[ALAC] [APAC-Discuss] Regional Advice on .HEALTH Objection - APRALO vote proposed

Rinalia Abdul Rahim rinalia.abdulrahim at gmail.com
Wed Mar 6 06:59:10 UTC 2013


On the objection regarding the 4 applications for ".health" in the Latin
script, there is no question that the objection should be supported (i.e.,
Vote: Yes to objection).

On the objection regarding the application for " “.健康” in the Han script, a
nuanced position is required (i.e., Vote: No to objection, BUT with a

I understand that you have to vote YES/NO/ABSTAIN.  I trust that you can
submit the vote *and the caveat* via a remarks field if it is available or
via a separate mail to the relevant parties.  The ALAC will be considering
regional advice in its deliberations on whether or not to proceed with the
objections and it has experience in handling nuance.

*Caveat on support for “.健康”:*
I would support Stable Tone's application if the company voluntarily
commits to being socially responsible and submits enforceable Public
Interest Commitment (PIC) specifications to ICANN for inclusion in its new
gTLD registry agreement with a genuine intent to carry them out to address
the weaknesses in its application with regard to consumer protection (i.e.,
clear guidelines for assessing potential harm to consumers and consumer
health and the appropriate measures for addressing that harm including
consultations with relevant experts/authorities) and where violation of the
PIC would result in loss of license to operate the TLD.

In the event that such PIC is not forthcoming from Stable Tone, I will
overturn my support for “.健康” at the ALAC level when it is time for the
ALAC to make a decision.

In addition and in relation to this, I urge the APRALO community to
intensify its work with the ALAC to ensure that ICANN is able to enforce
gTLD contractual obligations rigorously.

Best regards,

Rinalia  Abdul Rahim

On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Holly Raiche <h.raiche at internode.on.net>wrote:

> Hi Everyone
> Today is the deadline for  APRALO votes on this issue.
> >From what has been said on the list, there is no issue with supporting
> objections for the first 4 application for health.
> Also, form what has been an extensive discussion, we can separate out the
> fifth application - and at the least, abstain.
> Please let me know if you you are not happy for me to cast the APRALO vote
> in this way.
> Holly
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