We would like to emphasize that the CWG-Stewardship does not intend to
>> change its working methods in light of this ongoing role. The group will
>> remain open to anyone who wishes to join, and we will welcome informed
>> individuals with relevant implementation and operational experience to join
>> the CWG-Stewardship in this next phase.
>> Thank you for your consideration of this matter and for your ongoing
>> support of our work. Please let us know of any concerns by no later than 30
>> November 2015.
>> Jonathan Robinson & Lise Fuhr
>> CWG-Stewardship co-Chairs
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