[ALAC] Reconstitution of the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Mon Mar 2 03:38:58 UTC 2015

At the ALAC Wrap-up meeting during ICANN52 in Singapore, the ALAC 
discussed the Outreach subcommittee in relation to our current desire 
to place more focus on Engagement.

Although the word "outreach" can easily apply to working with those 
groups with whom we already have a working relationship with, in the 
ICANN context, it generally means just "recruitment".

There is a general feeling among ALAC Members and regional leaders 
that we need to put less focus on recruiting and more on ensuring 
that we have active and productive relationships woith our existing 
communities (including ALSes).

Accordingly, the intent is to rename the current Outreach 
subcommittee to the ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement and 
reconstitute its membership. There will be two members per region 
named annually by each region. The Chair/Co-Chair/Vice-Chair 
structure will be decided by the new Subcommittee once it is formed. 
Like most ALAC groups, this is an open group and anyone else 
(including Outreach current members) may join.

In light of the revised name and mandate, among the first taks for 
the group is to write a new mission statement (the current one can be 
found in the description of the Subcommittee - 
https://community.icann.org/x/cqfbAQ. This Mission Statement will 
need to be ratified by the ALAC.

If anyone has any further input on this, please comment now. In the 
absence of substantive disagreement, I will initiate a Consensus Call 
to effect the change within a few days.


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