[ALAC] RAA 3.7.8

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Wed Mar 27 17:04:52 UTC 2013

Sorry, forgot one thing.

At 27/03/2013 01:01 PM, Alan Greenberg wrote:
>At 27/03/2013 12:20 PM, Evan Leibovitch wrote:
>>On 27 March 2013 11:47, Garth Bruen at KnujOn 
>><<mailto:gbruen at knujon.com>gbruen at knujon.com> wrote:
>>Change the WHOIS Accuracy Specification #5 from:
>>“Upon the occurrence of a Registered Name Holder's willful provision
>>of inaccurate or unreliable WHOIS information
>>“Upon the REPORT OR DISCOVERY of a Registered Name Holder's willful
>>provision of inaccurate or unreliable WHOIS information
>>Agreed, though I think that "report" is 
>>sufficient. A discovery that is unreported can't be of much help.
>See my e-mail just sent which explains why I 
>think that "report" is overly broad.

Don't agree about omitting discovery. That covers 
the case where a registrar "discovers" the 
problem, likely due to one of the required checks 
mandated in the earlier sections of the 
specification. It does not make sense for a 
registrar to have to report the problem to 
itself, yet the predicate part of this sentence 
is what allows the registrar to disable the domain with impunity.


>>AND modify the contract language of 3.7.8 from:
>>"...Registrar shall, upon notification by any person of an inaccuracy in
>>the contact information associated with a Registered Name sponsored by
>>Registrar, take reasonable steps to investigate that claimed inaccuracy.
>>In the event Registrar learns of inaccurate contact information
>>associated with a Registered Name it sponsors, it shall take reasonable
>>steps to correct that inaccuracy."
>>"...Registrar shall, upon notification by any person of an inaccuracy in
>>the contact information associated with a Registered Name sponsored by
>>Registrar, take reasonable steps to investigate that claimed inaccuracy.
>>In the event Registrar learns of inaccurate contact information
>>associated with a Registered Name it sponsors, it shall take reasonable
>>steps to correct that inaccuracy AND IF NEEDED CANCEL OR SUSPEND THE
>>I'm OK with the intent, but would suggest 
>>something more explicit, that allows for a period of time to make corrections.
>>"...Registrar shall, upon notification by any 
>>person of an inaccuracy in the contact 
>>information associated with a Registered Name 
>>sponsored by Registrar, take reasonable steps 
>>to investigate that claimed  inaccuracy. In the 
>>event Registrar learns of inaccurate contact 
>>information associated with a Registered Name 
>>it sponsors, it shall take reasonable steps to 
>>correct that inaccuracy. Domains that maintain 
>>inaccurate information, after given reasonable 
>>time to be corrected upon notification, shall 
>>be cancelled or suspended by the Registrar in 
>>accordance with the accuracy specification.
>>Is this any more palatable?
>Whois Accuracy Specification explicitly gives a 
>15 day window after which te registrar must disable the domain.
>>- Evan

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