[ALAC] ACTION: Draft of the ALAC comments to be sent to the CCWG

Sébastien Bachollet sebastien at bachollet.com
Mon Dec 14 20:27:34 UTC 2015

Thanks Alan,
Still (re) reading the documents (not trying to switch to French as I am not
sure about translation).
Good proposal 
I agree with the suggestions from both Olivier, Tijani and Timothy.

I would like to add few points in short sentences:
Internet need stability ICANN need agility (I have the impression that
Internet and ICANN are mixed in the ccwg document)
Empowered Community vs community (seems that the second is often taken for
the first ­ need to be carefully used in the ccwg text)
P6 #6 Bullet point 3: Want to be sure that diversity will be taken into
consideration for ICANN in all it¹s dimension and constituent (including the
P14 #2 Who (people) will be « The members of the UA »?

Reco #2
P18 Step 1 last BP « Committees (???) support the petitionŠ » Must be AC/SO?
P18 #76 BP2 Services must include Interpretation for any conf call

Reco #3
P23 #128 & 129
« Š additional protection from changes. »
« Š More difficult to change. »
We need protection against «  Bad Direction » not against changes.

That all regarding the document.

But I would like to restate my deep concerne about
Recall of the entire board (if and when it will happen the power will be in
the (already powerful) hand of staff)
Remove of individual BM
Even if with this accountability proposal is presented as a multistakeholder
enhancement, ICANN as a multistakeholder organization is in danger. To much
places where part of the community what to decide by and for them twelve and
to much risk (and possibility) to leave ICANN (like PTI) to other structure
less multistakholder.

Last (but not least): are we sure that all the current bylaws about ALAC
(and at-Large) must stay in the future standard Bylaws?

Thanks for reading.
Hope it is clear.
Available for exchanges.

PS: A face to face would have been useful to discuss in depth this ccwg (or
the next one) report on ICANN accountability.

All the best

Skills are useful but diversity is essential.

Sébastien Bachollet
+33 6 07 66 89 33
Blog: http://sebastien.bachollet.fr/
Mail: Sébastien Bachollet <sebastien at bachollet.com>

De :  <alac-bounces at atlarge-lists.icann.org> on behalf of Alan Greenberg
<alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca>
Date :  lundi 14 décembre 2015 07:19
À :  ALAC <alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
Objet :  [ALAC] ACTION: Draft of the ALAC comments to be sent to the CCWG

> The IANA Issues WG met on Friday to discuss possible issue on the
> CCWG-Accountability 3rd draft proposal.
> The CCWG documents can be founds at
> https://community.icann.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=56145016.
> The document discussed at the IANA-Issues meeting can be found linked to the
> Agenda Item 3 of https://community.icann.org/x/PIdlAw (entitled Review of
> Proposal and Potential ALAC Positions).
> We need to send a summary of our comments to the CCWG today (in time for a
> CCWG meeting on Tuesday at 06:00 UTC). The attached document summarizes the
> issues as modified by the discussion during the teleconference.
> Please send any comments in sufficient time for me to integrate them (as
> appropriate) into the documents. In particular, is there anything here that is
> counter to the tone or detail of the discussion?
> The Final Public Comment must be submitted no later than 21 December. It will
> no doubt closely follow the attached document, but may well include other
> issues that come to light over the next days.
> As ALL ALAC member will be asked to vote on the Public Comments and will
> ultimately have to decide whether to ratify the CCWG Proposal, this is both
> important and time-sensitive.
> To the extent that is possible and you feel appropriate, please involve your
> RALOs.
> Alan
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