[ALAC] CONSENSUS CALL: Revision of ALS Criteria and Expectations

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Thu Mar 5 16:40:05 UTC 2015

During the discussions of the ALAC at ICANN52 in Singapore, the ALAC 
recommended that we constitute a Task Force (TF) to make 
recommendations to the ALAC regarding the criteria and expectations 
for ALSes and how those expectations related to the work of the RALOs 
(and therefore formally defining what we expect from RALO - something 
we have never done before).

The recommendation was that this TF will include at least one ALAC 
member per region (to be selected by the ALAC members from each 
region) plus two people selected by the regional leadership 
(according to the RALO practices). Other may participate if they 
wish. The TF will be chaired by the ALAC Chair who will not formally 
represent his region. At-Large Staff will be full members of this TF 
as their input and opinions need to be considered.

Decision will be made by consensus among the entire group or if 
necessary, by the regionally balanced group of 15 members plus Chair.

The Mission of the TF will be:

- Identify the qualities and characteristics of an organization to 
enable it to be eligible to be accredited as an ALS, and to continue 
to be an ALS. This may include affirmations or commitments that the 
ALS should make as part of the application or accreditation process.

- Identify a list of expectations for ALSes - what must an ALS do to 
be classed as contributing to the RALO and At-Large. Consider to what 
extent this should be audited, self-reported or spot-checked.

- Develop a Statement of what we expect a RALO to do within At-Large 
and have clarity as to how this related to ALS expectations

Meetings: The intent is to have weekly meetings

All Recommendations of the TF will go to the ALAC for ratification.

With this message, I am requesting a CONSENSUS CALL of the ALAC on 
the above composition and mission for the TF. If you oppose this, 
please let your feelings be known no later than 12 March 2015.

For clarity, in a CONSENSUS CALL, you may choose to explicitly voice 
your support, but silence will be taken as agreement.


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