[ALAC] CONSENSUS CALL // Re: [ALAC-Announce] Announcement of the kick off of the 2014 At-Large Board Director Selection Process

Rinalia Abdul Rahim rinalia.abdulrahim at gmail.com
Mon Nov 18 18:05:50 UTC 2013


A comment.

I noted that the call for references will be made during the last week of
December with a 14 day deadline. People are generally out of office last
week of December and first week of January (not everyone of course, but it
will apply to some if not most). To help candidates and referees, it would
be important to flag the reference requirement early. Also, if there is a
particular format/form that the references should be submitted in, this
should be specified and circulated well in advance and preferably when the
formal announcement about the process is made to the public.

On Nov 19, 2013 1:51 AM, "Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond" <ocl at gih.com> wrote:

> Dear ALAC members,
> the time-line which is described in the email below needs to be approved
> by the ALAC.
> I have not seen any note since the publication of this timeline, from
> any ALAC members, contradicting the timeline or suggesting an amendment
> to the timeline.
> In order for the process to continue unhindered, I am therefore calling
> for an immediate 24H CONSENSUS CALL on the timeline given below. Unless
> I see written opposition published on the ALAC list within the next 24H,
> I will take it that there is no opposition to this timeline and the
> timeline is therefore adopted by the ALAC.
> Kind regards,
> Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond
> ALAC Chair
> On 17/11/2013 19:45, ICANN At-Large Staff wrote:
> > Dear All,
> >
> > Please see the announcement of the start of the 2014 At-Large Board
> Director Selection Process sent on behalf of Tijani Ben Jemaa, Chair of the
> Board Member Selection Process Committee (BMSPC):
> >
> > **
> > The At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) is announcing the start of the
> process of the selection of Seat number 15 of the ICANN Board of Director
> who is selected by At-Large Community.
> >
> > In 2010 we selected our first Board Director following the ICANN Board
> decision to replace the liaison ALAC had on the Board by a full rights
> voting Director.
> >
> > The new Board Director occupying Seat 15 will join the ICANN Board at
> the conclusion of 2014 AGM, in October 2014, and thus, according to the
> ICANN bylaws, we must notify the name of the appointed Director at least 6
> months before this date.
> >
> > To meet this deadline, ALAC set up the following timeline:
> >
> > At-Large Board Member Selection Timeline
> >
> > Milestone
> >
> > Date
> >
> > BMSCP Publication of final timeline
> >
> > Sunday, 17 November 2013
> >
> > BCEC Publication of Call for EoIs
> >
> > Tuesday, 26 November 2013
> >
> > Deadline for submission of EoIs
> >
> > Thursday, 26 December 2013
> >
> > Request for Candidate References
> >
> > Saturday, 28 December 2013
> >
> > Deadline for submission of Candidate references
> >
> > Monday, 13 January 2014
> >
> > BCEC announcement of slate of candidates
> >
> > Tuesday, 28 January 2014
> >
> > RALO identification of additional candidates
> >
> > Tuesday, 28 January 2014
> >
> > Deadline for support from other RALOs for additional candidates
> >
> > Friday, 21 February 2014
> >
> > Publication of final slate
> >
> > Sunday, 23 February 2014
> >
> > Initiation of first round vote
> >
> > Sunday, 16 March 2014
> >
> > Announcement of winner
> >
> > Tuesday, 15 April 2014
> >
> >
> > Additional information is available on the At-Large Board Member 2014
> Selection Workspace<
> https://community.icann.org/display/ABMS/At-Large+Board+Member+2014+Selection
> >.
> >
> > **
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie
> Peregrine and Julia Charvolen ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
> > E-mail: staff at atlarge.icann.org<mailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org<mailto:
> staff at atlarge.icann.org%3cmailto:staff at atlarge.icann.org>>
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > ALAC-Announce mailing list
> > ALAC-Announce at atlarge-lists.icann.org
> > https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/alac-announce
> >
> > At-Large Official Site: http://www.atlarge.icann.org
> >
> --
> Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond, PhD
> http://www.gih.com/ocl.html
> _______________________________________________
> ALAC mailing list
> ALAC at atlarge-lists.icann.org
> https://atlarge-lists.icann.org/mailman/listinfo/alac
> At-Large Online: http://www.atlarge.icann.org
> ALAC Working Wiki:
> https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Advisory+Committee+(ALAC)

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