[ALAC] Some thoughts on ALS Criteria & Expectations Taskforce

Evan Leibovitch evan at telly.org
Sun Aug 9 18:23:18 UTC 2015

On 9 August 2015 at 19:15, Maureen Hilyard <maureen.hilyard at gmail.com>

> Evan, what you are saying contradicts ICANN's stated commitment to the
> multistakeholder bottom-up approach.
​You'll have to tell me how I said that, because I can't make the
connection between my comment and your response.​

​But, just so my own PoV is clear, I now believe that what is generally
known as "multistakeholderism", especially ​in the ICANN context, is in the
eye of the beholder and variously manipulated to serve political needs.
There are multiple tiers of stakeholders; indeed some of the multi-class
categorizations are right in the ICANN bylaws. ACs versus SOs, to start

> Volunteer contributions are ignored in favour of those in whom a heavy
> financial investment has been made to make decisions for the Board.
​I don't think I said anything to contradict that. In fact the above (to
me) is more demonstrable ​fact than opinion.

> Their presence at an ALAC meeting for 20 mins is hardly going to make any
> real impact on what they already propose to do.
​I would be the first to agree that the typical parade of talking heads and
Powerpoints at ICANN meetings is ineffective. This is why I ​explicitly put
forward the premise, in my original comment, that "maybe some of our most
important travel is NOT to ICANN meetings".

> Except for the meetings we have with David Olive and Steve Crocker which I
> enjoy because I think there is a mutual respect for honesty, I always view
> those other sessions with the hierarchy as top-down tokenism. What really
> changes that is of importance to the ALAC?
​You're right. Sometimes I think that, with five exceptions, everything
ALAC needs to do at ICANN meetings could be done as well virtually as in

   1. The meetings with Steve, agreed fully
   2. The 50% of the meetings with the Board when they don't wake up grumpy
   3. Interactions with the GAC -- not common but very important when they
   4. The social interaction (that IMO indeed helps productivity)
   5. The public forum (when we have something to say; it's unfortunate but
   true that a three minute speech at the mike gets as much staff attention as
   a months-long process to create advice)

Except for the social interaction, none of the things above requires 27
(15 ALAC + 5 RALO Chairs + 5 RALO Secretariats + 2 SO liaisons = 27)

I would also like to congratulate Glenn on his mentorship of his new ALS
> members at the GA.
​Agreed, but that's not really relevant to my comments.​

- Evan
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